Chapter 208

That person is none other than Senior Brother Sky.

"Thank you, Junior Brother Guo Mu..."

Hearing Senior Brother Tian's sincere thanks, Guo Mu's heart skipped a beat, thinking that he had already hidden himself, why would he still be discovered.

However, since Senior Brother Sky is healed, it is a good thing.

"no need thank me?"

Brother Tian said: "Junior Brother Guo Mu, although I am in a coma, sometimes I can sense what happens in the outside world. Although I am a vulgar martial artist, I have also seen Young man, I can really feel the methods Junior Brother Guo Mu used to save me..."

As expected, he is indeed Wangjianmen's number one martial arts prodigy. When Brother Tian was facing the torment of soul rebirth, he didn't call for help... No, Senior Brother Tian couldn't speak at that time. He could feel it, but he just couldn't say it. .

Guo Mu was suddenly a little annoyed that he had been exposed. If he had known earlier, he might not have been saved.Senior Brother Tian gave him a good impression, but it was still not to the point where Guo Mu could show all his cards, especially Yuan Lingli.

This kind of power is impossible for ordinary people and even most cultivators to hear in their lifetime.

What should I do now that it is exposed?Guo Mu was very anxious.

Senior Brother Tian seemed to have seen through his thoughts, and promised: "Don't worry, Junior Brother Guo Mu, you saved me, I won't say anything about it! And in the future, if you need help, I, Yue Tiantian, will do my best to help! "

Liuying also hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Junior Brother Guo Mu and Senior Sister won't say anything, even among the same sect, they won't know what happened today, and they will never know!"

It seems that Brother Liuying and Tiantian are very clear about how important that mysterious power is to themselves, and they must not let other people know.

Dealing with smart people is good and easy.

Guo Mu smiled and waved his hands, expressing that he no longer minded.

"You take a break first, I still have something to do, I have to report to the head..."

After Senior Brother Tian finished speaking, he gave a few instructions and took a good rest, then left the wing room and went to the courtyard where the old master lived.

After Senior Brother Sky woke up, an explosive news began to circulate among Wangjianmen.

This news is about the truth about Brother Tian's coma.


A few months ago, Senior Brother Tian took a mission and took this opportunity to leave Wangjianmen.In the process of carrying out the task, he also checked the whereabouts of Mochizuki.

Mochizuki disappeared very strangely. Every time she went on a mission before, Mochizuki would come back on time, and for missions that took a little longer, she would keep in touch with the sect regularly.Even when she and Lian Xing had a tryst before, she never did this.

Senior Brother Sky went to Tianhe Gate to find Lian Xing, but he got an unexpected news that Lian Xing failed to contact Mochizuki for two or three months.

This made Senior Brother Tian even more anxious.

In his opinion, Mochizuki has only two places to go, one is Wangjianmen, and the other is to go to Lianxing.And with Lian Xing's arrogance, if Mochizuki really defected to him, he would definitely not deny it so decisively.

As for Wangjianmen, Wangyue is even less likely to go back.

So... where did Mochizuki go?

Brother Tian couldn't figure it out, he was very worried about Mochizuki's safety.When he asked Lian Xing why he didn't go to look for Mochizuki, Lian Xing told him: "Why haven't I looked for it, I always look for it every time I go on a mission, but I can't find a way, she is a living person, and she is still a warrior." At the peak level, what are you afraid of, is there anyone out there who can eat him?"

Hearing Lian Xing's explanation, Senior Brother Tian felt cold and thought to himself, is this the person Mochizuki likes.

On the spot, Brother Sky wanted to fight Lian Xing.But... Brother Tian finally held back, after all, this is Tianhemen's territory, and he made trouble here, but it was completely out of disadvantage.

"I will find Mochizuki, and when the time comes, I will definitely tell her what you said today." Brother Tian said to Lian Xing.

Lian Xing still didn't take it seriously: "Let's talk about it, it's just a woman."

Hearing these words, Senior Brother Tian almost flew into a rage and left in a huff.

Afterwards, Brother Sky searched for a long time, the location of the moon-watching mission and the location that Lian Xing knew, one by one, asking around.But nothing was found, Senior Brother Tian originally thought that Mochizuki would never be found again.

However, just two months later, Senior Brother Tian got an unexpected piece of news, which was also about Mochizuki.

It is said that someone once saw a woman who was suspected to be Mochizuki somewhere.

