Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 168 Tracking

Chapter 168 Tracking
Guo Mu looked at the two people on the high platform, and his eyes stayed on the girl's face. Looking at the latter's cool and beautiful face, for some reason, Guo Yinger's appearance suddenly appeared in Guo Mu's mind.

"I don't know how Yinger is doing now, how she's practicing, whether she's doing well..."

Qingxin noticed Guo Mu's gaze. Although she knew that many male audiences present were focusing on her face, those gazes were full of undisguised greed. Only this man's gaze was very calm, and, There seems to be a kindness.

Her gaze met Guo Mu's gaze. One was in the crowd and the other was on the high platform, looking at each other quietly.

"Could it be that this person has been seen before?" Qingxin thought in her heart, but when she took a closer look at Guo Mu's appearance, she was very strange and had no impression at all.

Qingxin didn't know why she had such a strange feeling, but suddenly, she thought so in her heart.

"What's wrong?" Koshihikari asked suspiciously when he noticed the abnormal behavior of the girl beside him.

Qing Xin shook her head, looked away from Guo Mu's face, and said, "It's nothing."

Yue Guang was even more puzzled. Looking at Guo Mu, he always felt that something was wrong. Guo Mu turned his eyes back and looked at Yue Guang calmly. move.

This made Yueguang feel even more upset, but he was considered self-cultivated, and he didn't get angry because of this.

Besides, casually getting angry with an unknown person will also lower his status.


Guo Mu didn't feel anything special about being provoked inexplicably by someone's gaze. After all, since he was a child, he has been treated unfairly more than that, and he is used to it.Now it's just a stare, what's the big deal?

Guo Mu withdrew his gaze and asked Feng Sanshao, "Is the Shuyang sect famous?"

Third Young Master Feng was surprised and said, "You don't even know about the Shuyang Sect... Oh, that's right, you said that you come from a very, very far place..."

Guo Mu nodded.

"Shuyang sect, I don't know much about it, I just heard something from my father..." Feng Sanshao patiently explained: "Our Xiaqiu country has a vast land and rich resources, and there are many martial arts schools. Among them, the Shuyang sect seems to be very big. Ranked among the top three, among them, the disciples with the lowest level are all at least the martial artist level!"

what!Guo Mu's heart was shocked, and at the same time, he cast his eyes on the two people on the high platform again. These two people who looked less than 20 years old were actually martial artists!
Especially that seemingly delicate girl, Guo Mu couldn't believe that she would be a martial artist.

It's really "you can't judge people by their appearance"!


"It turns out...it turns out to be the Master Martial Artist of the Shuyang Sect." The parent officer squeezed out a wry smile, hey, the Zhang family can't be offended, and he can't afford to offend the two Shuyang Sect martial artists now, oh my god, what should he do? He is just a little magistrate!

There are big figures in the town's frontier army behind the Zhang family, and the forces behind the two people who robbed the law field in front of them are even more powerful.If he doesn't handle it well, let alone his official title, he might lose his life.

Koshihikari didn't pay attention to this little magistrate at all, and ignored the latter's compliments.

But the parent officer didn't dare to mind their attitude, because he knew that in the face of two martial artists, those useless officers and soldiers under him were of no use at all, they were just given to others for practice.

In an instant, the parental officer had deduced too many plans in his mind, and finally, he decided to give in first: "You two martial masters, I don't know why, why do you want to rescue the female prisoner who made a mistake?"

"If you want to save it, save it!" Yueguang said nonchalantly, with a calm tone, but an extremely arrogant attitude.

The parental officer had already guessed the answer, and gritted his teeth: "This female prisoner has done something offensive and has a bad influence. This officer has to sentence her to accept this punishment. I don't know that she knew the two master martial artists..."

These words are ingenious, but they are actually implying that this is a vile woman, if the two of you save her in the name of Shuyangzong, I'm afraid it will not be good for Shuyangzong's reputation.

"We don't know her," said Koshihikari.

"Then why?" The parent officer pressed on step by step.

Yue Guang opened his mouth to speak, but Qing Xin suddenly said: "She is innocent."

The parents were stunned: "Why, this woman secretly went out to meet her lover behind her husband's back, how can this be called innocent?"

Qingxin smiled slightly, glanced at Zhang Ge who was tossing and turning on the ground, and said: "She doesn't love this man, because she doesn't love him, so she is innocent when she goes to see the person she loves."

As soon as these words came out, the audience who heard clearly were stunned. Qing Xin's words completely subverted their worldview.It turned out that the adulterer's wife was able to clear the blame so easily.

Can this... be called sophistry?
But Qingxin spoke so firmly and calmly, as if what she said was the truth.

