Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 177 My name is Guo Mu

Chapter 177 My name is Guo Mu
"The number one expert in the young generation of the Eastern Chan sect really deserves his reputation..." Yue Guang narrowed his pupils sharply, carefully observing every subtle movement of the Luohua boy in the field, and finally couldn't help but praise in his heart.

"It's just..." Koshihikari showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, "My junior sister Qingxin hasn't...shown her real skills yet!"

There are two main fighting styles for sky warriors. One is the same as ordinary warriors, a competition of brute force and skill, just like the current situation of Qingxin fighting with Luohuazi.

The other type refers to the competition of special martial arts.

Whether special martial arts are applied to a high degree of proficiency, and relying on their enlightenment and mastering the use of certain heaven and earth auras is the way to distinguish between heavenly martial artists and ordinary martial artists.

Of course, in fact, compared with ordinary martial artists, Tianwu practitioners have a great improvement in terms of strength and speed.

At the realm of Tianwu Zhe, ordinary people's movements will appear very slow in their eyes, almost like Tai Chi. Although Wushu is better, it can't keep up with Tianwu Zhe's reaction.

So before, Qingxin was able to react suddenly at the last second and kill a sudden attacking martial artist because of this.

Currently, Qingxin and Luohuagongzi are still in the stage of testing each other.

Because although the two have heard each other's name for a long time and know their appearance, they have never had a real confrontation.

After many trials, Qingxin and Mr. Luohua finally figured out some of the opponent's routines, and what followed was a real martial arts competition between the heavenly warriors.

In fact, there is not much difference between the moves and routines of special martial arts and ordinary martial arts, but when using special martial arts, you can rely on the weapon in your hand to urge special methods, attract the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and attach to the surface of the weapon in your hand, forming an indestructible lethal force.

Don't underestimate the attachment of such a little bit of spiritual energy, spiritual energy is the source of life, generally speaking, ordinary people's bodies cannot be flooded with too much spiritual energy, otherwise they will explode due to too little space.Only sky fighters can start to absorb a certain amount of spiritual energy.

If during the battle, the sky fighter injects a large amount of aura into the opponent's body, it will cause damage to the opponent.

In serious cases, kill them directly.

Qingxin didn't have much spiritual energy stored in her body, so, the consequence of this was that she was forced not to use special martial arts casually.Once a special martial skill is displayed, the consumption of spiritual energy is very huge.

You must find the right opportunity to use special martial arts to achieve the effect of killing with one blow.

If you use it early, you will only put yourself in danger prematurely.

Qingxin reckons that Young Master Luo thinks the same way, she doesn't believe that the other party is really frivolous, but the main reason for Qingxin's anger is that Young Master Luo mentioned her sister.

As an elder sister, it is natural to protect her younger sister. Even if someone slanders her with words, she will not allow it.Because of this, Qingxin was a little angry just now, but in less than three breaths, Qingxin realized that at this time, when the opponent was obviously stronger than herself, she could not show any timidity, otherwise it would directly affect her. to the outcome of the battle.

Victory, all is well.

If they failed, Qingxin couldn't imagine how Young Master Luo would deal with them.

Rumor has it that Mr. Luohua was designated as the successor of the head of the Eastern Chan School since he was a child. He is extremely talented. He received the best training and obtained the most advanced exercises of the Eastern Zen School.But after Young Master Luohua grew up, because of his high spirit, he looked down on people from other sects, provoked troubles many times, and even killed several famous disciples.

But in the end, Mr. Luohua was still protected by the Eastern Zen Sect.

No matter what you do, Eastern Zen seems to fully support it without any objection, which is very strange.

Qingxin once heard some elders of the Shuyang Sect talk about Mr. Luohua, and they all said that he had a mysterious identity and a powerful background, so he dared to act without scruples.

But Qing Xin didn't know what the backstage of Mr. Luohua was, and neither did the elders. They only thought that even the Tianwu Sect, which was the number one sect in Xiaqiu Kingdom, might not be able to compete.

You know, Tianwuzong is a super sect that spans the entire Wushuang Continent, and the disciples in it have the lowest level, they are Tianwu Zhe!
It is conceivable that Tianwuzong is powerful.

But even with the strength of Tianwuzong, in the mouth of the elders, they can't compete with the mysterious force behind Young Master Luo.

One can imagine what a special existence Luo Huazi is.

Although... the strength is only a natural martial artist.

But almost no one dared to provoke him.

If Qingxin was defeated by Young Master Luo, and Young Master Luo humiliated her or killed her, maybe Shuyang Sect would not be able to do anything to Young Master Luo.

How could this little Zhang family invite such a difficult guy.

Qing Xin frowned lightly, could it be that all of this was a trap, deliberately designed by Luo Hua and others to let her and Yue Guang get in?

