Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 239 Mission

Chapter 239 Mission
The most important thing is to fully grasp the method of absorbing spiritual energy, so as to speed up the cultivation. Other things will be discussed later.


In the days that followed, Guo Mu began to work hard towards the goal he had set for himself.And while Guo Mu was thinking hard about how to comprehend the formula as soon as possible, another thing happened that made Guo Mu feel uneasy.

The cause of the matter was actually laid down when Guo Mu first joined the Shuyang Sect.

That's right, all the reasons were because of that mysterious Mu Yougu, who wanted to marry Shuyangzong.They wanted to marry Qingxin back to Muyou Valley. Qingxin was the daughter of the suzerain of the Shuyang Sect. This was something Guo Mu knew shortly after joining the Sect.It was also because Qingxin's status was so honorable that Guo Mu was hit hard for a while.

He is just a mountain boy with unknown background, Shuyang Sect is the third largest sect in Xiaqiu Kingdom, and Qingxin, as the daughter of the Suyang Sect's lord, has a head and face, and is also a sky warrior.With this kind of condition, only the royal family can find a match.

As for Guo Mu, really, without that confidence, he is indeed not qualified to have anything to do with Qingxin.In addition, during these days of getting along, Guo Mu discovered that Qingxin treated him like a sister taking care of her younger brother, which made Guo Mu understand more about the gulf between them.

Guo Mu is more open-minded, so he chose to put aside the relationship between men and women first, and concentrate on doing his own things first, cultivating his own realm, and let him let him go with the flow for other things.

Let's go back to the incident that made Guo Mu feel uneasy.

It turned out that just one day ago, the people from Shepherd Valley came again.This time, the way they came was very aboveboard.The reason is that, as Qingxuan said, Qingxin may have agreed to marry to Muyougu, so this time, the people from Muyougu came to formally offer the dowry.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, groups of men in black robes, carrying boxes of betrothal gifts, entered the Shuyang Sect.

And the person leading these black-robed men was a gold-robed man.It seems that this Muyou Valley is clearly distinguished by the color of the robes.The identity of this man in the golden robe in Muyou Valley is definitely not simple.

I just don't know, what is the strength of this golden robe man, is it equivalent to the Tianwu practitioner of Shuyangzong, or other realms?Although everyone is curious, no one will really go up and try.This was not because of fear, but because there was no need for it. After all, Mu Yougu came to Shuyangzong this time to propose marriage, not to provoke.

The members of the Shuyang sect couldn't find an excuse to provoke the man in the golden robe.

Then leave it at that.

With the dowry, the man in the golden robe was taken by the elders of the Shuyang Sect to the special courtyard where the guests lived, and temporarily settled down.And since the people from Muyougu came, the Shuyang sect really exploded up and down.There is no other reason, it is because the perfect senior sister in their minds is going to marry to an unknown place, and the people there are all cowards who dare not show their true colors to others.

Among the young disciples of the entire Shuyang Sect, Qingxin has always been hailed as a goddess-like existence, and she is the object of all young martial artists and sky warriors.

In addition, Qingxin usually shows people with a cold face, which adds to their noble impression of Qingxin's inviolability.

So, when they heard that the people of Shepherd Valley were going to marry Qingxin away, everyone was very disappointed and angry.Disappointed that Qingxin actually agreed, and angry that this sect from an unknown mountain corner actually wanted to marry their goddess back home.

In private, the number of people who opposed Qingxin's marriage had already exceeded [-]%, and it was still increasing.

However, no matter how much they objected, it still couldn't influence Qingxin's choice.


On the hillside halfway up the mountain, Qingxin stood there, looking into the distance, her beautiful long hair fluttering in the wind.Guo Mu stood not far behind her, quietly watching Yi Ren in a daze.

Guo Mu came here originally to inform Qingxin to attend the impromptu symposium held by the cultivating group, but after arriving here, seeing Qingxin's slightly melancholy back, he couldn't bear to disturb her.

The two remained in this state, and neither of them spoke.Guo Mu wanted to open his mouth several times to ask Qingxin why she married to Muyou Valley, but he choked on it several times.

He doesn't seem to be in the position to ask this question.

"What's the matter?" Qing Xin didn't turn around, but asked slowly, apparently she already knew that Guo Mu was standing behind her.

That's right, the sensory ability of a celestial warrior is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Team leader Bai asked me to inform you that we need to discuss the latest mission and the specific implementation plan." After entering the cultivation group, Guo Mu called Bai Qiufeng, Team Leader Bai. Correspondingly, if he called Qing Xin is the deputy team leader.Other team members are usually called by their first names.

