Chapter 179
What Guo Mu knew was that he was actually very nervous in his heart. All his cards were only this pair of golden gloves.The golden glove has a mysterious ability that Guo Mu can't understand at all. Even if Guo Mu doesn't use the dark force, he can crush the stone with a light pinch. With just a light pinch, the feet of the ten thousand-legged water beast were severed from it.

Golden Gloves seem to be invincible!
But even though Guo Mu has the golden glove, on the other hand, he does not know martial arts and cannot maximize the power of the golden glove. Moreover, his opponent is too strong, and he can actually beat Qingxin, who is a sky warrior, without any effort. defeated.

Guo Mu felt that even the martial artist Yueguang couldn't beat him, and Qingxin definitely couldn't beat him either.

Young Master Luo Hua easily defeated Qing Xin, so the gap between him and Young Master Luo is not just one point or two.

Facing such a powerful enemy, how could Guo Mu resist?

Guo Mu had no confidence at all.

It's just that, just now, at the moment of crisis, Mr. Luohua almost killed Qingxin. For some reason, Guo Mu suddenly had an impulse at that moment to save Qingxin.

I don't know why, it's just a sudden impulse.

Maybe he just didn't want to see Qing Xin die at the hands of Young Master Luo...

There may be other reasons, but what, who knows, not even Guo Mu himself.

Of course, in the eyes of onlookers, such as Feng Sanshao, Guo Mu had no choice but to make a move. Why, because if Mr. Luohua kills Qingxin and Yueguang, it means that he, Guo Mu and Zhou Ya'er, they all have to die!

At this time, the only way to save Qingxin and Yueguang is to save Qingxin and Yueguang. If Guo Mu can persist in a few tricks under Luohuagongzi and Feng Sanshao rescues Qingxin and Yueguang, then... when the time comes, the three of them will practice fighting against Luohuagongzi. They might still have a way out!

So at such an emergency, it is reasonable for Guo Mu to stand up.

Although the person involved didn't think so, Feng Sanshao gave him a reputation of being courageous and responsible...

Facing Young Master Luo Hua's question, Guo Mu didn't speak for a while.In fact, what he was thinking about was how to say it so that the other party would not see his flaws and see that he was actually an ordinary person... But what Guo Mu didn't expect was that it was because of his silence that Mr. Instead, he was not in a hurry to start.


Because Young Master Luo felt that there must be something unexpected behind Guo Mu.

Maybe... just like him, he came from those mysterious sects.

The more Guo Mu remained silent, the more cautious Mr. Luo Hua became.


After a confrontation for about 30 seconds, Mr. Luohua focused his eyes on Guo Mu's right hand again, looking at the golden glove, and he kept searching his memory for information about this kind of thing.


Even though he is well-informed, he doesn't know what this is.

The only possibility is...

Young Master Luohua's eyes lit up, and he said slowly, "Could it are a cultivator?"

Guo Mu's heart skipped a beat. This was the first time an outsider mentioned cultivators to him after he left the Yuanxiu Alliance.This had to make Guo Muxin vigilant, because he had heard from Daniel that cultivators are the most powerful people in this world, and the relationship with primordial cultivators is not good.

Guo Mu is a Yuan cultivator.

"Only a cultivator can have such a weapon. It scares me." Young Master Luo Hua thought to himself, and gradually became nervous, with the intention of retreating.

Guo Mu remained silent and looked very calm, but his palms were covered with beads of sweat.


Seeing the two confront each other in silence, Zhang Mo next to him couldn't take it anymore.

There were twists and turns. Originally, after he came out of the barracks near the town, he didn't believe that Luo Huazi, a white and tender scholar, could deal with those two powerful young men from the Shuyang Sect.

But after Mr. Luo Hua made his move, he found out that Xia Jiulian was right. This Mr. Luo Hua was very powerful.

However, just when Zhang Mo thought that Mr. Luo Hua had won the victory, another dark horse ran out...

And this dark horse turned out to be a small character who had been ignored by them before!


Zhang Mo deliberately coughed, and it was this cough that pulled Luo Huazi back from his trance.

Immediately, Young Master Luo Hua came to his senses. If Guo Mu was really stronger than him, he wouldn't be so silent.Silence can mean that the strength is strong to a certain extent, so you are proud, or it can mean that you are not strong enough, so you are patient.

Young Master Luo Hua looked at Guo Mu's expression, he felt a little unnatural, and when he glanced over his palm, he could see fine beads of sweat. After a glimpse, Young Master Luo Hua understood.

Guo Mu is pretending!

