Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 161 White Lake

Chapter 161 White Lake
"Shoot the arrow!" The military officer was about to shout, but felt a pain in his chest. He lowered his head and saw a big knife piercing through his chest for some unknown reason.On the ice-cold knife body, the scarlet blood flowed wildly, flooding the military officer's pupils.


The military officer fell down before he could figure out what was going on.Seeing this, the archers at the side panicked and forgot to chase after Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng.

"It's not good! It's not good! My lord is dead!"

The old man's hand left the handle of the broadsword, and his breathing became heavier and heavier, but his movements did not stop for a moment, and he went straight to kill those archers who still had fighting strength.

Taking advantage of the time when the old man was entangled with the archers, Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng seized the opportunity and ran towards the city gate with all their might.The two soldiers who were in charge of closing the city gate saw them running and looked at each other. They both drew their sabers from their waists, gave up pushing the city gate, and turned to kill Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng.

Guo Mu ran ahead, and with a thought, the golden glove on his right hand suddenly appeared, and the faint golden light was particularly eye-catching in the dark night.At this moment, Guo Mu couldn't take care of that much anymore, he and Feng Sanshou didn't know martial arts, and now that they were in front of the city gate, they only needed a few steps to escape.

If at this time, because of being entangled by two soldiers, the opportunity is delayed, so that the pursuers behind catch up, it will be too much.

Fortunately, the people behind all put their minds on the old man. In addition, the military officer was stabbed to death by the old man, and the camp of officers and soldiers had no leader. Chaos had already occurred.Few people noticed Guo Mu and Feng Sanshao.

The two soldiers were only two meters away from Guo Mu, and when they saw a golden light flashing from Guo Mu's hand, they were stunned.They were just ordinary soldiers with humble backgrounds. They might have never even heard of a cultivator in their life, let alone saw such a mysterious scene on Guo Mu with their own eyes.

At this moment, the two soldiers were stunned...

Taking advantage of the moment when they were stunned, Guo Mu had already moved within one meter of them, and suddenly swung his golden fist out. Before the soldiers in front could react, Guo Mu's golden fist had already penetrated his chest, and directly blasted wore!

Seeing this, Third Young Master Feng was extremely shocked, oh my god, who is Guo Mu, and what is going on with this golden fist?

The remaining soldier was also obviously frightened by Guo Mu's actions, he stepped back a few steps, and then raised his saber and yelled at Guo Mu unwillingly.

The moment the knife fell, something incredible happened again...

Guo Mu made a backhand block, his golden fist met the soldier's saber, and with a sound of "!", the seemingly sharp saber broke in two abruptly!
The soldier was really frightened this time. What kind of situation is this? He has never seen a person's fist that can directly break a knife made of refined iron. Is this still a human fist? It seems that the body of a martial artist Not so resistant.

The moment the saber broke, the soldier was so frightened that he threw the knife away, turned around and ran away, as if he had encountered the most terrible thing in the world.But Guo Mu would not let him escape, because no matter whether the people behind saw his golden gloves or not, at least the soldier in front of him could see clearly, so... we must silence him!
Guo Mu didn't even think about it, so he chased after him. Seeing him chasing, the soldiers panicked and tripped over a stone, and fell to the ground.

The soldier cried: "Don't kill me!"

Seeing that he was a coward, Guo Mu couldn't help being a little surprised. He didn't expect that among the soldiers, there would be such a cowardly guy.

However, Guo Mu couldn't control the others. The soldier in front of him must die!

Without any pause, Guo Mu threw his fist at the chest of the soldier on the ground. The soldier blocked it with his hand and bumped into Guo Mu's fist, but he heard the sound of his own bones breaking.


After killing several archers in a row, the old man stopped suddenly, because he felt that the blood in his body was churning, and his heart was getting more and more painful.

"Is this the last moment?" Seeing Guo Mu and Feng Sanshao running out from between the city gates, the old man smiled slightly, as if his last wish had come true.

Spitting out a mouthful of black blood, the old man felt his head shaking and tried to stabilize his body, but... looking at the city gate again, everything began to blur.

"My son, take care..." This was the last thought in the old man's mind when he was still conscious.

Outside the city gate, Third Young Master Feng stopped suddenly, and Guo Mu also stopped, looking at him: "What's wrong, Fenglei!"

Third Young Master Feng turned around and ran back towards the city gate, shouting, "Father!"

He ran between the city gates, but saw a scene he would never forget for the rest of his life: the old man was facing his direction, with his arms lowered, while the group of warriors in black under Zhang Ge picked up the swords discarded by the officers and soldiers , Pounced on the old man.

