Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 144 All You Need is Money, No Fucking

Chapter 144 All You Need is Money, No Discipline


If you don't know, you can do nothing.

People, no matter what they do, good or bad, they do it openly, or do it behind people's backs.No matter what you do, it hurts others, or in turn hurts yourself.

God will always see it.

Zhou Ya'er has always felt ashamed. She felt that if she hadn't persevered under her mother's begging, if she hadn't given up on this relationship, then so many things would not have happened later.

Third Young Master Feng would not run away from home and be buried in a foreign land.

Tossing and turning, Zhou Ya'er got out of bed and walked to the window, gently opened the window, and then stared at the flickering moon in the sky in a daze.

"Feng Lei, are you doing well in the sky now?"

Heiye always misses a lot, especially when the person he misses is separated from him by yin and yang, the heart-wrenching pain cannot be dispelled no matter what.

Zhou Ya'er's teary eyes were whirling, she hurriedly wiped her eyes and blamed herself, no matter how many times, she still couldn't control her tears.

Maybe... Her love for Third Young Master Feng, even after two years, even if she has become a married woman and has given birth to a child.But that love has always been buried in the bottom of my heart, and as time goes by, not only has it not faded away, but it has become clearer and clearer.

Zhou Ya'er softly hummed the song when she was with Third Young Master Feng. The woman who dared not face the reality seemed to return to the old time at this moment.

"I fly like a butterfly, you chase after me, I swim like a fish in water, you chase after me..."

Zhou Ya'er gradually lost the strength to stand up, squatted down, and choked up.


When resting in the middle of the night, someone's house is brightly lit, and whose family's daughter is humming old love songs.

The houses chosen by the Zhang family and Feng Wu were not far apart, the moment Zhou Ya'er squatted down, Third Young Master Feng also happened to look towards this side.As if feeling something in his heart, he stopped in his tracks.

Guo Mu asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

Ye An also stopped, looked at his young master, and then at the brightly lit room not far away at night, knowing that this was the Zhang family's house, so he guessed what the young master was thinking.For a moment, he also felt heavy, and wanted to persuade the young master not to think about that woman, but he thought to himself that his status was low, and he had some words that were hard to say.

"It's okay." Third Young Master Feng's voice was so soft that the ghost believed that he was okay.

"Let's go then."

Guo Mu also had a feeling of uneasiness in his heart, the surroundings were too quiet, and usually in a quiet environment, people would think wildly.

It seemed that there would be some wild beasts or accidents that he didn't want to see, suddenly jumping out from all directions, catching him by surprise.

No matter what, you can't stay in this place for too long, or you won't run into patrolling officers and soldiers.

Leaving as soon as possible is the best policy!

The three continued their journey, Zhou Ya'er stopped crying, stood up, and was about to close the window and go to sleep.Just suddenly, she saw not far below, three thieves who were walking with a living person or corpse on their shoulders.

And about 100 meters behind these three people, another person followed furtively.

At first glance, they are not good people, maybe they are black people.

After marrying into Zhang's family, Zhou Ya'er also learned a lot about the style of hooligans and the like, and immediately concluded that the few people below are all doing bad things.

No matter what those people were doing or what their respective identities were, as Mrs. Zhang's young lady, she would never intervene in such dark activities.

So, she closed the window without hesitation.


In the cellar of the courtyard, Feng Wu's body was slammed on the ground, dust was splashed, and the air was filled with a stale and pungent smell.This is a place specially used to store idle items. It has a large space and is airtight on all sides. There is only one exit.

Feng Sanshao decided to lock Feng Wu inside first, and then make an inquiry.This cellar is airtight, if it is closed, no one will know even if Feng Wu is calling for help inside.

After all, the courtyard itself is on the outskirts of the city, and the nearby residents are not densely populated.


Third Young Master Feng unceremoniously took the bucket from Ye An, and poured a bucket of cold water on Feng Wu's face.The latter was suddenly stimulated by this, and suddenly woke up from a coma.

The cloth strip in Fengwu's mouth was gone, he shook his head, and when he saw the person standing in front of him clearly, his face changed suddenly.

"So it's Fenglei..." Fengwu said kindly with a smile on his face shamelessly.

Young Master Feng looked at him coldly, and nodded his head as an answer.Feng Wu approached again: "Feng Lei, where have you been for the past two years, you really miss Uncle me... Uh, Feng Lei, why did you tie Uncle up?"

"Why?" Third Young Master Feng said, "I think you know it very well."

"I don't know." Feng Wu still pretended to be confused.

