Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 227 Breaking away from Wangjian Gate

Chapter 227 Breaking away from Wangjian Gate

But what shocked the old head was that Bai Qiufeng's interest was so strong that he invited Guo Mu to join Shuyang Sect as soon as he came!

Is this... this Bai Qiufeng, is he really the one who stepped on the heads of many Heavenly Martial Artists for two consecutive Shaowu Conferences...

Why do things so hastily.

Just now the old master told Bai Qiufeng that Guo Mu's identity was unknown, but Bai Qiufeng didn't seem to care very much, he was only interested in the light gray gas that suddenly emerged from Guo Mu's body when he was in the ring .Could it be because of this that Bai Qiufeng wanted to enroll Guo Mu in the Shuyang Sect?
"Bai Shangshi...here, Guo Mu's origin..." The old head didn't want to have an undercover agent from his sect who would betray the Shuyang Sect in the future, and he would be more implicated if he did so.Although he still has a good impression of Guo Mu in his heart, but from a rational point of view, the old head has to dissuade Bai Qiufeng.

However, Bai Qiufeng was much more decisive than the old headmaster imagined. He raised his hand to stop the old headmaster from continuing.He looked at Guo Mu and said, "If you really want to find out, how can I, the Shuyang Sect, fail to find out his origins? You don't need to talk about it, I've already decided..."

The sentence "I've already made up my mind" fully explained Bai Qiufeng's domineering... The old sect master could only praise in his heart that he really deserved to be the rumored future master of the Shuyang sect. Door, you have to be more decisive... I just don't know what Guo Mu is thinking at the moment...

In fact, Guo Mu was a little confused as to why Bai Qiufeng treated him so well.Originally, the moment he came out of the back mountain prison, the moment he saw the complicated expression on Senior Brother Tian's face, he made up his mind to fight for his dignity with his life.

However, the moment he saw Bai Qiufeng, Guo Mu felt that things seemed to be different.And when Bai Qiufeng said that he was going to be invited to join the Shuyang Sect, Guo Mu felt as if he was in a fog and couldn't touch anything.

Seeing Guo Mu's silence, Bai Qiufeng asked again: "How is it, little brother, are you willing to go with me?"

Guo Mu was taken aback, and thought, if he goes with Bai Qiufeng, he can avoid the embarrassing situation where his identity cannot be explained clearly, but correspondingly, there will be disadvantages.Then, the strength of Bai Qiufeng alone has surpassed the entire Wangjianmen, so... If Bai Qiufeng suspects him and wants to kill him, he has no chance to fight back.

Although, at present, Bai Qiufeng seems to be much more kind, but Guo Mu dare not trust a stranger so casually.

It's not like Guo Mu has never seen a smiling tiger.


"Why should I go with you..." Guo Mu stared into Bai Qiufeng's eyes and said.

Bai Qiufeng was stunned for a moment, he never thought that Guo Mu would be so defensive. He originally thought that when the word Shuyang Zong came out, Guo Mu would agree.After all, in the entire Xiaqiu country and even the surrounding countries, the name of the Shuyang Sect is also well-known in the ears of ordinary people.He didn't believe that Guo Mu would not know about Shuyang Sect, and the sect Guo Mu was in now was a subsidiary sect of Shuyang Sect. Guo Mu should be able to understand what it means to join Shuyang Sect.

However, Guo Mu didn't agree directly, but asked him why...

Bai Qiufeng couldn't understand this young man.

"Shuyangzong, I don't think I need to introduce you... I just want to tell you that I really have no malice towards you. I invite you to join Shuyangzong. I just want to give you a taboo to show your talents...I believe , you have that ability..." Bai Qiufeng said, "Will you come with me?"

Is it a chance to display your talents... Guo Mu lowered his head silently, thought for a while, then raised his head and said firmly: "Okay, I'll go with you!"

After careful comparison, Guo Mu felt that since he had golden gloves, he might not be able to compete with the many elders of Wangjianmen. He was dead anyway, so it was better to follow this guy who seemed to have a very high status.Generally speaking, people with higher status pay more attention to credibility.

Besides, Guo Mu was just a young boy, so there was no need for that Bai Qiufeng to lower his profile to please him.

As soon as Bai Qiufeng heard Guo Mu's agreement, his expression was overjoyed, and he even said hello, which surprised the people around him.But... Looking at Bai Qiufeng's expression, it doesn't seem like a fake.Guo Mu also never imagined that Bai Qiufeng would be so happy when he responded casually.

