Chapter 210
Could it be that she thinks that Senior Brother Tian loves her and doesn't dare to hurt her, so she can be unscrupulous?
At this moment, Senior Brother Tian's heart was filled with anger, and he felt that his masculine dignity had been challenged.

Feeling a little angry for a while, Senior Brother Tian suddenly pulled out the saber from his waist: "Then I want to learn from you, Mochizuki, has your swordsmanship improved?"

"Then try."

Mochizuki didn't say any more, and took the sword to kill Senior Brother Tian, ​​his body was as light as a swallow.Senior Brother Tian said: "If you lose, even if I tie you up, I will tie you back. I can't watch you make mistakes again and again." After speaking, Senior Brother Tian went up to meet him, and he didn't intend to hold back.

He understands Mochizuki's character and is very stubborn. Only by defeating the latter can he be captured back.In fact, he didn't want to take the latter back, but if Mochizuki really betrayed the sect, it would not only affect his reputation and future future, but he might even be pursued by Shuyangzong, the big sect behind Wangjianmen. kill!

No matter which sect you are in, the way you deal with traitors is very cruel!
Once a traitor appears, he must be hunted down to the end!

For the sake of Mochizuki's life and safety, Senior Brother Tian could only harden his heart and fight Mochizuki.

Brother Sky was originally the number one young strongman of Wangjianmen, but Mochizuki's aptitude and performance were a bit ordinary. In the past, Mochizuki could not be the three-in-one enemy of Brother Sky.But... now, the battle between the two has undergone an incredible reversal.

From the very beginning, Senior Brother Tian was crushed and beaten by Mochizuki!
How is this going!how is this possible!How could Mochizuki's martial arts be so powerful!

Brother Sky fought back, while being shocked in his heart.

Mochizuki's moves are completely different from Brother Sky's and do not belong to Wangjianmen.Brother Tiantian was puzzled, where Mochizuki learned these strange tricks, and the trick is Linglie.

"Impossible!" Brother Sky yelled.

Mochizuki's swordsmanship is very weird, that's all right, but it's unacceptable to Brother Tian, ​​Mochizuki's method looks very skillful, probably after many years of practice.

how can that be!

Mochizuki has only been away from Wangjianmen for a few months, how could it be possible to practice other swordsmanship for several years.Brother Tian really couldn't believe it, Mochizuki in front of him seemed to be a different person, which made him feel terribly strange.

"Hmph... Didn't think of it, you just realized now that you were familiar with me before..."

Mochizuki seemed to have expected Brother Tian's reaction, and his tone was light, as if he was telling an extremely ordinary thing.And the latter's frightened expression was not taken to heart by her at all.

"One day you will know, you know now... whatever!"

Mochizuki's attacks became more and more domineering, Senior Brother Tian gradually became overwhelmed, but he still tried his best to block Mochizuki's attack, and said angrily, "Who the hell are you?"

There are no words at all that can describe Brother Tian's mood at the moment.A person who has been together since childhood and thinks they know each other well, suddenly, in an instant, the image is completely overturned, and you find that you have never really understood this person at all.

This person is a completely strange existence to himself.

What a feeling.

Anyway, Senior Brother Tian feels in his heart at this moment that the whole world has become false and unreal.

"Could it be that you have been deceiving me and the entire Wangjian Gate before?"

Brother Tian's questioning got Mochizuki's indifferent but affirmative answer: "That's because you guys were stupid and didn't realize it."

The sword was so powerful that it shook Senior Brother Tian, ​​causing severe pain in his tiger's mouth.

" are too scary!" This person who has been able to keep his true face from being discovered by no one for more than ten years is naturally very scary.

For a moment, Senior Brother Tian felt that the sky was dim and the earth was dark.

But Mochizuki didn't feel anything, and said indifferently: "No wonder I, you are stupid."

"Who the hell are you!"

Mochizuki lowered his head: "Am I..."

Then she giggled and said, "My home is in a very beautiful place..."

Mochizuki seemed to be immersed in reminiscing about the past one second, but the next second, the sword in his hand was spinning rapidly, and with an extremely fierce offensive, he killed Brother Tian.Brother Tian didn't expect it, and blocked it in a panic.

The two fought into a group again, inseparable, but Mochizuki still had the upper hand.

During the fight, Brother Tian had a vague feeling that Mochizuki's realm was probably about to step into the realm of a martial artist.

This is impossible!
"I come from Muyou Valley...there is beautiful!" Behind the tulle, Mochizuki smiled softly, but the sword didn't relax at all, Senior Brother Tian always felt a lot of pressure.

