Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 151 Undercurrents surging

Chapter 151 Undercurrents surging
In the courtyard, Lan Gui and Ye An carefully put the old man on the bed, and Third Young Master Feng sat by the bed, watching the old man nervously.

"I'm going to pack up and salute."

Ye An turned and left.

"I have something to do." The blue ghost also turned and left.

Only the old man and Feng Sanshao were left in the room.

The old man suddenly opened his eyes, startling Feng Sanshao.

"Father..." Third Young Master Feng was about to speak, but the old man stopped him with his eyes.

"Father, you're finally awake." Although Third Young Master Feng didn't know why the old man didn't let him speak, he still lowered his voice very cooperatively.

The old man glanced at the door and said, "Who was that person just now?"

Feng Sanshao was stunned: "Father, are you talking about Guo Mu? He is my friend... Uh, father, don't get me wrong, he is a good man. Just now, he saved us..."

Third Young Master Feng burst into tears suddenly: "Father, I have a lot to say to you."

The old man coughed a few times, and slowly stretched out his hand, signaling Feng Sanshao to restrain his emotions.Since he was a child, the old man has treated Feng San Shao like this. He doesn't like crying people, so even at this time, he doesn't like to see his son crying.

Feng Sanshao knew what his father meant, so he wiped away his tears.

Then the old man said softly: "That person, it's not simple..."

Feng Sanshao was stunned for a moment before he realized that his father was referring to "Guo Mu". He couldn't help but think of the scene where "Guo Mu" killed the martial artist with one finger, and couldn't help but shuddered: "He is indeed, not simple."

The old man said: "I mean, his purpose of approaching you is not simple."

Third Young Master Feng couldn't understand what his father said. He asked in surprise, "Father, what do you mean by that? Guo Mu and I met by chance, and we lived and died together after that." At that time, Feng Sanshao remembered that he and Guo Mu lived in the valley together, digging mines, being beaten and scolded, and then together in the middle of the night, trying to climb up the cliff through a rope. , is still extremely difficult and dangerous.

The more difficult and dangerous, the more it can prove how deep the friendship between two people is.

Live and die together, this is brotherhood.

It's just that Feng Sanshao didn't understand why his father questioned Guo Mu.

The old man smiled coldly: "I can't see through his strength. I think he must be above the sky warrior. Why should a sky warrior pretend to be a rookie who knows nothing and be friends with an ordinary person like you? I don't believe it." , his purpose will be that simple."

After going through so many betrayals, the old man has subconsciously suspected everyone, especially a person like "Guo Mu" who doesn't know the depth, but behaves strangely.

Why not let his son encounter the same betrayal as himself, the old man decided to remind Feng Sanshao in advance.

"Really... But, Guo Mu is a very good person..." Third Young Master Feng still couldn't believe it.

The old man sneered: "Good man? There are many people who are good at disguising in this world. Isn't your second uncle a typical example..."

The old man paused, and then said: "Besides, if it wasn't for this period of time, and I had disguised myself well, I'm afraid your second uncle would have joined forces with the Zhang family to kill me long ago... I know, your second uncle, he wanted to make me worse off." Die, hmph, but what he didn't expect was that he would die in the hands of my son in the end."

Third Young Master Feng was shocked when he heard the old man's words. It turned out that his father acted like an idiot, but he was really pretending.Moreover, it was only now that Third Young Master Feng knew what kind of suffering his father had endured these days.

"Feng Lei, don't be so naive." The old man said.

"But..." Feng San still wanted to defend Guo Mu a few words.

The old man stretched out his hand and interrupted his words: "Feng Lei, while it's just the two of us, I want to tell you a secret, come here..."

Third Young Master Feng obediently leaned over, and the old man whispered into his ear: "Fenglei, what I want to tell you is that I buried something under your mother's tombstone. I hope you can take it out, and then, according to Do what I said in the message."

"Ah?" Third Young Master Feng didn't quite understand.

The old man continued, "You must do what I tell you! Because this matter is related to your future!"

Feng Sanshao nodded, expressing that he was listening carefully.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from outside the door, and the two quickly separated.It was Ye An who came in. As soon as he saw the old man woke up, he put down his burden and ran over happily, saying, "Master, master, you finally woke up!"

The old man took a look at Ye An, his eyes softened. These days, he has noticed Ye An's care for him, and he knows that the latter is truly loyal to him.So he treated Ye An very well: "It's Ye An, I'm sorry to trouble you these days."

