Chapter 166

Young Master Feng clenched his fists, wanting to go up and teach the two hunters who talked nonsense, but Guo Mu held down his shoulders, stopping his impulsive actions.

The hunters didn't know that the person they were talking about was right next to them, and they still said brazenly: "The young lady of the Zhang family, I met once by fate, she is indeed beautiful, alas, what a pity , to be punished by that..."

"I admit this. I saw her locked in the prison car. Although she was dirty, she could tell that she was a beauty. She was many times better than the guy in my family. I was surprised that she was so beautiful. , The Zhang family is so powerful, why does she want to steal a man, can't the young master of the Zhang family satisfy her?"

"Hahahaha!" The two of them raised their heads and laughed knowingly at the same time.

Hearing this, Third Young Master Feng couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed out from behind the tree, scaring the two hunters.Helpless, Guo Mu had no choice but to go out with him.

"Who are you?" The two hunters raised the hunting bow in their hands and asked defensively when they saw that Feng Sanshao was aggressive.It seems that they regard Third Young Master Feng and Guo Mu as bandits who will rob them.

"Hmph!" The third young master Feng wanted to beat the two hunters up, but he had more important things to ask: "What did you just say, what punishment did the young mistress of the Zhang family receive?!"

The two hunters looked at each other, unable to understand why someone cared so much about a cheating slut for no reason.

One of the hunters murmured, "That... burnt to the stake, what's wrong?"

As soon as Third Young Master Feng heard the words "burning stake", he immediately felt like a thunderbolt!He stepped forward and grabbed a hunter by the collar and asked, "What are you talking about, just say it again!!"

The hunter finally understood that the drenched weird man in front of him was most likely the legendary adulterer who had an affair with the young lady of the Zhang family!

The hunter thought: "It doesn't look very good, and it's not strong enough. Why did that beautiful woman fall in love with this kind of man..." But he said nonchalantly: "The stake... the Zhang family's Young Mistress, you will be sent to the stake!"

Before he could finish speaking, Third Young Master Feng shook him off, and ran towards White Lake City...

Seeing this, Guo Mu felt dizzy, but had no choice but to follow.

The two hunters saw Guo Mu and Feng Sanshao suddenly appearing, and then ran away inexplicably, and couldn't help but cursed in unison: "Crazy!"


Before the execution, Zhou Ya'er saw her parents. Other than that, none of the other members of the Zhou family were present.

Perhaps, it was because she couldn't bear to watch Zhou Ya'er being tortured, or because she felt ashamed and guilty, or because she felt that Zhou Ya'er had ruined the family style of the Zhou family...

Zhou Ya'er's parents were crying heartbreakingly, but it was of no use, they had a low status in the Zhou family and had no right to speak.They wanted to save their daughter, but they couldn't influence the choices of the rest of the Zhou family.

Watching their daughter go to the execution ground, and the white-haired man sending the black-haired man, for the two old people, it is tantamount to the sky falling.

Zhou Ya'er also burst into tears, until now, there was no room for redemption, she felt sorry for her parents, seeing her parents so sad, her heart seemed to be broken too.

However, if she was asked to make a new choice, she would still choose to meet Third Young Master Feng without hesitation, even though she knew that doing so would only drive herself to a dead end.

Because she loves Feng Sanshao, she has no hesitation.

"Brother Feng, you must live well..." Seeing more and more people rushing to watch, Zhou Ya'er slowly closed her eyes, as if the face of Third Young Master Feng appeared in front of her eyes.

At this moment, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Near death, but suddenly feel the sweet feeling brought by the shadow of another person from the bottom of my heart.Zhou Ya'er suddenly became less afraid of the next fire. In this life, loving someone deeply is enough.

The crowd parted, and two shirtless men walked towards the prison car. Zhou Ya'er's parents were pulled away, which also meant that Zhou Ya'er was about to be tied to the stake.

There was a commotion in the crowd. Obviously, everyone was waiting for this moment, but the closer it got, the more nervous the crowd became.

"Is it finally about to start, that woman, so beautiful, does she have to be burned at the stake?" A woman sighed.

The middle-aged man next to him took over the conversation: "Yeah, what a pity..."

Everyone was talking about it, but the two shirtless men methodically unlocked the iron lock of the prison car, and then pulled Zhou Ya'er with a calm face from the prison car, took her to the stake and tied her up.

At this time, the executor sent by the Zhang family, as well as Zhang Ge and others also sat down at the point of instruction.The parental officer of White Lake City, instead of questioning the Zhang family's decision, was entrusted by Zhang Mo to announce Zhou Ya'er's guilt to the world before the execution.