When he heard the words "Muyou Valley", he frowned and asked, "What is Muyou Valley, what is this place?"

"You won't know..."

This was the last sentence Mochizuki said. Next, Mochizuki's attack changed from coercion to fierce attack. Brother Tian was already a little flustered, and now he is even more flustered.After a while, Senior Brother Tian was breached by Mochizuki, and the sword tip drew a deep bloodstain on Senior Brother Tian's body.

Brother Sky's eyes widened, his expression was disbelief, Mochizuki really wanted to kill him!Mochizuki is the person he loves the most, and he actually wants to kill him... Brother Tian really doesn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.

However, before he could react, Mochizuki's sword did not stop, but continued to attack Brother Sky.Senior Brother Tian hastily counterattacked, but Mochizuki smashed them one by one. In a short time, Senior Brother Tian had more than ten sword marks on his body.

Brother Tian, ​​who was scarred all over his body, was also scarred in his heart.

At this moment, all his thoughts about Mochizuki burst like bubbles in water.

Brother Sky was completely hopeless, and suddenly felt like laughing, wanting to laugh crazily, laughing at his own stupidity, and laughing at this bizarre world.

He laughed, laughing like crazy.

Mochizuki was still very indifferent, and the tip of the sword moved forward, only half an inch away from Senior Brother Tian's throat.The sword stopped suddenly, and Mochizuki's movements stopped suddenly.She glanced at Senior Brother Tian quietly, not knowing what she was thinking, then turned and left.

Senior Brother Sky laughed in situ, in a trance.

His heart, at that moment, died completely.


Mochizuki and those two men in black robes left, and they didn't know where they went.Brother Tian didn't follow them any more, he just casually bandaged the wound on his body, stopped the bleeding, and then rushed back to Wangwangjianmen.

However, on the way, Brother Tian suddenly felt that his spirit was getting worse and worse, and there were dull pains in all parts of his body.He didn't know that his soul was damaged, he just thought it was the sword wound caused by Mochizuki that was hurting, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

But when he walked near Guanyin City, he realized that the pain in his body was getting worse and worse, and finally, he fell unconscious on the ground.If he hadn't been recognized by someone, he might have returned to Wangjianmen really dead.


Up and down Wangjianmen, the senior elders basically knew about Mochizuki's betrayal, because Brother Sky reported the whole incident to the headmaster as soon as he woke up.He didn't intend to hide it, because although he loved Mochizuki, he was more loyal to the sect.

Moreover, Mochizuki personally beat him to serious injuries, which completely broke Brother Tian's heart.

When the heart is completely broken, the only thing left is indifference.

Furthermore, this matter must also be explained to the sect.

As for the punishment that Mochizuki might face next, Senior Brother Tian was in no mood to take care of it at that time.His heart is completely dead, and now he is only loyal to the sect.

This is a typical love-hate relationship.

Unable to help him not to hate, Mochizuki hurt him again and again, stinging his heart.The ordinary disciples of Wangjianmen still don't know about this matter, because the upper echelon blocked the news and didn't want to affect the morale of the school.

But Guo Mu has a good relationship with Senior Brother Tian, ​​and he learned everything from the latter's mouth.

But he couldn't figure it out...why, didn't Mochizuki have been at Wangjianmen for more than ten years? If she came from a place called Muyou Valley, why would she hold back for so long?Wangjianmen is just a small sect. If Wangyue is an undercover agent, it seems completely unnecessary.

In addition, how deep the city and how superb acting skills are needed for a person to endure for more than ten years?

How did Mochizuki deceive more than 200 people up and down Wangjianmen when he was young?

Could it be that those who look at the sword gate are all fools?
If Mochizuki's swordsmanship that hurt Brother Sky was really different, then how did Mochizuki avoid the crowd and practice swordsmanship of other sects in normal times?
All in all, very unbelievable.

Guo Mu always felt that there were some things that Senior Brother Tian didn't say, but it was not easy for him to ask, after all, it didn't have much to do with him.Since Senior Brother Sky wanted to hide it, he didn't ask.

Guo Mu pulled Brother Tian back from the gate of hell because of the relationship he had chatted with for a while. This was to fulfill his own wish, and he had no other ideas.

Knowing that he was awakened by Guo Mu, Brother Tian was very grateful to the latter, and threatened to share with Guo Mu the martial arts he had learned, as well as the experience and skills he had in martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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