Guo Mu also showed a smile. He never expected that this seemingly cold woman like Guo Yinger would be so interesting.

Because of such a simple reason, he could improvise and save people.

Next to Qingxin, Koshihikari seemed to have gotten used to the former's idealistic remarks, and did not support or oppose this statement that seemed to challenge the world.

This time, it was the parental officer's turn to not be calm, a lot of sweat beads began to appear on his forehead due to nervousness, after a moment of hesitation, he finally made up his mind.

After making this decision, he seemed to feel that his body was several times heavier.

The parent officer waved his hands helplessly: "Stand back, let them go."

The officers and soldiers looked at each other, breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time were in awe of the two young men on the high platform. The Shuyang Sect was indeed powerful, and its reputation alone forced the parents and officials who used to ride on their heads to choose to give up. For the first time, there was no Stand out for the Zhang family.

It's really people-to-people, maddening people.


The officers and soldiers dispersed, and Qingxin helped Zhou Ya'er down the high platform slowly, with Yue Guang following behind.When they passed by the crowd, everyone looked at them with burning eyes, admiration, envy, awe, all kinds of emotions appeared in the eyes of these ordinary people.

However, the two people who were the focal point seemed to have already gotten used to the attention of all the people, and walked further and further away calmly.

The parent officer shouted: "Two martial arts masters, go slowly!" After finishing speaking, he hurriedly ran up the high platform to see Zhang Ge's injury.

"Quickly, take Young Master Zhang to the hospital!" The parents officer ordered, and the two officers and soldiers lifted Zhang Ge up and left quickly.The parent officer didn't stay for a moment, and quickly led the other officers and soldiers away. He was heading in the direction where the Zhang family's mansion was located.

Those who have good things in the crowd can see it, and they all speculate. It seems that the parents are afraid of the great Buddha of Shuyangzong, so they want the Zhang family to come forward.

The Zhang family has accumulated prestige in White Lake City for a long time, and sometimes, their power is greater than that of the local government.In the hearts of many Baihu people, the Zhang family is the omnipotent and ubiquitous toubob.

Although the Shuyang Sect is said to be very powerful, it is too far away after all, and it is difficult for a strong dragon to overwhelm a local snake.If the Zhang family made a move, then the two martial artists who rescued Zhou Ya'er would be in trouble.

Guo Mu and Feng Sanshao looked at the backs of their parents and officials, looked at each other, and quickly chased in the direction where Qingxin and Yueguang left.Qingxin and Yueguang walked very slowly, and Guo Mu saw their backs after a while, and then they followed slowly behind, not rushing forward, after all, they are still in the city now, We'll wait until we're out of town.

Koshihikari soon discovered that someone was following us, and couldn't help frowning: "Junior Sister Qingxin, someone is following us..."

Qingxin smiled slightly: "I already know."

Yue Guang said again: "Could it be that the dog officer was dissatisfied and sent someone to follow us?"

Sunshine shook her head.

Yue Guang turned his head, Guo Mu and Feng Sanshao hurriedly turned around, pretending to have nothing to do and chatting.Yue Guang glanced at him, recognized Guo Mu, and said with a light smile, "It turned out to be that kid, although he doesn't know why he followed us, but I have to say... the level of tracking is pretty bad."

Listening to what they said, Zhou Ya'er felt curious and turned her head to look back, but she didn't see any suspicious people following behind.

In a small alleyway, Third Young Master Feng and Guo Mu leaned their backs against the wall, Third Young Master Feng said, "What should I do, I was discovered."

Guo Mu was puzzled: "So what if they were discovered, didn't they save your woman, and they wouldn't have any malicious intentions."

"Who can tell clearly, what if they are a play deliberately staged by the Zhang family to lure us into the bait?" Feng Sanshao had indeed inherited his father's black-bellied personality, and considered all possibilities in everything.

Although he felt that what Feng Sanshao said had some truth, Guo Mu still shook his head: "There is no need for that. Whether we die or not, we are not a threat to the Zhang family. There is no need to spend such a big battle against us. .”

"Oh? Why are you so unconfident in yourself? Hmph, if I can live, I will definitely work hard to practice martial arts and become a martial artist! Then I will come back and settle accounts with the Zhang family." Feng Sanshao said, "If the Zhang family doesn't kill me, That's planting a seed of genocide for themselves!"

When he said this, Third Young Master Feng's eyes were full of confidence.

Guo Mu pondered for a while, he has two sets of top-level exercises, a golden glove, a monster inner alchemy with a decent grade, and a soul body that is said to be very powerful to help.Even so, he didn't feel how strong he was. Why was Feng Sanshao so determined and courageous when he had nothing?

(End of this chapter)

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