Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 193 Mochizuki Missing 2

Chapter 193 Mochizuki Missing 2
Every day, these newcomers have to run twice when they get up, and start practicing various basic boxing skills and movements when they come back. They continue to run two times in the afternoon, practice boxing movements, and have theoretical classes in the evening.In short, during these three months, they didn't have much free time at the end of the day.

It can be called "devil training"!

As soon as Guangwu finished speaking, the newcomers understood that they thought that life without doing chores would be very enjoyable, but in fact, in the next few days, the exercise they had to accept was hundreds of times as hard as chores.

The faces of the newcomers turned into eggplant sauce, how ugly it was, how ugly it was.


In the uneasy mood of the newcomers, Guangwu taught one set of basic boxing techniques after another. These boxing techniques are used for practice and to enhance physical fitness.

For the next five or six days, under the leadership of Guangwu, the newcomers practiced boxing movements continuously.Guangwu's teaching is extremely strict, and he reprimands or takes lessons at every turn, which puts a lot of psychological pressure on the newcomers.

But no one intends not to persevere. After all, traitors and cowards will always be looked down upon.

Grit your teeth and stick to it!

After a few days, the newcomers were overwhelmed, and many of them cried at night because they were too tired.However, no matter how much he practiced, Guo Mu found that he was not as tired as the others at all, but he was just a little dizzy.

What's going on, Guo Mujing thought about it carefully after he got down, and then he noticed that every time he felt sore and tired, he would feel a slight tingling in his head, and then his tiredness disappeared in an instant.As the number of times like this increases, Guo Mu will find that his head is getting more and more dizzy, but his body is very strong, and it seems that he has infinite power to squander.

what happened?

Checking again, Guo Mu found that the small part of Yuan Lingli remaining in his body had also disappeared.

Connecting all kinds of things, Guo Mutui came up with a very possible situation, that is, every time he feels sore, Yuan Lingli will automatically operate to help him get in touch with the feeling of soreness, but the side effect that comes with it is to make him feel tired He would have a tingling-like sensation in his head.

Is this good or bad?
Guo Mu didn't know, so he decided to ask Lan Gui sometime.I wanted to ask right away, but the blue ghost went to retreat again, and no matter how much he called, he didn't show up.

This powerful soul body living in his body is really unreliable.

It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others.

Guo Mu didn't want to stand out from the crowd, he didn't want to be too conspicuous, so during training every day, when other newcomers were shouting tired, Guo Mu also pretended to be out of breath.

But in fact, he didn't feel much tired.

Fortunately, Guo Mu's performance finally deceived everyone, even Guangwu didn't notice that this young man seemed to be suffering, but actually his heartbeat never accelerated.


On this day, after dinner, before going to the Guangwu study to listen to the lectures on martial arts theory, the new couple had a rare moment in the courtyard, walking, chatting, and exchanging life.

A person walked into the yard, and everyone turned their attention to him.

Guo Mu's eyes lit up: "Hey, Senior Brother Tian, ​​why are you here..."

After hearing Guo Mu's words, many gray-clothed disciples were bragging to the newcomers about their amazing past, but they suddenly stopped, ran over immediately, and respectfully shouted to the person who had just entered the yard Said: "Elder brother, good evening..."

"Why is senior brother here?"

"Brother, long time no see, have you eaten yet?"

Facing the earnest questions from the disciples in gray clothes, Senior Brother Tian just smiled faintly, waved his hands, and said, "I'm here to find someone." After that, he looked at Guo Mu and said, "Hey, Junior Brother, come here , I have something to do with you!"

Senior Brother Sky winked at Guo Mu, and Guo Mu found that Senior Brother Tian seemed a little impatient, which made him suspicious.

Following Senior Brother Sky out of the courtyard, Guo Mu asked curiously, "Senior Brother Tian, ​​what's wrong?"

Brother Tian suddenly turned around with a very anxious expression, which shocked Guo Mu a lot and made him feel even worse.

"It's not good, little brother, something happened to her..."

Guo Mu's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately realized that the "she" that Senior Brother Tian was talking about should be that senior sister named Mochizuki.

Guo Mu asked: "What's the matter, Senior Sister Mochizuki, what happened to her?"

"Mochizuki, she is missing!"

Seeing Guo Mu's bewildered face, Senior Brother Tiantian explained again: "Today, I overheard the sect master and Elder Hua saying that Mochizuki hasn't returned to the sect for several months, and she hasn't sent a messenger pigeon back to report her safety. This has never happened before. And Mochizuki's mission didn't take so much time, so... I suspect that something happened to Mochizuki!"