The parent officer stood up suddenly, the crowd stopped commotion, and they all cast their eyes on him eagerly.The parents coughed loudly, and when they were sure that needles could be heard everywhere, they began to recite the crimes that the Zhang family had prepared before.

The content is the same official language, and the purpose of it is nothing more than to exaggerate Zhou Ya'er's guilt to the point of condemnation, so as to eliminate the negative impact of this incident on the Zhang family.

It's not a glorious thing for my daughter-in-law to steal people outside, no matter what.

Just when the parents announced the guilt, a man and a woman suddenly came here from a distance. The man has sword eyebrows and star eyes, well-dressed, holding a milky white jade sword, walking slowly, with extraordinary temperament.As for that woman, her hair was like a waterfall, her face was like a bright moon, and her eyes were cold under her pale eyebrows, like a goddess walking under the faint moonlight.

A lot of lecherous people nearby, seeing the woman passing by, their eyes lit up, but this woman didn't seem to see all of this at all.These passers-by, that is, some lustful but courageous guys, although they really want to throw this woman down, the public, few people dare to do it. After all, there are officers and soldiers not far away Standing guard, who can risk his life to do such a stupid thing in front of many officials.

Moreover, it seems that the man and the woman are very dignified.Dressing up, speaking and demeanor, all naturally reveal a kind of nobility, at first glance, they are not ordinary people.

"Huh..." the woman said softly.

The man hurriedly asked with concern: "What's the matter, Junior Sister Qingxin?"

The beautiful woman known as Qingxin had a flash of surprise on her face, she looked ahead and said, "There are so many people gathered there, what happened?"

The man also frowned: "It seems that there are officers and soldiers, and the battle is quite large, Junior Sister Qingxin, let's go and have a look..."

Qingxin's expression was calm and clear: "Don't worry about it, our mission to go down the mountain this time is to find the young ten thousand-legged water beast, bring it back to the sect, or hunt it down on the spot. We're not here to join in the fun , Brother Koshihikari, I think we should go around."

Yue Guang looked embarrassed, and nodded quickly: "Yes, what Junior Sister Qingxin said is that we should not be troublesome. After all, there is still a month before we have to return to the sect. The journey is quite long, and this month I'm afraid it's not enough time..."

Qingxin, an elegant and lotus-like woman, did not answer Koshihikari's words, but continued to move forward slowly, taking her time.

When they approached the crowd, just in time, the crimes of the parents and officials were read out, and the burning was finally about to begin...

Zhang Ge stared at his former wife on the stake, and it was difficult to distinguish the feelings in his heart.He once loved this woman deeply, but now he wants to send this woman to the hell of death and pain with his own hands. Although he hated this woman, he couldn't let himself get even a little relief because of the latter's death.

He looked at the crowd of onlookers and patrolled for a week, but he did not find Feng Sanshao and Guo Mu.He thought to himself: Could it be that that prodigal son never heard the news that Zhou Ya'er was about to be executed?
It shouldn't be... Just in case, he secretly made a lot of tricks to spread gossip everywhere.By doing this, he was sacrificing his own reputation and trying to lure Third Young Master Feng out of his hidden corner.

Could it be...

His men, those warriors in black, have already dealt with Third Young Master Feng?
It shouldn't be, if it's resolved, I should report to him at this time, why, none of the warriors in black came back?

Zhang Ge's heart was up and down, and he always felt that something unexpected would happen.

The two shirtless men were still responsible for the execution. They squatted under the high platform, and kept stuffing firewood into the hole from a hole.When Qingxin passed by, she inadvertently followed the eyes of the crowd, and then stopped suddenly.

"What's going on here?" Qingxin asked.

Koshihikari frowned: "It seems... it's an execution. This woman doesn't know what crime she committed, and she's going to be executed like this. I know this kind of punishment, it's called 'fire stake', and it's a very cruel punishment!"

Qingxin frowned lightly: "Oh?" She cast her eyes on Zhou Ya'er's face, thoughtful.

Someone nearby saw that they didn't know what was going on here, and couldn't help rolling their eyes: "You don't even know about such a big thing. Could it be that you are from other places?"

Yue Guang laughed and said: "Yes, we are indeed from afar. May I ask this old man, what happened here? What crime did that woman commit?"

Seeing that they really didn't know, the old man told them the whole incident.But the old man can only hear the news released by the Zhang family, so the culpability of Zhou Ya'er is really exaggerated.

(End of this chapter)

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