Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 149 Instant Killing Martial Artist 2

Chapter 149 Instant Killing Martial Artist 2
Under the broken wall, the old man coughed, and at the same time, blood spurted out of his mouth.

Young Master Feng was very anxious, and his pace quickened a little.

"Don't hurt my father!" Third Young Master Feng yelled and rushed within one meter of Baishui.

Bai Shui smiled sinisterly, and said in his heart: "Boy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, since you are so anxious to go to hell, then let me give you a ride!"

Bai Shui turned around abruptly, punching like a shooting star towards Third Young Master Feng.Third Young Master Feng stopped, and under Bai Shui's sudden attack, he felt the threat of death.

That feeling is unprecedentedly clear!
"Am I going to die like this, girl?"

Just when this thought arose in Third Young Master Feng's mind, suddenly, he felt his body lighten up, and immediately floated up like rushes, and flew back.Bai Shui originally thought that his punch would definitely send Feng Sanshao to Huangquan Road, but what he didn't expect was that his punch fell into the air.

Bai Shui was surprised, he took a closer look, and saw not far away, a young man was looking at him with a sinister smile.And in the young man's hand, there was a thin rope, one end was held in his hand, the other end was tied to Feng Sanshao's shoulder, and Feng Sanshao was pulled out of Baishui's attack range by this thin rope .

Seeing Bai Shui looking at him, the young man had a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"It's you!"

Isn't this the guy who was bumped by him at the beginning and nearly died but then stood up staggeringly?
Bai Shui was suspicious, and wondered why in a blink of an eye, this little guy's strength seemed to have skyrocketed. With a thin rope, he could pull an adult into the air, what a lot of strength.

This little guy, could it be that he was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger before?

The blue ghost let go of the string lightly, and Third Young Master Feng fell heavily on the ground, hurting his butt from the impact, Third Young Master Feng couldn't help but yelled.Ye An was originally standing beside Lan Gui, but was dumbfounded by Lan Gui's sudden miraculous attack. He only came back to his senses after hearing Feng Sanshao's cry, so he hurriedly shouted: "Master, are you alright?" Then he ran to see if Third Young Master Feng was injured.

The blue ghost said lazily: "What can happen, as long as you don't die, if I was a little slower just now, you will never see your young master again."

Ye An turned his head and looked at the blue ghost, feeling puzzled.

Ye An remembered that the friend brought back by the young master had been silent all the time, why did he look so frivolous now.Moreover, looking at his attack just now, if Ye An hadn't seen that kind of method with his own eyes, Ye An would not have believed that there is such an unimaginable thing in the world.

Young master's friend, why are you so powerful...

"Help me up." Third Young Master Feng howled miserably, and Ye An quickly helped him up.

Young Master Feng saw the evil smile on the corner of Lan Gui's mouth, and he knew, ahem... Guo Mu had a schizophrenia again.

Combining past experience, at this time, talking to the post-schizophrenic "Guo Mu" is nonsense, because he won't pay attention to it at all.

"Cough...Ye An, help me to the side. The current position seems a bit dangerous." Feng Sanshao wisely chose to withdraw from the relationship between the blue ghost and Baishui, although he had never seen the "Guo Mu" after schizophrenia. " shot, but he had a strange premonition that "Guo Mu" was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Especially just now, when the rope pulled him, he felt as if he was being dragged and run by a powerful rhinoceros, but after he flew five or six meters away from Baishui's attack range, he felt the huge rush again. The power suddenly disappeared!
Every movement and stillness made Feng Sanshao's internal organs seem to be displaced. This feeling was really uncomfortable.

What Feng Sanshao didn't expect was that the incomparably huge power just now was actually exerted by "Guo Mu". To be honest, at this moment, Feng Sanshao had strong doubts about the identity of his friend, and always felt that this The boy who has been digging with himself for several months is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Although I do mind my friend's concealment from me, but at the same time, Third Young Master Feng is very happy.

Because at this critical moment, the stronger "Guo Mu" is, the more likely they are to survive.Seeing his father dying not far away, Third Young Master Feng wished that "Guo Mu" would take action immediately and kill Bai Shui.

But... after thinking about it, Third Young Master Feng felt a little unlikely.

Because of Bai Shui's power, he had a deep understanding, with that kind of strength and speed, even his own father was defeated by Bai Shui in the end.

"Guo Mu"

Can you really beat him?
Thinking of this, Third Young Master Feng began to feel uneasy again.


"It seems that I underestimated you." Bai Shui stared at Lan Gui and said.

"Oh..." The blue ghost looked lazily, as if he didn't pay attention to Baishui at all.