Could it be that the guy named Guo Mu is from Mr. Luo Hua?

wait, that's not quite like...

Guo Mu's movements and expressions flashed in Qingxin's mind, she thought over and over again, but still denied her own thoughts.

After all, all of this was involved because she saved a woman on a whim.

If it's really a trap, then Young Master Luo's calculations are too accurate, what a terrible city is needed for this! !


During the battle, if one is distracted, it is very likely that the momentary distraction will lead to final failure.

The moment Qingxin thought about it, Mr. Luohua discovered the gap, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he rushed over, his speed suddenly increased. Before Qingxin could react, Mr. Luohua's fist shadow had already arrived.That momentum was like a tiger pouncing on its prey, fierce and swift.

Qingxin subconsciously raised her green sword to block, but she didn't expect that Mr. Luohua smiled sinisterly, changed his fist into palm, and made a sudden attack in the air, hitting Qingxin's lower abdomen.

"Junior Sister, be careful!" Next to him, Koshihikari had been paying attention to the development of the battle situation, and watched the scene carefully. He was in a hurry at the moment, seeing the strength of that Luohua boy, he was absolutely merciless. If the palm hit was real, Qingxin would definitely suffer seriously injured.

After all, the Shuyang School mainly cultivates swordsmanship, and it does not have the tyrannical and unparalleled body of the Eastern Zen School.

This poor young man is not sympathetic at all!

However, Koshihikari shouted at the moment he saw this scene and rushed over, wanting to help Harumi.But it was too late, if Young Master Luo didn't make a move, it would be impossible for him to return without success once he made a move.

I saw that palm hit Qingxin's stomach without hesitation, Qingxin's body shook, spit out a mouthful of blood, and flew backwards.The strength of Luohuagongzi's blow was so fierce that he sent a living person flying.

Yue Guang was terrified, he wanted to attack Young Master Luo Hua, but he had to change his route halfway and hugged Qing Xin.Yueguang looked down, and saw Qingxin's face was pale, without a trace of blood, it seemed that her body had suffered serious internal injuries.

"How are you, sister?" Koshihikari asked anxiously.

Qingxin opened her mouth and spat out another mouthful of blood, spraying it directly on the latter's face, before saying intermittently: "Eastern Chan School's...Iron-Blooded Rakshasa Fist is really...very powerful!"

Yueguang's heart was shocked, his junior sister could be said to be the number one among the female disciples of the Shuyang Sect, and her combat power was not much worse than that perverted second senior brother, but now, she was easily defeated by Mr. Luo Hua.

Qingxin was severely injured, but Luo Huazi seemed to be unscathed.

The outcome of the battle seemed to have been decided. Zhang Mo, who was huddled at the door, immediately showed a happy smile on his face.

Speaking of "Iron-Blooded Rakshasa Fist", Koshihikari suddenly thought of what his master had told him before: "Be careful when you meet Eastern Chan sects. They have some weird moves. In addition to having huge physical damage, they can also damage the body." To the opponent's soul... especially, Iron-Blooded Rakshasa Fist!"

Thinking of this, Yueguang suddenly felt bad. Qingxin is an important figure in their Shuyang sect. If his soul was injured by a punch from Luo Hua, it would be really bad. Not only could their Shuyang sect be damaged. A potential martial arts genius, a celestial warrior, may also develop from being at odds with the Eastern Zen School to causing a bloody storm...

The reason is... Qingxin is the biological daughter of the suzerain of Shuyang Sect!

Mr. Luohua is so unscrupulous that he really dares to use the "Iron-Blooded Rakshasa Fist" against Qingxin. If there is something wrong with Qingxin, can Shuyangzong let it go?

still is……

Young Master Luo Hua really intends to kill him and Qing Xin in this small border city, so that there will be no confrontation?

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was. According to Luo Huazi's behavior style, it was very possible to do such a thing.


Koshihikari was thinking about it, suddenly Haruki struggled out of his arms and pushed him aside.Yueguang staggered and almost fell, as if he had guessed something, he turned his head suddenly, and sure enough, he saw Young Master Luohua and Qingxin fighting together again.

It turned out that Qing Xin pushed him away just now because Young Master Luo Hua suddenly launched a surprise attack.

This Luo Hua boy is really shameless, he is so powerful, but he still insists on playing such things as sneak attacks.

It's just... What Koshihikari was more concerned about was that Qingxin had already been injured just now, and if she continued to fight, she might not be the opponent of Luo Huazi.

"What should I do?" Yue Guang was very anxious, secretly thinking that it would be great if the second senior brother was here, and with the second senior brother's monstrous talent, he might be able to compete with Mr. Luohua.

(End of this chapter)

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