Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 15 Uncle Chong 2

Chapter 15 Uncle Chong 2
"He is the one who told me that there is a 'big world' outside, and he is also a mysterious strong man. According to him, his strength is at least above the realm of Yuanshenjun..."

"Oh my god... isn't that about the same as the head of the family?" Guo Yinger exclaimed again. She heard that there are no more than five fingers in Nanyang City and the other two families. , and they are all named.She has never heard anyone mention that there is a big man whose strength can be regarded as the peak level, who actually likes to live in a cave...

Although she had some faint doubts in her heart, Guo Yinger still admired the mysterious strong man in this cave, just because of her miraculous ability to control Yuanli to create such a flashy "flower cave", it was enough for her to admire and humbly ask for advice.Guo Yinger suddenly thought that if she could get the guidance of such an expert, then her confusion about cultivation might be solved quickly, and the time to become a spirit master would be shortened.

Then, she can leave this place earlier and follow in the footsteps of Brother Mu...

The two walked one in front of the other, and after turning two or three corners, they stopped in front of a low stone gate.As soon as it stopped, the stone door began to separate from a crack in the middle, revealing the "hut" shrouded in blue light inside.

The bed and chair are all made of stone, and one person sits there with his back to two people.Guo Yinger looked at the man in surprise, she couldn't believe that there was someone willing to live in such a simple place, enduring the deathly silence.

"You're here... come in." The mysterious man said, his voice was as if his vocal chords were twisted, hoarse and a little sharp, echoing in this weird "hut", even though Guo Yinger had been prepared in her heart, Was also taken aback.

"Hmm..." Guo Mu replied respectfully.The two bent down and walked in, and Guo Yinger discovered that there was actually spiritual liquid flowing on the walls here. It is certain that it was also wrapped with spiritual power, because no matter how magical the spiritual liquid is, it is impossible to resist the gravity of the earth and "crawl" Does not fall on the wall.

Is this the "Uncle Chong" in Brother Mu's mouth?Looking at the person who turned around slowly in front of her, Guo Yinger moved back in fear, and reached out to grab the corner of Guo Mu's clothes.

The mysterious "Uncle Chong" in front of him is actually wearing a weird half mask, and the exposed skin on the other side of his face can be seen under the faint light as ugly as if it had been burned by heat.The moment she saw it clearly, Guo Yinger let out a low cry of fright, and the idea of ​​asking the strong to give advice in her heart had been thrown away at this moment.

"Don't be afraid, Uncle Chong is a good person..." Guo Mu comforted helplessly, and then said apologetically to the mysterious man, "Sorry, Uncle Chong..."

"It's okay, it's okay...it's normal for your little girlfriend to be afraid of me, didn't you scream and jump in fright when you saw me for the first time..." Uncle Chong laughed, but the laughter was really not flattering.Guo Yinger shuddered again when she heard it, but the words "little girlfriend" from this mysterious strong man made her feel strangely sweet.

(End of this chapter)

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