The old man didn't hide, he seemed to want to sit and wait for death, or in other words, he didn't have the strength to dodge at all.


"No!" Feng San shouted with all his strength, wanting to rush over to save the old man, but Guo Mu saw the opportunity quickly, and quickly pressed his shoulders to stop his intentional behavior of flying moths into the flames.

Without exception, the swords all fell on the old man's body, and blood spattered.

The old martial artist finally died, and his body slowly fell down in the eyes of Third Young Master Feng.Third Young Master Feng yelled frantically: "Father!" His shout startled the warriors in black, who continued to chase in their direction without hesitation.

"Run!" Seeing something bad, Guo Mu hurriedly pulled Feng Sanshao around and ran away.The old man is dead, and the protection of the martial artist is no longer there. At this time, if they stay any longer, they will surely die.

Even if Guo Mushi used the golden glove, it would be useless, because the reason why he was able to kill two soldiers with the golden glove before was entirely because the two soldiers did not expect Guo Mu to have such a hole card at all, and after that, he was even killed by him. scared.

However, these black-clothed warriors under Zhang Ge are different.They are cruel by nature, killing or beating people all day long, and their psychological endurance is definitely much higher than these two ordinary soldiers who can only guard the city gate.

Once these warriors in black get close, it will be dangerous.

After all, although Guo Mu's golden gloves are very good, the warriors in black are not fools. A round of bows and arrows, or a few darts with hidden weapons are enough to kill Guo Mu.

Besides, if the black-clothed warriors swarmed up to meet them, Guo Mu would not have the power to resist, and the final result would undoubtedly be defeated.


Outside the city gate is a winding ancient road, and beside the ancient road is a lush forest.Needless to say, Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng's first choice was to take the forest route. When they escaped from the gold mine and avoided the Daxing soldiers, they used the forest escape route.

For the escape in the woods, the experience of the two can be described as full.

The two turned a few corners, then escaped from the ancient road and entered the woods. Less than 20 seconds after they entered, the warriors in black chased after them.

Seeing that Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng were nowhere to be seen on the ancient road, they divided into several groups and chased into the woods.The black-clothed warriors are well-trained, and it is obviously not the first time they have chased and killed others.

The clothes on Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng are black, which were specially changed for the convenience of moving in the dark, but now that the sky is getting brighter, the black clothes have become a burden instead.

The warriors in black quickly discovered the whereabouts of Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng, turned around and chased after them.And Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng also spotted the warriors in black who were chasing after them.

"What to do, Fenglei, this is your hometown. Are you familiar with the terrain in this area? Is there any place where you can temporarily hide, such as caves or rivers?" Guo Mu asked while running.

Third Young Master Feng was woken up by the latter, and hurriedly said, "Yes!"

Guo Mu's eyes lit up: "Where is it?"

"White Lake! It's about 3000 meters ahead!" Feng Sanshao said.

"Isn't that a lake, where should we hide?"

"There is an underground river channel at the bottom of the lake. This is what I heard from the free warriors in the city before. I don't know if it is reliable or not." Feng San said.

Accidentally, the feather arrow on Guo Mu's shoulder touched a branch, and the pain swept over again. He gritted his teeth and said, "Quick, no matter whether there is an underground river or not, let's try it, anyway, we have no other way Already!"

Third Young Master Feng nodded, and then the two speeded up and ran in the direction of Baihu.

Behind them, the leader of the black-clothed warriors stopped suddenly, and the other black-clothed warriors also stopped.

The leader narrowed his eyes: "They want to go to White Lake."

Another black-clothed warrior approached: "Brother Niu, isn't White Lake haunted recently? It is said that several people died, how dare they go?"

The leader known as Brother Niu sneered coldly: "The young master of the Feng family has just returned to Baihu, so how could he know that this matter was banned by the government a month ago... They are newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers. They want to avoid us by relying on the underground water channel under the White Lake."

As expected of the leader, this brother Niu saw through the intentions of Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng in less than three seconds.

"Unfortunately, these two guys don't know that the underground water channel at the bottom of Baihu Lake is no longer as safe as it was two years ago. The current Baihu Lake...even the arrogant martial artists in the upper echelon of our Zhang family dare not approach it. Although... even I don't know what mystery exists in the White Lake." Brother Niu said slowly, "But I'm sure that if they dare to jump into the White Lake, they will definitely die!"

(End of this chapter)

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