Chapter 183

Tietou didn't want to do this, so he endured it anyway, not going to compete with the girl for this moment.

Looking around, I found that the rescued group of children had retreated into the crowd, and they were considered completely safe.Tietou breathed a sigh of relief immediately, his action caught Guo Mu's eyes, and the latter's favor for him increased a bit.

"Good men don't fight with women!" Tie Tou suppressed his anger and was about to leave.

The girl laughed even louder, her tone full of sarcasm: "Sure enough, it's a trash sect, you can't compete in martial arts, and you even behave like a coward!"

Maybe it's because Wangjianmen has been failing in the six martial arts competitions all these years, so this shadow has always been a shame in the hearts of Wangjianmenmen.

When Tietou heard the girl keep mentioning the "waste sect", the anger that had been suppressed with great difficulty came up again...

Tietou turned around sharply: "You fucking say it again, don't think you are the eldest lady of Tianhemen, I dare not touch you!"

Miss Tianhemen laughed angrily when she heard Tietou's words: "What's the matter, you just go for it if you have the guts? What are you talking about so much nonsense, it's just a trash sect."

This girl was arrogant and domineering, her words were fierce, many people present couldn't stand it any longer, they talked in low voices, but they didn't dare to let the girl hear.Guo Mu saw that the girl was pretty, but he didn't expect that her speech was so brutal and vulgar, and she didn't have the restraint of a woman at all.

In his heart, Guo Mu was extremely disgusted with such a woman.

Hearing the girl's unscrupulous provocation, Tietou couldn't bear it any longer.He yelled: "Looking for death!" Then the iron head clenched his fists and ran up.

The girl snorted coldly, and she put on a posture, showing a heroic spirit that was not inferior to the man.It seems that this girl is not only rampant, but also has some strength.

Facing the brute force of the iron head, the girl remained motionless, as if she knew everything in her chest, and only waited for the iron head to get close to give him a fatal counterattack.Of course Tietou is not that stupid, even if he is angry in his heart, he will not be so stupid as to expose his flaws in front of the girl.

Tie Tou seemed to be fighting the girl head-on, but in fact he secretly prepared a lot of different moves. After all, there was a reason why Tianhemen was able to hold Wangjianmen firmly.Tietou listened to the analysis of the elders many times in the door, so he knew how to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses.

Regardless of the iron head's strong appearance, but in a head-to-head competition, the girl has a greater advantage.


Because, the moment the girl moved the iron head, she drew a self-defense dagger from her waist.

The iron head still rushed directly, that is to find Mimi.

Is Iron Head so stupid?
Therefore, Tie Tou quickly stopped and looked at the crowd. His eyes lit up when he saw a spectator holding a broom in his hand.

He rushed over, grabbed the broom with the man's terrified expression, and then returned to the battlefield to confront the girl.

Broom vs Dagger!

The girl swallowed: "You...are you kidding me?"

Tietou raised the broom in his hand and said, "Of course I'm not joking!"

The girl confirmed that the iron head was serious, she gritted her teeth, and said: "Okay!" Then the girl quickly turned around and ran into the carriage. When everyone was surprised and puzzled, the girl ran down from the carriage, holding the dagger in her hand. It is no longer there, but replaced by a big knife!

The blade is more than one meter long, it is hard to imagine that the girl hid such a large weapon in the carriage.

There was a gasp all over the place.

Tie Tou looked at the broom in his hand, and his expression gradually became serious.

"How about it, you forced me!" The girl waved her sword triumphantly, scaring the nearest people to back away, for fear of being hurt.

In a fit of anger, Tie Tou threw the broom on the ground and said angrily, "Okay! You are ruthless!"

Tie Tou turned around and left, and after two or three steps, he suddenly turned around: "A good man doesn't fight with a woman!"

The onlookers thought they would see a wonderful friction between Wangjianmen and Tianhemen, but unexpectedly, it turned out like this, a farce.

Seeing this, everyone sighed and secretly scolded Iron Head for being shameless.Even Guo Mu was very disappointed, because he still wanted to take this opportunity to see the strength of Wang Jianmen, but he didn't know that Tietou gave up so easily.

In fact, the reason why Tietou gave up was not because he was afraid of the girl's sword, but because he suddenly calmed down and realized that it would be very detrimental to Wangjianmen not to have such a conflict with the eldest lady of Tianhemen.

Although Wangjianmen is an affiliated sect of Shuyang Sect, as a major sect, Shuyang Sect also has some requirements for its own affiliated sect. If the requirements are not met, it is very likely that they will not be recognized by Shuyang Sect.

