Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 230 Shuyang Sect 1

Chapter 230 Shuyang Sect 1
The other men in black robes are just ordinary martial artists.

With Bai Qiufeng's strength, it is no problem to fight against ten or twenty sky warriors with one.Not to mention, now his opponent is only one Sky Warrior.Of course, on the battlefield, experience and other auxiliary means can also affect the outcome.

But... in the face of absolute strength, no amount of intrigue is useless.

If Bai Qiufeng really wanted to kill the black-robed people, it would be easy, but... Bai Qiufeng wanted to find out why these black-robed people came to him.He was waiting for the man in black to reveal his purpose, so he did not act for a long time.

"What kind of magic door, we haven't heard of it." The leader of the man in black shook his head and denied it.

"Do you think I will believe it?" There was no wave in Bai Qiufeng's eyes.

The leader of the man in black sneered and said, "Let's put it bluntly, I am indeed not from the Demon Sect..."

Bai Qiufeng's tone turned cold suddenly, and he said, "You really want to play tricks on me, but you can't."

"Don't get me wrong..." The black-robed man continued, "I don't know, have you ever heard of a place called 'Muyou Valley'..."

As soon as the man in black said "Mu Yougu", Bai Qiufeng's body trembled suddenly, but it was not so obvious.Standing not far away, Guo Mu also heard the words "Muyou Valley", but he had never heard of this place before, so he didn't have any special reaction, just continued to listen curiously.

Bai Qiufeng's voice suddenly became cold: "Where are you from?"

The man in black nodded: "That's right."

Bai Qiufeng took a deep breath, obviously he had some scruples about the so-called "Mu Yougu".Seeing this, Guo Mu became even more curious about what kind of place the so-called "Muyou Valley" is. With just three words, Bai Qiufeng can change from a first-day martial artist who doesn't care about anything, to Create a sense of fear.

"What's the matter?" Bai Qiufeng forced himself to look at the black-robed man calmly, his face turned a little pale, completely different from the way he despised the black-robed man before.

What kind of holy place is Muyou Valley, which can actually make Bai Qiufeng fearful, and even show a cowardly attitude in front of people whose strength is far inferior to his own.Bai Qiufeng, these three names have made countless martial artists, even sky warriors, tremble with fear.

"On behalf of the valley owner, I am sending you an invitation card. For all the reasons, I believe that there is naturally a gap in your heart." The man in black said slowly, and then took out a piece of black paper from his body.He walked towards Bai Qiufeng, but Bai Qiufeng remained motionless, put the sword back into the scabbard, and did not take any precautions.Obviously, Bai Qiufeng no longer regarded the man in black as an enemy.

Taking the black invitation from the man in black, Bai Qiufeng stuffed it into his pocket without even looking at it.

Next, he and the man in black looked at each other quietly.

The distance between them is only one meter.

If the man in black made a sudden attack, he might be able to assassinate Bai Qiufeng, and if Bai Qiufeng wanted to kill the man in black, it would be easy.

But neither of them made a move.

Bai Qiufeng looked up at the sky, the gloomy clouds were gradually approaching him, and a flock of wild geese flew by without crowing.

"How about the previous sneak attack?" Bai Qiufeng snorted coldly.

"Haha... how could the majestic Bai Qiufeng get hurt so easily? The fight between us was just to say hello to you. It's just that it's too abrupt to talk to you directly, so we have to become enemies first." " said the black-robed man, and the black gas on his body was constantly churning, looking like a hideous specter.

"Are you not afraid that I will kill you?" Bai Qiufeng asked.

The man in black smiled slightly: "Other people will definitely, but you, Bai Qiufeng, will definitely not."

"Why?" Bai Qiufeng stared at the man in black.

The black robe said humanely: "Actually, from the very beginning, when we appeared, you have already guessed our identities, right?"

Bai Qiufeng looked at him quietly, noncommittal.

After a long while, Bai Qiufeng raised his eyebrows: "The letter has been delivered, you go, go back and tell your Valley Master that you will definitely keep the appointment."

The black-robed man chuckled, "Then I won't delay your journey... see you in three years." Bai Qiufeng nodded, and the black-robed man backed away slowly, still looking very alert.After he retreated to the side of the other black-robed men, he bowed and said, "Farewell!"

Bai Qiufeng didn't respond.

The leading man in black led the other men in black to retreat into the jungle. Guo Mu walked slowly to Bai Qiufeng, just as he was about to ask what was going on.But he saw that Bai Qiufeng moved suddenly, just like a leopard hunting, when it was sure that the prey entered the hunting range and the best time to attack, the leopard moved.Like a gust of wind, it rushes towards its prey.

