Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 221 Punishment Decision

Chapter 221 Punishment Decision
Liuying murmured to Senior Brother Tian, ​​"Senior Brother Tian... Junior Brother Guo Mu, what's wrong with him..." When speaking, Liu Ying's face was a little pale, obviously also afraid of Guo Mu.

Senior Brother Tiantian swallowed a mouthful of spit, and said, "I don't know... the feeling Junior Brother Guo Mu gives me now...is like..."

"Like what?"

Brother Tian took another deep breath, and said slowly: "It's very similar, a poisonous snake that crawled out of hell..."


"Guo Mu..."

A voice suddenly cut through the silence of the audience, Guo Mu turned his head and saw the stern face of his master Guangwu.

Guo Mu looked at Guangwu quietly, trying to figure out what the latter was thinking, but didn't speak.But Guangwu's next words completely dispelled the defense in Guo Mu's heart.

Guangwu turned around suddenly and announced to everyone: "In the battle between long and short swords, the long sword wins!"

Guangwu changed the subject, apparently not wanting everyone to focus all their attention on Guo Mu now. The benefit of doing so is to avoid further deterioration of the situation.Guangwu can be described as well-intentioned.

After Guangwu took the lead, some other elders also reacted instantly, and hurriedly followed along, trying to divert their attention.

Guo Mu didn't know what they wanted to do, but at the same time, his heart suddenly relaxed.He also doesn't want to be so concerned by everyone. What he is most afraid of now is that someone will ask him who he is...

He didn't know how to answer this question, because he couldn't say that he came from the soul world, and he couldn't tell many things.

And his behavior just now was too unbelievable, and it is very likely that others would treat him as a monster or an undercover agent of another sect, and charge him on the spot.

Guo Mu just wanted to practice quietly in Wangjianmen, and then find an opportunity to join Shuyang Sect. He was extremely unwilling to be exposed at such a time.

Besides, he really didn't think of doing anything bad.

Guangwu's words naturally diverted the attention of others, and those elders were not stupid, they knew what Guangwu meant and wanted to defend Guo Mu, so they cooperated silently.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "Guangwu, don't change the subject... I would like to ask you, apprentice, what is your origin!"

Guo Mu was startled, no, the worrying thing finally came.

He looked up and found that the person who spoke was Guo Huayu's master, Bingtian.

Not only Guo Mu was surprised by Bingtian who came out halfway, but even Guangwu had a headache.That's right, just now, he really wanted to protect his apprentice, because he had a good impression of Guo Mu, and felt that although the latter concealed his own strength, he should have no malicious intentions.

The basis for these judgments mainly comes from his daily relationship with Guo Mu, as well as his observation of Guo Mu's behavior.

But he was also very afraid that there was really something wrong with Guo Mu.Therefore, he wanted to divert everyone's attention away first, and then deal with Guo Mu's matter slowly.

And Bingtian is really good at timing, and when he questioned at this time, Guo Mu had to face it, and Guangwu had no way to defend Guo Mu anymore.

"Who the hell are you, kid?" Bingtian watched his apprentice Guo Guyu climb down the stage, then slowly set his eyes on Guo Mu, and finally began a verbal crusade: "You... What the hell are you trying to do by sneaking into our Wangjian Gate!"

As soon as he said these words, his disciples seemed to have got some kind of cue, and they all drew out the daggers they carried with them, and glared at Guo Mu on the stage.

Following their actions, the disciples of Guangwu Academy also drew their long swords one after another, and confronted the people of Bingtian Academy.

The actions of the two chambers made the others tense up, and each held their weapons on guard.

"What are you doing! What are you doing? Put it down!" The old head suddenly interrupted. If he didn't speak at this time, it might really cause unimaginable consequences.

At this time, only the old master can change this chaotic scene.

Hearing the old master's words, all the disciples looked at each other and put down their weapons in unison.The old master breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately issued the next order: "All disciples, all return to their own residences, and do whatever they need to do..."

Everyone realized that the old leader and other high-level officials might have to deal with Guo Mu's affairs alone, so they all left according to their words.

Before leaving, senior brother Tiantian said to Guangwu when he passed by Guangwu: "Uncle Guangwu, you must keep him..."

The so-called "he" refers to Guo Mu. Guangwu knew it well and nodded, expressing that he would definitely do his best.