After being happy, Bai Qiufeng returned to normal, and then said to the old head: "I don't care what he was like in the past, what his identity is, now he is very likely to become a member of my Shuyang Sect. You locked him in the cell before. For things, I will let the past go, and I will persuade him to let the past go, you don’t have to worry. Now you send someone to arrange for my little brother...and then take me to the prison in the back mountain...I want to see that person ..."

Guo Mu naturally knew that the person Bai Qiufeng mentioned was the mysterious prisoner who lived next door to him in the back mountain cell.

Looking at Bai Qiufeng's disappearing figure, Guo Mu thought to himself, what kind of person is this so-called mysterious prisoner?


Because Guo Mu was favored by Bai Qiufeng and planned to make an exception to accept him into the Shuyang Sect, Guo Mu's status in Wangjianmen suddenly rose.Those who had ridiculed Guo Mu before all shut up in unison, including Guo Liyu who had always wanted to put Guo Mu to death.

Guo Liyu is not an idiot, he wanted to fight against Guo Mu at the beginning, but it was because he was in a good position among the new disciples of Wangjianmen.After all, his martial arts talent can be regarded as the most potential person in Wangjianmen.Under such circumstances, he lost himself for a while, his head became hot, and then he became arrogant under the connivance of his master Bingtian.

Since he was a child, he was bullied and grew up. He thought that it was finally time for him to bully others.

However, what he never imagined was that the big shot from the Shuyang Sect would not take him seriously, the so-called martial arts genius, but instead looked at the enemy in his mind, the guy who brought him shame. look at.

And, he invited that guy to join the Shuyang Sect.

What kind of place Shuyangzong is, Guo Liyu doesn't know, but he knows that Wangjianmen, which he always thought was great, is just a dispensable small sect under Shuyangzong.

His opponent actually went to such a place!
His future prospects are definitely much higher than his!

Just a moment ago, Guo Fuyu was the so-called proud son of heaven, and he was highly valued in Wangjianmen, but in the next second, just because of Bai Qiufeng's words, his status plummeted, while his opponent instantly rose to the top. A height he may never be able to look up to.

Guo Luyu's mood is almost worse than eating shit.

The next day, Bai Qiufeng took Guo Mu out of Wangjianmen.

No one knows what exactly Bai Qiufeng said to the mysterious prisoner in the back mountain.When Bai Qiufeng left, his expression was not good.At that time, Guo Liyu still imagined that Bai Qiufeng would not even be angry with Guo Mu because of his mood.But, in fact, Bai Qiufeng was still a person who could tell right from wrong, and he didn't blame other people for his emotions.

Guo Luyu's extravagant hopes came to naught. When he watched Bai Qiufeng take Guo Mu away, and Guo Mu looked at him with a sneer, Guo Luyu had completely understood that from now on, Guo Mu would always be in his heart. magic.

On his way forward, there will always be such a shadow following him, making him never feel at ease, and his realm will never be improved.


Before leaving, Guo Mu specifically went to see Senior Brother Tian and Sister Liuying to say goodbye. Although Senior Brother Tian did not help as he said at the last moment, but... the only reason is that Senior Brother Tian did not put the demon beast inside. The exposure of Dan's matter is enough to prove that Brother Tian's friendship with him is sincere.

Since Senior Brother Tian didn't betray him, then he will also regard Senior Brother Tian as a friend. Now that he is about to say goodbye and his future is uncertain, he naturally wants to say hello.

When Senior Brother Tian saw Guo Mu, he gave a thumbs up: "That's right, Junior Brother Guo Mu, oh no, I don't even know what to call you now, but you will join the Shuyang Sect in the future... Our status is different You can’t call me Senior Brother any more…”

What Senior Brother Tian said seemed a bit sad, Guo Mu didn't take it seriously, and said, "It's okay, no matter where I, Guo Mu, go, you are my Senior Brother." Guo Mu didn't say this out of consideration of politeness. , He really thought so in his heart.

Although it is said that he was able to join the Shuyang sect, for more than [-]% of the people in Wangjianmen, it is equivalent to a carp leaping over the dragon gate.However, Guo Mu didn't feel much excitement in his heart.

If, as he imagined, he first became a martial artist and then joined the Shuyang Sect, then he might be a little more excited, because the occurrence of these things is completely under his control.But now, Bai Qiufeng came out halfway, and he was inexplicably invited to join the Shuyang Sect, as if, the great sect that was once thought to be unattainable, suddenly he could join casually...

This made Guo Mu feel very strange, he didn't know what Bai Qiufeng liked about him.

Originally, if Guo Mu didn't have the inner alchemy of the myriad-legged water beast, nor the golden gloves, nor the spiritual power, he would have followed Bai Qiufeng without even frowning.But Guo Mu has it, so it is impossible for him not to worry.He began to think about whether the golden gloves should not be exposed in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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