Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 157 The Death of Ye An

Chapter 157 The Death of Ye An
Zhou Ya'er's body shook suddenly, and she looked up at Third Young Master Feng, whose eyes were full of tenderness.

"Brother Feng..."

"Yah, maybe we will die here today, are you afraid?"

Zhou Ya'er shook her head, the determination in her eyes expressed her determination.Seeing Zhou Yaer's appearance, Feng Sanshao was emotionally moved for a moment, but couldn't help it, lowered his head, and kissed Zhou Yaer's forehead with his lips.

It's just that this movement, to Feng Sanshao, was just a natural expression, but in Zhang Ge's eyes, it became a blatant provocation.

"Ahhh! I'm so mad!" Zhang Ge yelled, "Hurry up, take them down, if they resist, kill them on the spot! They must not be allowed to leave alive! Adulterers! Adulterers! husband**!"

The warriors in black rushed forward, and Third Young Master Feng pulled Zhou Ya'er behind him with a solemn face.

"Hmph, step back!" said the old man, striding forward to meet him, restraining nearly half of the black-clothed warriors as soon as he appeared.

There were still a small number of black-clothed warriors rushing towards Third Young Master Feng and the others with their teeth and claws open. There was no other way, so the three men with different martial arts had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush forward, entangled with the black-clothed warriors.Fortunately, warriors are not martial artists, although they have some kung fu, but the three of them should be careful, and it is still possible to deal with each other for a while.Only after the old man has dealt with the other warriors in black can he help them.

Zhou Ya'er is just a little woman who has never learned kung fu, and only does embroidery and other needlework on weekdays. How can she compete with the black-clothed warriors who fight and kill all day long.So she can only hide far away, so as not to be hurt by the black-clothed warriors, but instead drag Feng Sanshao and others.At the same time, she was also very nervous about Feng Sanshao and others. She knew Zhang Ge's behavior style best, ruthless and decisive, and would never show mercy, and those black-clothed warriors under Zhang Ge's men were also extremely vicious.

If not, the Zhang family would not be able to deter the major forces in White Lake City.It was rumored that the Zhang family also had a background in the town's border army, so the Zhang family dared to act in such a high-profile manner.

The old man knocked back several black-clothed warriors with a punch, glanced at Feng Sanshao and the others, and found that their situation was not optimistic.

Ye An once learned a move and a half from the old man. Compared with Feng Sanshao and Guo Mu, he was considered to be more powerful, but he was also forced to panic by the black-clothed warrior.One can imagine how dangerous Feng Sanshao and Guo Mu's situation is.

Feng Sanshao could only delay time by running, and although Guo Mu had the golden glove as the final weapon, he didn't want to use it unless it was absolutely necessary.Because he was not sure that he would kill all these black-clothed warriors in front of him. If others wanted to run away, he would have nothing to do.

The result of this is that the fact that he owns the golden glove is exposed, and there are many greedy people in the world. If they misunderstand that his golden glove is a rare treasure, then the troubles caused will be endless.

There will inevitably be many warriors, martial artists, and even cultivators who will come to snatch his golden gloves.

Although the golden glove is connected to Guo Mu's soul, only Guo Mu can drive it, but others don't know it!

In this case, you must not expose your biggest hole card just because you are eager to win for a while.

Of course, if he was really cornered by the warriors in black, Guo Mu wouldn't hide his hole cards and not make a move.Life is still very important. Only by keeping the present can we talk about the future.


When everyone was fighting together, Zhang Ge approached Zhou Ya'er calmly. Zhou Ya'er's attention was all on Feng Sanshao and she didn't notice Zhang Ge.And when she reacted, Zhang Ge was only five or six meters away from her.


Zhou Ya'er had already guessed what Zhang Ge wanted to do, and suddenly, she began to panic, and looked around dodgingly, but found that there was no way to go.

And Feng Sanshao and others were entangled in the battle group, they didn't notice the situation here, even if they noticed, they couldn't get out.


Zhang Ge watched Zhou Yaer sneer, and temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart. Facing his wife, he was extremely disappointed.In the past, he liked Zhou Ya'er, so he wanted to marry Zhou Ya'er back home. Although he knew that Zhou Ya'er had a sweetheart, he didn't mind at all.

Really, he didn't mind at all.

He only thought that after marrying Zhou Ya'er back home and treating her well, she would be able to change her mind and understand who truly loved her.

In fact, Zhang Ge has done the same in the past two years.

Don't look at him being vicious outside, no one in a hundred li is not afraid of him, no one dares to disobey his will.But... in front of Zhou Ya'er, he has always been gentle, considerate, and humble.Why is it that Zhou Yaer looks like a fairy?Does Zhou Ya'er have a powerful background?
Speaking of appearance, Zhang Ge has never seen any top-notch beauty?