Bai Shui frowned when he saw him belittle him so much, but immediately laughed again: "Maybe, I still overestimated you."

It is a big taboo to underestimate the enemy, especially among opponents of the same level. If anyone underestimates the opponent, he is likely to pay a heavy price for his underestimation.Sometimes, if a martial artist despises a martial artist or an ordinary person, he is likely to capsize in the gutter because of this. After all, a martial artist is not a god. Except for his high martial arts skills, the rest is not much different from ordinary people.

It's just that when the martial artist is awake, the possibility of ordinary people wanting to kill the martial artist is too low, but it's not impossible to kill him.

But Bai Shui felt that even if Guo Mu was the legendary Sky Warrior, it would be impossible to kill him casually.

Although Bai Shui is only a martial artist and has never fought against a sky warrior, but judging from his fight with an old man who is almost close to a sky warrior just now, even if he meets a sky warrior, he can at least last some rounds.

Because the blue ghost is attached to Guo Mu's body, in Bai Shui's eyes, he is just a fifteen or sixteen-year-old kid.

No matter how awesome a fifteen or sixteen-year-old kid is, can he be a heavenly warrior?
That would be too monstrous, Bai Shui would never believe it.

Since this little boy is not a sky warrior, why should Bai Shui be afraid.


For the provocation in Bai Shui's words, Lan Gui was a little upset: "What are you, acting as the boss in front of me, do I have to take you seriously? It doesn't matter if you overestimate me or underestimate me!"

Instead of being angry, Bai Shui smiled, more and more sure that Lan Gui was just a warrior with a temper greater than his ability.

"Then let me learn what is so great about you?" Bai Shui launched an attack first as soon as he finished speaking.

Bai Shui is using all his strength now, because he has listed Lan Gui as an opponent of the same level after seeing Lan Gui's move to tear away Third Young Master Feng.Although the blue ghost despised him, Bai Shui would not despise the blue ghost.

Using [-]% of the power of Baishui, the speed was extremely fast, over a distance of more than ten meters, he rushed to the blue ghost in just a few steps.

It was too late to say it, and before the third young master Feng and Ye An, who were watching the battle, hadn't reacted, Bai Shui had already displayed the most powerful and domineering move in his special skill "Eagle Claw", "Extinct Eagle Claw".This move is the essence of Eagle Claw Kungfu, and it perfectly embodies the dominance of Eagle Claw Kungfu's attacks and the agility of dodging.

Under the "Extinct Eagle Talon", the blue ghost standing still, like a pitiful rabbit waiting for a falcon to pounce on it.

"It's over!" Third Young Master Feng's heart tightened, unexpectedly, Guo Mu was still not as powerful as he imagined.

Ye An also closed his eyes, unable to bear to see Bai Shui's "Extinct Eagle Claw" tearing up the blue ghost's head.


In the next second, something that shocked Third Young Master Feng happened...

The blue ghost suddenly stretched out his right hand, and lightly tapped the forehead of Bai Shui who was rushing towards him, and then, the martial artist Bai Shui's body was like an inflated ball, pop!Broken into minced meat, the smell of blood filled the air.

"Hey... a little ant dares to challenge my dignity." The blue ghost didn't have any blood stains on his body. The moment he approached the blue ghost, he automatically avoided it.

"My God!" Young Master Feng's eyeballs almost fell off.

What's going on, that martial artist Bai Shui was turned into ashes when "Guo Mu" pointed his forehead.My God, is this world still real? Who is "Guo Mu"...

Compared to Feng Sanshao's shock, Ye An was in a daze, because he didn't see the scene where Bai Shui died, so when he opened his eyes and found that Bai Shui was not there suddenly, he just asked his young master in bewilderment. : "Master, where is the martial artist?"

After asking several times, I got the response from Third Young Master Feng: "Dead..."

"Huh? How did you die..."

"do not know……"

Ye An was stunned: "What about the corpse?" He looked left and right, but he couldn't find any other corpses except Feng Wu.

He couldn't help wondering, why did a martial artist disappear out of thin air in the blink of an eye?
"The corpse... the corpse is gone too..." Third Young Master Feng murmured.

Ye An closed his mouth, feeling a very strange feeling in his heart, and he realized that his young master seemed to be scared stupid.

"Master, what's the matter?" Ye An thought to himself, but didn't ask.

And when the blue ghost wiped Baishui away with one finger, Guo Mu, who saw this scene in the sea of ​​consciousness, was also shocked: "Blue ghost, why are you so powerful!" This time, it was the first time Guo Mu watched Seeing the blue ghost make such a domineering shot, it's amazing!

(End of this chapter)

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