"Second Uncle, I have always regarded you as the closest elder, I hope you will not lie to me." Feng Sanshao said.

Feng Wu hurriedly nodded, his expression extremely sincere.

Third Young Master Feng then asked, "Let me ask you, Second Uncle, have you ever been kicked out by the Feng family as rumored?"

Feng Wu rolled his eyes, thinking that the whole city knows about this, and there is no need to hide it, he said: "Well, that's right, but it's because I was framed that I was misunderstood by my tribe!"

"You fart!" Ye Anzao was paying attention to the movement in the cellar, and now seeing that Feng Wu was lying without blushing, he was immediately annoyed, and immediately jumped into the cellar, yelling at the second master who he had never dared to look directly at before.

When Feng Wu saw Ye An, he was a little surprised at the latter's courage, but he was still a little uneasy about the appearance of the latter.

Because he is tightly tied up by Third Young Master Feng, he has no power to resist at all, and according to the situation, his current location should be relatively remote, no matter how much he calls for help, no one will come to help him.And if he dared to call for help, maybe the little nephew in front of him would kill him.

Feng Wu didn't dare to do any abnormal actions, so he could only answer questions following Feng Sanshao's wishes.And he was also sure that the main thing was for him to get the lie right. This little nephew, who was as cowardly as his father, would not really attack him.

There is a premise for all this, that is, no one can expose his lies.

But now, there is an extra Ye An who knows the inside story, which makes Fengwu's next situation confusing and changing.

"Where is the slave, go out, Feng Lei and I are talking, can you tolerate your talking here, what are you?" Feng Wu scolded harshly.

Third Young Master Feng looked at Feng Wu coldly, and then stood in front of Ye An: "Second Uncle, this is my good brother, I hope you can be more polite."

Feng Wu was stunned for a moment, and then realized: "Okay, good nephew, you can say whatever you want, uncle, I don't know the same as slaves."

Hearing his shameless words, Ye An couldn't help feeling sick, turned his head and gave a savage mouthful to show his contempt for Feng Wu.

Feng Wu smiled shyly, as if he was really a harmless uncle, but who knew what was going on in his heart.


The so-called interrogation in the cellar is still going on, but outside the cellar, Guo Mu, who is on guard, has encountered another trouble.

A big strange man suddenly pushed the door open, and then walked towards Guo Mu as if nothing had happened.In his hand, he was still holding an iron sword, and his back was facing the moon, so he couldn't see his face clearly.

Guo Mu immediately became vigilant, and stopped the man in his path before walking forward, and asked, "Who is it?"

The big man stopped in his tracks: "Who do you think I am?"

Guo Mu couldn't figure out the purpose of the other party's visit, whether it was an enemy or a friend, but after thinking about it carefully, it was more likely that he was an enemy.The voice of the big man in front of him made him feel very uncomfortable, and the big man kept staring at him, which made him feel dangerously being treated as prey by jackals.

This big man is definitely not a simple character!

Is it...

Guo Mu thought of a possibility.

Sure enough, the big man said in a voice that could break at any time: "You have arrested my employer, isn't this challenging my dignity as a martial artist, Bai Shui? Since you want to play, I will come to play with you!" Play."

After Bai Shui finished speaking, he slowly pulled out the iron sword, and a cold light flashed, like a silver fish jumping out of the Mo River.

Guo Mu took a few steps back, grabbed a wooden stick with a thick wrist on the ground, and stared at Bai Shui's every move.At the same time, he is also quietly running Yuanli in his body to prevent accidents.

After using Yuanli last time, there were only two centimeters of Yuanli left in Guo Mu's dantian. Now, through practicing Yuanxiu exercises every day, Guo Mu's Yuanli has grown to about five centimeters.If Guo Mu is now in the Soul Realm, the growth of Yuanli will not only be multiplied, but also a qualitative change may be found, that is, it will be sublimated into Yuanli with higher lethality.

But those are all hypotheses. Now Guo Mu's dantian is only five centimeters in size, and it is the lowest level of Yuanli block.

If Guo Mu wants to use Yuanli to kill people, this five centimeters of Yuanli is only enough for him to destroy the souls of two ordinary people.

But Bai Shui is a martial artist.

Guo Mu doesn't know how powerful the martial artist is, but Guo Mu knows that even the commander of the gold mine with the scarred face and the disgusting Ma Daha are just ordinary warriors.

A martial artist is an existence stronger than a martial artist.

It is said that an ordinary martial artist can easily defeat three or more ordinary martial artists.

Warriors can easily suppress five or more ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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