As for whether Guo Mu can really be kept, it depends on what Guo Mu is hiding, and whether he can satisfy all the high-level officials of Wangjianmen.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the crowd, Guo Huayu squeezed to Bingtian's side, and said to his master with a stern look: "Master...you must kill him!"

Bingtian blinked at him, Guo Huayu smiled with satisfaction, very sinister.

Their conversation fell into the eyes of the old head, Guo Mu and others. Guo Mu didn't care what they talked about, but the old head could guess what they were talking about, and suddenly frowned.


After all the disciples had left, an interrogation against Guo Mu began.

"Who are you?" It was still the same question, but the person asking the question was no longer Bing Tian, ​​but the old master.

Compared with Bingtian, the attitude of the old head is relatively gentle, but the tone of doubt has not weakened much, because... he is actually also suspicious of Guo Mu's motives.

Judging from the strength Guo Mu showed just now, Guo Mu's own realm has far surpassed that of ordinary warriors.And at that moment, the scene where Guo Mu's body was covered by gray gas was really, too weird.

Therefore, the old head believes that Guo Mu must come from a very extraordinary place.

However, such an extraordinary person, why would he choose to stay in such a little-known sect like theirs?

What is Guo Mu's hidden purpose?
The old head's question was exactly what everyone wanted to know. Guangwu looked at Guo Mu nervously, while Bingtian glanced at Guangwu's expression, and then smiled coldly.This is what he wanted.


Facing the old head's question, Guo Mu was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "My name is Guo Mu."

"Nonsense, of course the head of the sect knows your name, what he asked was where you are from..." a certain elder snorted coldly.

Guo Mu raised his head: "I'm from White Lake City..."

The old head raised his eyebrows: "Are you really a friend of Feng Wen's son?"

Guo Mu nodded.

Bing Tian fanned the flames just right: "Or, he killed Feng Wen's son and took away his name card..."

As soon as Bingtian said this, Guangwu immediately retorted: "Bingtian, don't say these unsubstantiated words, you are also an elder of Wangjianmen, why do you speak without paying attention to your identity?" Guangwu glanced at the old head of the sect , found that the latter's brows were indeed frowned, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and then began to worry about Guo Mu's situation.

However, how could Bingtian bow his head and admit defeat so easily, and he said sharply: "By the way...it doesn't seem that far away from Baihu Lake, why don't you send someone to check it out?"

He turned his gaze to the old head, as if he wanted to ask what the latter meant.

The old master glanced at him, but didn't respond directly, but asked Guo Mu again: "How do you prove that your famous post has a clean history?"

In the past, Wangjianmen accepted people. If there were famous posts, they would only look at the famous posts. No matter how the famous posts came from, as long as the person was there, they would accept them.But now, after such a incident, the old master had no choice but to turn his attention to the famous post itself.

If the origin of this famous post is really unclear, then it is very likely that Guo Mu will be killed like a thunderbolt.

Wangjianmen will never be merciless in dealing with people like undercover agents.

If Guo Mu is really an undercover agent, then... he will definitely die.


Guo Mu is also very aware of this, so he has to prove that he is not an undercover agent.However, how can it be proved that Feng Wu is dead, and Feng Sanshao doesn't know where he went, and the person who looks at Jianmen has never seen Fengsan Shao, even if Feng Sanshao really came out to testify for him, then... Bingtian can still say that Feng Sanshao is also a fake.

There is absolutely no way to prove this.

Guo Mu's thoughts quickly turned around a few times, and he decided to do everything he could: "I sincerely joined Wangjianmen to study martial arts. I came from Baihu. If the leader doesn't believe me, I can send someone to investigate."

When he said this, Guo Mu didn't have any confidence in his heart, because after Feng Wen died, then, in fact, no one in Baihu City could prove that Feng Wen really gave him the name card. At least definitely not in White Lake City.As for the Feng family in White Lake City, not to mention that they don't even know who Guo Mu is, even if they can guess, they will definitely not prove anything to him.

Guo Mu's words were just a way to delay the attack.

Because from Wangjian Gate to White Lake City, no matter how fast it is, it will take half a month.

Guo Mu is now procrastinating as long as he can, let's wait for half a month, maybe, in this half month, he can find a solution to this matter.


The old master nodded: "Okay, since you haven't found out your background, you can no longer continue to train with other people..."

(End of this chapter)

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