Pretending to be calm, trying to fool him.

Thinking of this, Young Master Luohua felt a surge of anger, but was quickly suppressed by him, and he smiled and said to Guo Mu: "Mute?"

Guo Mu still remained silent.

Young Master Luohua rubbed his hands together, and circulated the little spiritual power in his body, attaching to his fists.

Seeing his movements, Guo Mu knew that the latter was already planning to attack, so he immediately calmed down, put on a posture, and was ready to fight to the death.

No way, at this time, he can't give up, stepping back is death!

The light of the golden glove gradually brightened in Guo Mu's eyes, and Guo Mu also secretly mobilized the energy in his body to his left hand. If the golden glove didn't have the expected effect, then Guo Mu would use the energy to hurt Mr. Luohua soul.


"Since you don't tell me where you come from, then I have no choice but to offend you." Young Master Luo Hua smiled faintly, his figure had already floated over, and his fist was extremely windy.Guo Mu's pupils constricted suddenly, and Jin Jin attacked with his right hand in the direction that Young Master Luohua came from.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Luo Hua seemed to know that Guo Mu's golden right hand was difficult to deal with, so he dodged aside without saying a word.Then he turned around and launched an attack on Guo Mu.

Guo Mu's movements were not as fast as Mr. Luo Hua's, because Mr. Luo Hua thought he was an expert who kept his secrets, so he didn't hide his clumsiness from the beginning, and his speed reached the extreme.

Young Master Luohua's strength was already higher than Qingxin's, and Qingxin was able to strike out suddenly at the most critical moment and kill the martial artist who was close at hand.Needless to say, Luo Huazi's speed is so fast.

In the eyes of Zhang Mo and Feng Sanshao, Young Master Luo hardly moved, but in fact, Young Master Luo had already deceived himself to Guo Mu's side, and what stayed there was just an afterimage.

The speed is so fast that it can leave an afterimage in the air. It is conceivable how powerful Luo Huazi is.

In this situation, how should Guo Mu respond, he is just an ordinary person, can he just sit and wait for death?
At this moment, Guo Mu didn't know why, but suddenly and clearly heard Mr. Luo Hua approaching, that's right!He didn't see it, but he heard it, he even heard the fluttering hair of Fallen Playboy during his actions...

For some reason, Guo Mu's hearing is extremely sensitive at the moment.


It was too late to say it, and the moment he heard Mr. Luo Hua approaching, Guo Mu made a move, but his right hand was still stretched out at that time, and only his left hand could move.Guo Mu subconsciously grasped his left hand in one direction, and on the five fingers of his left hand, the remaining little energy was jumping excitedly.

Young Master Luohua smiled, his attack was only half a centimeter away from Guo Mu's vital parts, just a little more time, if Guo Mu didn't resist, then Guo Mu would definitely die!
But at this moment, Young Master Luo suddenly felt something imprinted on his heart, a little cold.Young Master Luo Hua was a little surprised, because the moment he felt that feeling, he felt a sudden weakness in his hands and feet, and couldn't help but give up his attack on Guo Mu.

How is this going!

Young Master Luohua had never encountered such a situation before, even when he met those monsters who were stronger than him at the Shaowu Conference, he had never encountered such a situation.

Young Master Luohua lowered his head and saw Guo Muyin's hand on his heart, with a surprised expression on his face. Anyway, this proved one point, that is, the reason why he felt weak all over was because Guo Muyin hit him with his left hand just now. He sighed.

The power of this ordinary boy is so strong! !

Young Master Luo suddenly felt that feeling of fatigue gradually came to his head, he murmured inwardly that he was not good, and then concentrated all his energy, using the formulas he learned from the sect behind him to keep his mind clear.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, it took less than half a second from the activation of this formula to dispelling the fatigue in the body.The moment he woke up, he felt something more dangerous approaching.

He didn't even need to look to know that it must be Guo Mu's golden right hand.

Young Master Luo Hua quickly fell backwards, taking three steps back to distance himself from Guo Mu.


Feng Sanshao and Zhang Mo, who were watching all this, didn't see clearly at all.The fight between Young Master Luo Hua and Guo Mu was too fast, the afterimage of Young Master Luo Hua had just disappeared, and the battle between them was over.

Young Master Luo Hua stood four or five meters away, looking at Guo Mu with a solemn expression, and remained motionless.

Guo Mu, on the other hand, was on the spot, with Jin Jin's right hand still across his chest, looking at Mr. Luohua, he slightly accelerated the frequency of his breathing.

"Who are you?" Young Master Luo Hua asked slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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