Bai Qiufeng's prey were those men in black robes.

He is an absolute powerhouse with rich experience in actual combat, and he attacks as fast as a cheetah.

When the leader in black robe found out, four or five of his subordinates in black robe had already been instantly killed by Bai Qiufeng.The moment the leader of the black-robed man turned his head back, his face paled in shock.He never thought that Bai Qiufeng would attack him suddenly, he was just a messenger.What's more, Bai Qiufeng, as the authentic sect of a famous family and the future candidate for the suzerain, would actually backtrack on what he promised, which is beyond the imagination of the people in black robes.

Generally speaking, those who are famous and authentic will take their own face into consideration.

And this Bai Qiufeng, according to the information they got, is also a decent gentleman.But they didn't expect that this so-called "gentleman" just promised to let him go, but when he turned around, he killed them.Could it be that Bai Qiufeng is really not afraid of offending Mu Yougu?
He couldn't allow him to think too much, because Bai Qiufeng's movements were too fast. In the blink of an eye, the sword had already cut the throats of several men in black.If this continues, he will die in Bai Qiufeng's hands.Although he is also a sky warrior, he has self-knowledge.Bai Qiufeng is a person who is appreciated by the owner of Muyou Valley. How can they be compared with Bai Qiufeng, these small characters who run errands.

What's more, the top figures in the Shaowu Conference are definitely the best proof of their strength.


"Damn it!" The leader of the black-robed man turned around and ran quickly into the jungle. He is not a fool, and naturally he would not really fight Bai Qiufeng for his life. Shepherd the valley, and then report to the owner of the valley.

As for whether the owner of the valley will stand up for him and clean up Bai Qiufeng, this is no longer his concern.

He can only escape now, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

No matter how strong Bai Qiufeng is, he is only a sky fighter, and the black-robed man is also a sky fighter, so it is still impossible for Bai Qiufeng to kill him instantly, and the chance of him escaping is still very high.The leader of the man in black was running desperately, and the sound of heavy objects hitting the tree came from behind him. He knew that it was his subordinates who were smashed onto the tree by Bai Qiufeng one by one.

At this moment, he can no longer control his subordinates, and his own survival is more important.


However, he still failed to escape. Just when he ran three or four meters away, a strong sense of crisis came from behind him, which made him feel desperate.He already felt that the murderous aura from the tip of the sword behind his back was aimed at his heart, and it was coming so fast that he had no chance to stop it.

He lost the confidence to stop.

At this moment, the sword stabbed into his heart smoothly, and blood spattered out.

Bai Qiufeng slowly pulled out the sword from the head of the man in black, and then watched indifferently as the body of the man in black fell slowly.In his hand, the sword was as clean as new. After killing so many men in black robes, their blood did not leave any traces on the smooth body of the sword.

Sure enough, it is worthy of a sword!

It took seven or eight seconds for Bai Qiufeng to kill the black-robed men just now, the speed was almost extremely fast, and the group of black-robed men had no resistance at all.If it was an ordinary person, he would probably only see a shadow turning around and kill the man in black robe, but Guo Mu's senses have been enhanced, so he can see all the movements of Bai Qiufeng.So in my heart, I was once again shocked by Bai Qiufeng's strength.

This guy is really not human!

Too strong!

Guo Mu thought to himself, if he were to fight Bai Qiufeng, even though he could see his speed clearly, he might not be able to dodge his attack.

After thinking about it, Guo Mu thought again, could it be that the speed of Tianwu practitioners is so many times faster than ordinary people?From Qingxin before, to Young Master Luo, and then Bai Qiufeng.Their speed is faster than one.

Thinking of this, Guo Mu once again intuitively felt the strength of Tianwu Zhe, and also understood his own shortcomings.

I remember the battle with Mr. Luohua back then, Mr. Luohua obviously bullied him at a speed that could not be traced at all, but he resisted subconsciously.In fact, he didn't know why he was able to react this way.

It was as if his body responded for him.

Probably it was this subconscious reaction that made Young Master Luo feel scruples about him. If Young Master Luo knew the truth of the matter, he might not be scared away.

The Xiaqiu Kingdom has a vast land and abundant resources, with a population of more than 20 billion and an area of ​​more than 3000 million square kilometers. In addition, there are as many as ten small vassal countries, which can be regarded as a superpower.

(End of this chapter)

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