As for brothers and sisters, in this case, it is generally not called.

At first, Qingxin didn't respond, but when she heard Guo Mu say "the latest mission", her eyes suddenly lit up, she turned around quickly, and said, "Let's go."

When Qingxin turned her face away, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, which was captured by Guo Mu with sharp eyes.He couldn't help being a little curious, what kind of mission was this so-called mission that could make Qingxin so happy.

Following Qingxin, Guo Mu walked slowly, wanted to open his mouth a few times, but held back.

As she was walking, Qingxin suddenly turned her head: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"I..." Guo Mu didn't expect Qingxin to turn around suddenly, and seemed to be choked.

"What are you hesitating about, just ask if you have any questions..." Qingxin looked at Guo Mu strangely.

Guo Mu took a deep breath and calmed down, he didn't want to be looked down upon by Qingxin.However, Guo Mu was too worried about this point, unless Guo Mu was so nervous that he wobbled all over, otherwise, Qingxin would not look down on Guo Mu because of this.

It's just that Guo Mu himself cares too much about Qingxin's feelings.

He really fell in love with Qingxin, and with the accumulation of time, this liking gradually deepened.

Seeing that Guo Mu was still silent, Qingxin suddenly remembered something, and said with a smile, "You want to ask me because of the matter of Mu Yougu?"

Guo Mu nodded, he really wanted to ask this.He heard from Qingxuan that at first Qingxin insisted on it for half a year and didn't want to get married, but for some reason, she suddenly agreed in the past few days.What happened in the middle made Qingxin willingly give up her status as the daughter of a famous family and marry into a little-known sect.

Mu Yougu, Guo Mu searched a lot of classics, but couldn't find any information about this place.Therefore, in Guo Mu's impression, Muyougu is a new small force.However, what Qingxin said next made Guo Mu completely overturn his thoughts.

Qingxin's cold face looked very serious, including her tone, which was also very serious: "Many people have asked me this question. You think I'm married, but... I can't tell you too much, but I can Let me tell you a word 'Mu Yougu, it's not as simple as you imagined'!"

Having said that, Qingxin turned around and walked forward.

Guo Mu stood there, carefully thinking about what Qingxin said before leaving, although he was puzzled, he seemed to catch something.In Guo Mu's impression, Qingxin doesn't even look down on the Eastern Chan School, but why is she so afraid of a little-known Mu Yougu, and even wants to wrong her lifelong happiness?
Muyou Valley, Muyou Valley, what kind of place are you?

For the cultivation group only, in about two or three days, it will be the start time of their next mission.

This mission is said to be much more arduous than the previous ones and requires careful and careful planning. Moreover, almost all members of the monastic group must join in except those who are performing other missions outside.Even Guo Mu, a half-baked guy, has to join in, otherwise, there won't be enough people.

After the temporary discussion meeting ended, Guo Mu guessed Qingxin's intentions.It turned out that although Qingxin agreed to marry Mu Yougu, she was actually not very willing. She was so enthusiastic about this mission of the cultivation group, obviously she wanted to use this to delay time.

This mission is based on a mysterious rumor.

Because the cultivating group needs to search for ascetics and cultivating spells everywhere, they are particularly concerned about the mysterious events happening all over the country.Basically, the disciples of the Shuyang Sect who travel the world will immediately send a message back to the Shuyang Sect if they find any miraculous things outside.The monastic group was screened, and then assigned personnel to investigate the local area. This mission is the largest possible mission that they have encountered since the formation of the group.

According to legend, a disciple of the Shuyang Sect found traces of monsters in a place called Tianxiang Forest.When he heard this for the first time, Guo Mu couldn't help but think of the ten thousand-legged water beast he killed in the White Lake.After the Wanzu water beast was killed by him, he also got the inner alchemy of the Wanzu water beast.This monster inner alchemy is very useful to Guo Mu.But now, when Guo Mu heard the information about monsters again, his heart started beating wildly involuntarily.

Another monster!For Guo Mu, this means that it is another monster inner alchemy!

The inner alchemy of a myriad-legged water beast is enough for him to absorb for so long, and the spiritual power reserves contained in it are so huge that Guo Mu probably won't be able to use it up in a few years.Of course, this is mainly related to Guo Mu's absorption method. If he changed his absorption method, he might have absorbed it in half a year.

(End of this chapter)

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