Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 248 Undercurrents surging

Chapter 248 Undercurrents surging
Especially later, when he was imprisoned in the back mountain cell because of the suspicious name post, Guo Mu didn't plan to help Wangjianmen any more, and even planned to be an enemy of Wangjianmen.

In short, it's not that Guo Mu wants to become what he is now, it's all forced by others.


Guo Mu didn't want to get involved in the Wangjianmen incident, he didn't have that leisurely mind, he was busy with training and animal taming...Of course, the animal taming was just for other people to see, and there was nothing between him and Bai Mao. There is no such thing as needing to be domesticated...

Whatever Guo Mu wants Bai Mao to do, Bai Mao can understand and execute it accurately.

It's a pair of tacit partners.

However, the development of the world is often beyond people's expectations.

Guo Mu didn't want to get involved, but was involved anyway.The one who pulled him into this vortex was the one who took him away from Wangjianmen: Bai Qiufeng.

Bai Qiufeng didn't know what he wanted to do, but he wanted to take Guo Mu to Wangjianmen with the reason that he needed help.

Guo Mu did not expect this.

However, he also felt that it didn't matter.

Guo Mu's current status is the animal trainer of Shuyang Sect, and he could not leave Shuyang Sect, but under Bai Qiufeng's persuasion, the elders still agreed for Guo Mu to leave.However, Baimao can't follow, he must stay in Shuyangzong.

On this day, Guo Mu, Guangwu, and Bai Qiufeng left Shuyang Zongmen, and were going to Wangjianmen to deal with the mysterious prisoner.

At the same time, on a hillside in the Shuyang Sect, in Qingxuan's arms, the little white monster squinted its eyes half-closed, staring at the clouds in the distance, wondering what it was thinking.

In Wangjianmen, more than a month has passed since the last time the man in black rescued the mysterious prisoner, and the sect gradually restored its former calm.The elders in the sect perform their own duties. The sect members practice martial arts, those who do tasks do tasks, and those who chop firewood chop firewood, as if nothing happened.But... in the calmness on the surface, there is an undercurrent surging.

At that time, the old head made a decisive decision and sent a large number of elders out to investigate the whereabouts of the man in black. When the people he sent back came back, the news made the old head suspicious, but it was also expected. .When Bai Qiufeng arrived, he had the confidence to explain the whole thing clearly.

A few days later, under the eager anticipation of Wangjianmen's high-level officials, the Baishang envoy of Shuyangzong finally arrived.And came with Bai Shangshi, and there was another person they didn't expect.After living in Shuyangzong for half a year, Guo Mu's body has recovered better. Compared with him who was a little thinner when he was at Wangjianmen, Guo Mu is now much stronger.More importantly, he has already reached the level of a martial artist. Naturally, it is impossible to wear the special clothes of the cultivator group when he comes out this time, including Bai Qiufeng, who has also changed into the clothes of ordinary Shuyang Zongmen at this moment.

However, even so, in the eyes of Wangjianmen, the status of any ordinary disciple of Shuyangzong is beyond their reach.

To everyone's surprise, and within the expectation of many people, Guo Mu was indeed accepted by the Shuyang Sect.Although the old head was curious why the Shuyang Sect accepted a young man of unknown origin, and in his opinion, this young man had very ordinary aptitude at all.It's just that although the old head has doubts in his heart, he knows very well that Guo Mu was able to join the Shuyang Sect because of Bai Qiufeng's help.No matter why Bai Qiufeng wanted to help Guo Mu, the old head was not qualified to ask, and he didn't dare to ask, because if he asked, he might get into other troubles.

The people above do things, and the people below can't intervene, and they can't intervene.

The old head is a smart man, the moment Guo Mu appeared, he didn't even change the expression on his face, instead he smiled and greeted Guo Mu and Bai Qiufeng with a flattering tone.When he did this, Guo Mu became a little embarrassed.

To be honest, he didn't expect that when he returned to Wangjianmen again, he would be respected like a grandfather.But after thinking about it, he felt relieved, after all, Wangjian Sect was only an affiliated sect, and they trained disciples just to break their heads, wanting them to join Shuyang Sect, and to improve the strength of their own sect.In this world of martial arts where the weak prey on the strong, the weak sects can only rely on the powerful sects, otherwise, they will inevitably lead to the destruction of the sects.

The big swallows the small, and the big gets bigger...

In the eyes of everyone in Wangjianmen, Guo Mu is a member of the unattainable Shuyang sect. To them, Guo Mu's status is noble, but they are humble.Of course, if they knew that Guo Mu could be regarded as a big celebrity even in the Shuyang sect, I don't know what they would dare to think.

You know, at the beginning, they planned to kill Guo Mu.