Senior Brother Tian suddenly felt refreshed and looked for it.However, this search was not easy, and it took half a month for Senior Brother Tian to find out that Mochizuki was indeed still alive.

Brother Tian breathed a sigh of relief when he got the news.It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive... As long as you are still alive, Senior Brother Tian will not be afraid.What he fears the most is to get the news of Mochizuki's death, or to never get any news about Mochizuki again.

This person seemed to have disappeared from this world suddenly, and could never be found again.


Senior Brother Tian looked for clues and chased after him, but he broke through something that made him feel extremely strange.That day, he passed by a ruined temple, and overheard someone talking. He peeked around, but saw two men in black robes talking about something.

Brother Tian couldn't understand a word they said.

But what they did made Senior Brother Tian feel even more unbelievable.

I saw that one of them was talking while holding an apple in the other hand. The apple was black, and there was a faint black air floating in the air all over his body.

The other person held a knife in his hand. The blade was also black and didn't look sharp, but there was still black air lingering on it.

What's happening here?
Senior brother Tian Tian is just a small martial artist, and when it comes to realm, he is a shudder in the ocean.In terms of knowledge, he has always been curled up in a small Wangjian gate.

What world can you see?
Therefore, he couldn't figure out who these two men in black robes were, and why, the things in their hands were emitting black air.


Out of curiosity for a moment, Senior Brother Tian followed the two of them and kept walking.Those two people didn't know if they really didn't notice him, and they never looked back along the way.

Following them, Senior Brother Tian went into an inn.

In the inn, Senior Brother Tian met a person whom he never expected to meet like this, "Watching the Moon". "Watching the Moon" was dressed in white, her face was covered in tulle, she hurried over from the crowd.Although Senior Brother Tian didn't see it very clearly, he also had a deep understanding of Mochizuki's figure, so after just a few glances, he decided that the woman in white in front of him was undoubtedly Mochizuki.

And just when Senior Brother Tian wanted to shout out Mochizuki's name, he suddenly found that "Mochizuki" and the two men in black robes had come together, and they were hooking shoulders together, as if they were very familiar.

Brother Tian petrified in an instant, and stood there in a daze.

Hooking the shoulders, this kind of frivolous move, Mochizuki has never done this before.What's going on, is this "Mochizuki" Mochizuki from Wangjianmen, or the Mochizuki he loves deeply?
In order to prove it, Brother Tian continued to follow the three of them.

But... not long after, he was discovered.

So, Senior Brother Tian was blocked in an alleyway by two men in black robes and "Watching the Moon".At that time, Senior Brother Tian didn't think too much about it. He was a warrior with the peak strength. He reckoned that the strength of the other three would not be very strong either. He was confident that he would fight.

However, he is not in the mood to fight now, he just wants to find out if that woman is Mochizuki.

He asked, "Are you Mochizuki?"

But no one answered him.

He asked again: "Mochizuki, I am the sky!"

The only answer to him was the cold snort of He Runren: "Kill!"

After the man in black robe finished speaking, he rushed over immediately, followed by another man in black robe, and "Watching the Moon" in white

On the other hand, he stood there, motionless, as if he wanted to prevent Senior Brother Tian from escaping.

Someone is making trouble for him, can Senior Brother Tian sit still and wait for death? He is definitely not the kind of person who cannot fight back.On the contrary, if someone came to the door, he would definitely strike first, and moreover, he would be ruthless.

Brother Tian's strength is definitely not underestimated. Although he once lost to Lian Xing in the Six Schools of Martial Arts, that was because Lian Xing was considered a leader of the younger generation of the Six Schools.As for the two men in black robes in front of them, apart from looking weird, as soon as Senior Brother Tian fought against them, he knew that these two men were only intermediate warriors.

After dozens of moves, Senior Brother Tian was able to firmly suppress the two men in black robes.

Finding another opportunity, Senior Brother Tian quickly knocked down one of the black-robed men to the ground, and then knocked down the other black-robed man with a few moves.

Brother Tian used a lot of strength, so the two men in black robes were seriously injured. After falling to the ground, they didn't get up again.

Of course, Senior Brother Tian also suffered a lot of injuries. The two men in black robes were not very good at martial arts, but they had a lot of strange moves, and there was a burst of black energy between their fists and palms.Every time Senior Brother Tian touched it, he felt a tingling pain in his body.

It feels weird.

(End of this chapter)

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