Guo Mu thought for a moment, Senior Brother Tian's conjecture was indeed possible.But, what does it matter to him?

Out of good intentions, Guo Mu patiently comforted Senior Brother Tian, ​​and then asked, "If Senior Sister Wangyue really disappears, Senior Brother Tian, ​​what are you going to do?"

"I'm going out to find her!" Senior Brother Tian gritted his teeth and said.

Guo Mu was stunned for a moment. At this moment, he seemed to see his former friend. Young Master Feng gritted his teeth and said, "I must save the girl!"

Love, what is love, can make two men worry about their women.Third Young Master Feng is fine, Zhou Ya'er loves him with all her heart.

But Senior Brother Tian is completely unrequited love.

Is this kind of sacrifice worth it?
"Uh... but Senior Brother Tian, ​​how did you find her? Do you know where she is?" Guo Mu asked.

Senior Brother Sky shook his head: "I really don't know where she is, but I know where she is on a mission. I will go there and check slowly! I believe that I will be able to find out her whereabouts!"

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" Guo Mu knew in his heart that he would go to the Three Treasures Hall if there was nothing to do, and Senior Brother Tian Tian came to him this time because he needed his help.

Sure enough, after Guo Mu finished speaking, Senior Brother Tian suddenly nodded and said, "I do need your help with something. You want to ask you, can you grow flowers?"

Guo Mu was taken aback, and then recalled that when he was a child, when he was working for the family, he was in charge of planting flowers in the back garden, so he nodded and said, "I will."

Brother Sky laughed loudly: "Great, I asked for a long time, and finally met someone who can grow flowers..."

Guo Mu was completely speechless. Is it difficult to grow flowers? Why do you need to ask for a long time to find someone who can grow flowers?

Just as he was thinking, Senior Brother Tian's next words immediately made his face become awkward.

Senior Brother Tiantian had a resentful expression on his face: "Hmph, those guys just refused to help me take care of those babies, so they made excuses, saying that they can't grow flowers, are they so stupid when I am Yue Tiantian? I can't even tell ..."

Guo Mu was silent.

Brother Tian continued: "I thought that Junior Brother Guo Mu is a good person, so I came to look for you. Sure enough... Junior Brother Guo Mu, I love you so much!"

Guo Mu's scalp was numb, and goose bumps suddenly appeared on his body.This...why doesn't it sound like a good job, why don't other people dare to agree...

Suddenly, Guo Mu had a feeling of being cheated.

Brother Tiantian was still very excited, with a look of gratitude, afraid that Guo Mu would regret it, and said: "That's it, it's too late today, you don't need to run tomorrow morning, I will take you to see my baby We..." Then he ran away in a hurry.

"Hmm..." Guo Mu could only bite the bullet and agree.


The next day, Senior Brother Tian really helped him get through the relationship, so he didn't need to run anymore.Guo Mu followed Brother Tian and entered the back mountain.After walking for more than ten minutes, they finally stopped in front of a small flower garden covering an area of ​​30 meters.

Guo Mu took a cursory look and found that these flowers were quite beautiful, but he couldn't figure out why Senior Brother Tian, ​​an old man, would have the leisure to plant flowers...

"The flowers here are all planted by her before. The types of flowers are very common, but their vitality is very tenacious. When they bloom, they are beautiful and connected together. After she left the mission, I helped her take care of this flower garden... I only miss her When I came back, the flowers were still in full bloom..."

Senior Brother Sky whispered slowly, his fingers lightly touching the petals, Guo Mu was watching, thinking in his heart: If he takes the time to plant flowers, then it can be said that he will not even have time to rest, but Flowers that are not watered and weeded every day are very likely to cause these flowers to wither and die in the end.

If you were an ordinary person, and you have to take care of your own affairs and take care of the life and death of these flowers, it can be said to be extremely painful... How tiring!

No wonder, everyone else claims they can't grow flowers...

Only myself, who didn't know anything, acted like an idiot, but agreed so muddle-headedly.

Find things to do for yourself.

But fortunately, although he also received intensive training like other rookies, in fact, he didn't feel tired at all, and he was always alive and well.

It is still possible to take some time out to take care of the flowers and plants.

Besides... Guo Mu also thinks that Senior Brother Tian is a good person, and he has the shadow of Third Young Master Feng, so he is willing to help.

After Senior Brother Tian told Guo Mu a lot of precautions, he left in a hurry.Guo Mu knew that he must have packed up and saluted, and was about to go out to find the whereabouts of Senior Sister Mochizuki.

(End of this chapter)

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