When Guo Mu returns again, some people will be nervous, but not too worried. For example, the old head, after all, he was the one who ordered Guo Mu to be imprisoned in the back mountain; while some people will be nervous, even afraid, and dare not show up because They were directly opposed to Guo Mu at the beginning, but now that Guo Mu is back, they are afraid of Guo Mu's revenge, so they are naturally looking for an opportunity to excuse themselves. For example, Guo Liyu and Bing Tian, ​​after hearing that Guo Mu is also here, they find excuses to stay in bed get up.

Apart from these people, there are of course some people who would be very happy to hear that Guo Mu is back, such as Senior Brother Tian and Senior Sister Liuying.

When old friends meet, they naturally have old feelings to recount.

After the superficially polite welcome, Guo Mu also sneaked away and walked side by side with Senior Brother Tian and Senior Sister Liuying, chatting about the past and asking about the current situation.Senior Brother Tiantian and Senior Sister Liuying were very curious about Guo Mu's current realm. When Guo Mu told them that he had reached the realm of martial artist, they opened their mouths in astonishment.

In the impression of Senior Brother Tian and Senior Sister Liuying, Guo Mu was not even considered a warrior at the beginning. Why did he break through to the realm of a martial artist after not seeing him for half a year? What kind of place is so awesome that it can make a young man who has not reached the realm of a martial artist transform into a martial artist in half a year.

This also made the two people full of curiosity about Shuyangzong. Guo Mu saw that they were interested, so he smiled and introduced some things about Shuyangzong.Of course, Guo Mu will not reveal the key things, such as Guo Mu's current identity and the fact that the cultivation group exists.

Knowing too much is not good for Senior Brother Tian and Senior Sister Liuying.

While Guo Mu was chatting with Senior Brother Tian and Senior Sister Liuying, Bai Qiufeng also started talking with the old head about the disappearance of the mysterious prisoner.

"You mean, those men in black are probably sent by the Tianhe sect?"

After hearing the so-called information from the old head, Bai Qiufeng was greatly surprised. In his eyes, Tianhemen was just a third-rate sect. How dare they rob the prisoner that the big shot of Shuyangzong wanted to hold? Bump your egg against a rock?
Behind Tianhe Gate is Tianwuzong. Could it be that Tianwuzong is behind this matter?
Thinking of this, Bai Qiufeng couldn't help frowning.

But Bai Qiufeng's expression was seen by the old head, and the old head couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. He was afraid that Bai Qiufeng would suspect that he was lying, and wanted to lead the disaster to Tianhe Gate. Old grievances are also widely spread among others.

He wasn't sure if Bai Qiufeng knew about these things, if Bai Qiufeng had really heard about the feud between Wangjianmen and Tianhemen, he suspected that he used this incident of the mysterious prisoner's disappearance to use Bai Qiufeng as a gunman If not, I'm afraid it will cause Bai Qiufeng's suspicion and dissatisfaction.

But the world can learn from the world, the old head really didn't intend to use Bai Qiufeng to deal with Tianhemen, he is not a fool, he naturally knows that at this juncture, instigating Bai Qiufeng to deal with Tianhemen is likely to turn into Shuyangzong and Tianhemen. The contradiction between Wu Zong.

It's okay if it's true, if the man in black is not from Tianhemen, then he, the instigator, is likely to be dealt with severely by Shuyangzong and killed as an example.

The old head is not that stupid.

So, what he said was true.

According to the information he found, those men in black really came from Tianhemen.The reason they found out was because the man in black was not very clean in his work. From some small details that were missed, Wangjianmen still found out the black hands behind the scenes.

Tianhemen, in terms of overall strength, is simply not comparable to Wangjianmen.What's more, there is Tianwuzong behind Tianhemen, and Wangjianmen can only ask the opinions of the above.

Bai Qiufeng's opinion.


Bai Qiufeng glanced at the old head: "Have you notified anyone else about this?"

The others, of course, refer to other people from the Shuyang Sect except Bai Qiufeng.

The old head shook his head, at this juncture, he didn't dare to act recklessly.From the current point of view, only this envoy in vain seems to be more reliable.However, the envoy who escorted the mysterious prisoner to Shuyangzong was more ruthless. He once said that if the prisoner escaped, he would have to pay with his life.

The old head didn't want to take his life, but he had to inform the people above Shuyangzong.

After thinking about it, only Bai Qiufeng felt more reliable.

The feeling of the old head has never been wrong, at least, not too wrong.

Bai Qiufeng smiled slightly: "That's good, don't worry, I will solve this matter, and on Yuetian's side, I will excuse you, and he won't care about your dereliction of duty anymore."

Yue Tian, ​​of course, was referring to the envoy who escorted the mysterious prisoner to Wangjianmen. The old head was stunned for a moment, then he realized it, and immediately bowed happily: "Thank you Bai Shangen."

Bai Qiufeng waved his hand: "Tell me about the situation of Tianhe Gate."

(End of this chapter)

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