In terms of family background, there are many wealthy families stronger than the Zhou family. Even the backer in the town's frontier army wanted to betroth his daughter to him.

But Zhang Ge fell in love with Zhou Ya'er, and he only married Zhou Ya'er. The older generation in the family asked him to ask for more side houses, but he refused decisively.

I just want to be with Zhou Ya'er for the rest of my life.

Although Zhang Ge is a "killing god" to outsiders

, but on the other hand, he is also a person who values ​​feelings very much.For the past two years, Zhou Ya'er often cried alone at night.How could Zhang Ge not know about this situation, but he endured it. He didn't blame Zhou Ya'er, but loved Zhou Ya'er even more.

I hope that one day, Zhou Yaer can change her mind and be moved by his sincerity.

Zhang Ge never expected...

His love, his devotion, in exchange for such a result: the woman she loves the most actually leaves in the middle of the night to report to the person he wants to kill!

Against him!

Zhang Ge's heart was completely broken at this moment.In the past, he refused to admit it, but just lied to himself, and he could get feelings in exchange for continuous giving.

However, he was wrong after all.

Zhang Ge's eyes were flooded with hatred, Zhou Ya'er saw his anger, and couldn't help feeling terrified, because Zhou Ya'er had never seen Zhang Ge so furious at a moment, and she also knew that Zhang Ge came to such a place. To such an extent, it must be that his heart for her is completely dead.

Now that she has given up, with Zhang Ge's personality, Zhou Ya'er's next situation is really dangerous.

"Zhou Yaer... You forced me to do this!"

Zhang Ge slowly pulled out a saber from his waist, with a cold light, he walked slowly towards Zhou Ya'er.Zhou Yaer yelled, turned around and ran away, Zhang Ge quickened his pace and chased after her.

Third Young Master Feng naturally also heard Zhou Ya'er's shout, and was immediately anxious. Unfortunately, he was entangled by several black-clothed warriors and had no way to leave. What to do, he was worried about Zhou Ya'er in his heart.

Guo Mu also noticed this situation. He caught a glimpse of Feng Sanshao's anxious expression, worried that the latter would lose his attention and be killed by a black-clothed warrior, so he decided to summon the golden gauntlet and test this weapon at the same time. How useful is it in the end.

But... he must never show it.

Therefore, he thought of a way, that is, to summon the golden gloves at the moment of fisting with the black-clothed warrior, and quickly recall the golden gloves after eliminating the opponent.

In this case, the golden glove appeared for a very short time, maybe those warriors in black couldn't see it clearly, so there was no suspicion of leaking it.

At most, those warriors in black would think they were dazzled.


It's just that Guo Mu didn't know how feasible it was to do this. Could that golden glove really complete this series of difficult movements in the blink of an eye?

In doing so, it's a little risky.

However, Guo Mu was also worried about the safety of Feng Sanshao. Feng Sanshao seemed absent-minded now. If this continues, he will surely die at the hands of the black-clothed warriors.He had to do something to help his friend.

Thinking of this, Guo Mu made a decision in his heart: do what you want!
It took less than three seconds for Guo Mu to make a decision, mainly because Feng Sanshao fell into a critical situation in just two seconds.The two black-clothed warriors seemed to see Third Young Master Feng's weakness, and surrounded him from left and right, blocking Third Young Master Feng's escape route.Third Young Master Feng was worried about Zhou Ya'er's situation in his heart, and when he was distracted for a moment, he was punched and kicked a few times.

Seeing this, Guo Mu didn't hesitate anymore, the golden glove was in the skin of his right hand, ready to move.

Seeing that Guo Mu was distracted, a warrior in black thought he had found an opportunity to attack. He was overjoyed and punched Guo Mu.This is called "monkey picking peaches". Once caught and controlled, it is the lifeblood of a man. The methods of this black-clothed warrior can be said to be vicious.

However, just when he thought he was about to succeed, Guo Mu suddenly turned slightly sideways, and a golden light flashed before the black-clothed warrior.Immediately, the black-clothed warrior only felt a buzzing in his head, and then he couldn't feel anything.

Guo Mu slowly stabilized his body, his body was still stained with the brains of the warrior in black.

It turned out that at the critical moment just now, Guo Mu summoned the golden gloves in an instant, clenched his fists, and smashed them on the head of the black-clothed warrior.The golden glove is indestructible, even a stone tablet can be smashed easily, let alone a person's head.Guo Mu didn't use much force, his golden fist was like a needle piercing into the tofu, without any hindrance at all, the black-clothed warrior's head was blown off.

"..." The audience was silent.

Except for the large group of black-clothed warriors who were fighting the old man inextricably, the other black-clothed warriors who besieged Feng Sanshao and Ye An all saw this scene and were immediately horrified.And the warrior in black who was closest to Guo Mu was even more shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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