Ye An replied awkwardly: "No trouble, no trouble, taking care of the master is what Ye An should do! If the master and his wife hadn't taken him in before, Ye An would have starved to death on the street more than ten years ago."

What Ye An said is indeed true. More than ten years ago, he was just an orphan wandering on the street. If his wife hadn't seen him on the street that day, she felt sorry for him, so she took him back and made him a follower of the young master Fenglei. The book boy, he may have starved to death long ago.

Because of this situation since he was a child, Ye An is very grateful to the old man and the young master Feng Lei who grew up with him.

Once, he swore in his heart that no matter what happened to the young master and the master in the future, he would be by their side, but now, he has proved this vow with his own actions.

"Hey, where's Guo Mu?" Feng Sanshao asked Ye An, "Didn't he just say something was up? Isn't it all right? We're leaving now." No matter what his father said, Feng Sanshao still decided, believe own brother.

The old man's eyes were slightly dissatisfied when he heard Third Young Master Feng's words, but it quickly disappeared, and Ye An next to him didn't notice the old man's strange behavior at all.

"Oh, he seems to have gone to the latrine just now, maybe he had diarrhea." Ye An said.

Third Young Master Feng nodded, turned around and said to the old man, "Father, let's go out first... Ye An, go and urge Guo Mu."

Ye An responded and ran out, but bumped into someone, it was Guo Mu who had "diarrhea".

Guo Mu didn't have diarrhea, it's just that he just found a place to exchange his soul with Lan Gui.The appearance of the blue ghost taking advantage of his body and bossing him around really made him very uncomfortable.If he didn't need to rely on the blue ghost's strength, he would not want to exchange souls with the blue ghost from the bottom of his heart.

That simply ruined his image!


"What, that person isn't dead yet?"

The Zhang family, Zhang Ge looked at the shopkeeper Liu who was so obese that he was a little bored. If he didn't pay attention, his voice was a bit loud.But he quickly quieted down again, and subconsciously looked towards the side room, and he was relieved when he found that there was no movement.

Then he stared at shopkeeper Liu viciously: "Are you sure, he is really not dead?"

Shopkeeper Liu wiped the sweat from his forehead. He is really not good at dealing with such evil forces as the Zhang family. Although he is very strong, he is actually very timid.Fearing that he was not careful, Zhang Ge sentenced him to death.

The Zhang family, in White Lake City, definitely has the strength to execute ordinary people casually.

"Yes..." Shopkeeper Liu rubbed more and more on his forehead, "Master Feng is indeed back. Just now, he took Master Feng to my place. Master Feng has very serious internal injuries. Although I Stop it for now, but I'm sure he won't survive ten hours!"

Zhang Ge and Shopkeeper Liu didn't notice, but just as Shopkeeper Liu said the words "Master Feng is indeed back", there was a slight noise in the side room next to him.

Zhang Ge frowned, paced back and forth, looked at Shopkeeper Liu after a while and said, "Okay, you go back, I, Zhang Ge, will write down what happened today, and if you have something to do tomorrow, I will cover you with the Zhang family."

This is what shopkeeper Liu wanted. After getting Zhang Ge's promise, he was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly thanked him and stepped back, thinking in his heart: "Hmph, little bastard, how dare you not give me a consultation fee? Good for teasing?"

After shopkeeper Liu retreated, Zhang Ge said viciously to himself: "Since you are still alive and dare to return to the White Lake, I will let you turn into a corpse at the bottom of the White Lake..."

Zhang Ge glanced at the dark wing room, then took off the blue sword on the wall, and left.

After Zhang Ge left, the door of that wing room suddenly opened, and a head poked out, looking left and right.

"Brother Feng, are you really still alive?"

Zhou Ya'er's eyes were moist, she quickly wiped away the tears, and said in her heart: "Zhang Ge must be struggling to find people to trouble Brother Feng when he goes out so late. Master Feng was seriously injured, and Brother Feng doesn't know martial arts... no , I have to report immediately!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Ya'er quickly closed the door, and then ran towards the back door.


After leaving the inner city, Feng Sanshao and others came to a remote farmland, where there was an abandoned thatched hut for them to rest temporarily.

Baihu has an inner and outer city, the inner city is a residential area, and the outer periphery of the inner city is a suburb of nearly five miles.Outside the suburbs is the outer city, the only way out of the city, and there are a large number of soldiers stationed.

At night, the outer city gates are closed.

If Feng Sanshao and others wanted to leave, they had to wait until dawn.

But when it was dawn, if someone reported to the police that Feng Wu had been killed, then the police would act quickly, and it would be too late for them to go out at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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