In these years, facing the tasks entrusted by the Shuyang Sect, Wangjian Sect has not completed much, and there are no outstanding talents to provide to the above sect. Therefore, the current situation is very unfavorable for the Shuyang Sect.

And behind Tianhezong, there is also a big sect, namely Tianwuzong.

Tianwuzong is the strongest sect, if Tietou provokes the eldest lady and this matter eventually turns into a sect dispute, Shuyangzong will not offend Tianwuzong for such a useless Wangjian sect.

In order not to cause trouble for Wangjianmen, Tietou could only bear with it for the time being, hey, who told them that Wangjianmen doesn't have any strong people, they have been treated so coldly these years.

"One day, there will be a peerless strongman in our Wangjianmen, hehe, beat your head of Tianhemen to the ground!" Tietou put down a cruel sentence again.

The girl said loudly, "What, you dare to say that about my father!"

The scene of the girl wielding the big sword looks very funny, because the girl looks delicate, but the big sword looks so bulky and heroic. The combination of the girl and the big sword is really weird.

But those who are familiar with Tianhemen know that the people of Tianhemen are good at knives and weapons, and Tianhemen's skills are passed down from Tianwuzong, known for killing and domineering.Therefore, even the female disciples of Tianhemen are masters of swordsmanship.

As the name suggests, Wangjianmen is a sword player. It just so happened that Tietou didn't bring a sword with him when he went out this time, so no matter what, in the competition of weapons alone, Tietou fell behind.

After thinking about it, Tietou didn't intend to continue to make trouble, and went to make trouble with a kid...

Go, 36 counts, walk is the best plan.

Tietou turned around and left without saying a word.

The girl refused to obey, she swung her sword and almost chased after her, but at this moment, a person suddenly came out of the carriage. It turned out that there was not only the girl alone in the carriage, but also another person.

This man was a young man, very handsome, and when he walked down, he was heroic and had a special style.

He called to the girl: "Junior Sister Banyan Tree, stop making trouble, let's go, we are still in a hurry to get back to the door!"

The girl's name was originally Banyan Tree, and Guo Mu looked at the young man again, but he heard the young man snort coldly: "It's just a little trash from the trash sect, Junior Sister Banyan Tree, what are we, why should we be with this girl?" What are you talking about! Let's go!"

The young man turned around and walked towards the carriage.

When Tietou heard his words, he clenched his fists in anger, stopped in his footsteps, and turned around abruptly.

Tietou said angrily: "Who are you, you are so unqualified! It's nothing more than your junior sister bullying children, you are a hero, and you still talk like that!"

The young man turned around and looked at Iron Head coldly.

Tietou stared at him fearlessly, but slowly, his expression became more exciting: "Are you... Yuehua, the third knife of Tianhemen?"

The young man had no expression on his face: "Since you know who I am, get out of here quickly, lest I start my hands in a while and accidentally end you, and I can't explain to those old scumbags at Wangjianmen... you You know, I, Yue Hua, have always fought with blood..."

Banyan Tree stared at Yue Hua, "Senior Brother Hua, you are so handsome and cool!"

Slut... Seeing this, Guo Mu only had one thought in his mind, this Banyan Tree is really too cheap.Not only did the groom almost kill the child, but he also used his power to bully others. What's worse, he kept calling Wangjianmen a trash sect. How embarrassing was Guo Muqing who wanted to join Wangjianmen!

And in the blink of an eye, when you see a handsome guy, you lose your image. This kind of woman is really superficial!
At this moment, Guo Mu's impression of this girl named Banyan was even worse.He was even thinking, with his ability to frighten away the sky warriors, should he help out later when Tietou and Yue Hua clashed?
But... Guo Mu also has self-knowledge, he doesn't have any outstanding skills, and when it comes to martial arts, he will definitely not be the opponent of Tietou or even Yue Hua.His only hole card is the golden gloves, but if the golden gloves are used casually, not only will it cause harm to the body, but there is no need for that, and it is even more likely to expose himself and become the target of many cultivators plundering treasures.

Guo Mu is not that stupid, and now that he knows that he has golden gloves, the only ones left are Feng Sanshao and his wife, and that confused young man Luo Hua.

Feng Sanshao would not reveal his hole cards, and Guo Mu felt that he would definitely not reveal his hole cards. For some reason, Guo Mu just had such an intuition.

Guo Mu always felt that maybe one day in the future, something would happen between him and Mr. Luo Hua.

Perhaps, they will fight again.

I hope that at that time, I can truly have the strength to fight against Luohuazi, instead of relying on the golden gloves and Yuanli to scare the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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