Hongmeng Evil Lord

253 Chapter 6 Six Schools of Martial Arts 3

Chapter 253 The Six Doors Meeting 3
Yue Hua's expression was very cold, his knife was also very cold, the handle of the knife was transparent with cold jade, but his heart was even colder, so cold that when he took out the knife, it was as if ice and snow fell suddenly, making the opponent feel like they were in an ice cellar.

The ice cellar is not a good place, because it is very cold there, it will be colder if you stay for a long time, and you will die if you stay in the cold for a long time.

The blood coagulates, and the sky and the earth change color.

After the rumors of Yue Tiantian abandoning himself spread to Lian Xing's ears, Lian Xing became even more disdainful of Yue Tiantian in his heart.

He doesn't bother to compete with a waste, because he thinks highly of himself.

He thinks highly of himself, that's why he became one of the three swordsmen.

Go all out for a woman?


Lian Xing would never do such a thing, even if Mochizuki really moved his heart, it was far from enough to make him give up his dignity.

He would never risk his life for a woman, he still had the world in his heart.

So Yue Tiantian went all out for a woman, he disdainful.

Really disdain.

This disdain was clearly reflected in his eyes.

Yue Tiantian has also clearly noticed the contempt in his eyes, Yue Tiantian is very calm.

If it was before, he would definitely not be calm, he would have a duel when he drew his sword, because he also thinks highly of himself, but he has a little more affection.

Now he is really calm, so calm that he can still keep smiling when facing the enemy who knocked him from the high altitude to the bottom, who is enough to be called the enemy of life and death.

A faint smile.

Lian Xing glanced at him suspiciously, Yue Tiantian still smiled, but slowly drew out his sword.Lian Xing snorted coldly, even if Yue Tiantian's swordsmanship is superb, so what, the realm of warriors, even the peak warriors, can only be regarded as ordinary fists and kicks, but martial artists are different. It is not something ordinary warriors can contend with.

There are thousands of swords in the moon and sky, and only one sword in Lianxing.

Life and death are decided by one blow, and victory or defeat is determined by one blow.

One knife cuts two.

Yue Tiantian rushed up with his sword, like a moth to a flame, knowing that he was going to die, but still persistently moving forward.It will eventually be incinerated into ashes and end its life in the fire.It knows it, but has no hesitation.

Proud people know that they are invincible and defeated, but they will not be timid. They will face difficulties.

Live with pride and die with honor.

It's just... In the eyes of others, is this an honor?
In the eyes of onlookers, this is stupid, incurable, and an act of courting death.

"This idiot, he is a martial artist, he actually took the initiative to seek death..."

"Look how he died..."

"Sure enough, a person who has become a waste actually wants to fight Lian Xing with a broken sword... In my opinion, Lian Xing can defeat him with just one knife."

Lian Xing really only needs one blow to decide the outcome, Yue Tiantian's flaws are too obvious, so obvious that anyone in Tianhemen can decide the outcome with one blow.

If a person's flaws are so obvious, then it is no longer a flaw, but a trap.

Yue Tiantian wanted to show his weakness to lure him, so he must have thought of a countermeasure.

Maybe once he makes a knife, Yue Tiantian will be able to reverse the defeat.

Such a genius would never make such a naive mistake. Although Yue Tiantian once gave up on himself, he is still a genius after all.

As long as you are a genius, doing things will not be easy.

Lian Xing wanted to make it simple. He knew that Yue Tiantian might be cheating, but he still took the knife.With the big knife in hand, he was domineering and mighty, and when the knife fell, it seemed to split the moon sky in two.The sword was mighty, and one of the three swords was shot, and it was really extraordinary, and the onlookers all exclaimed.

This knife shocked the world and wept ghosts and gods.

This knife shattered the bright moon.

This knife cut through the dream.

Yue Tiantian's dream should be shattered, Mochizuki doesn't love him, no matter how persistent he is in giving, he's just humiliating himself.Life, love, does not have to be only for one person.Those who don't cherish themselves, those who don't love themselves, should give up.

Give up decisively.

Just like at this moment, Yue Tiantian made a decisive move.

Originally, he had no way to avoid it, unless he blocked it with a sword, then his sword would definitely fall out of his hand, and then Lian Xing's broadsword would rest on his neck, smiling mockingly at him.

It should be like this.

Everyone thought that he should have been like this.

However, his footsteps stopped abruptly, and he made a sudden mistake, avoiding the attack of the big knife. Although this was unexpected by many people, it was expected by Lian Xing.He didn't even stagnate, he turned the back of his sword, and chased after the moon sky.

At this time, a sudden change occurred.

Yue Tiantian didn't know what went crazy, but he grabbed Lian Xing's big knife, and then threw the sword in his hand as a hidden weapon towards Lian Xing.

Yue Tiantian held the big knife firmly, Lian Xing couldn't move, the sword pierced Lian Xing's chest quickly, the distance was too close, Lian Xing couldn't hesitate.

He could only dodge, but at the moment he dodged, he felt a shock from the tiger's mouth, and suddenly something was wrong, and the onlookers in the audience saw that Yue Tiantian unexpectedly took out Lian Xing's sword at such a critical moment. It was snatched away.

After taking the big knife, he immediately grabbed the big knife in his hand and slashed at Lian Xing.

This series of actions was done in one go without any stagnation, obviously planned in advance.

Yue Tiantian's scheming made Lian Xing feel chills. This was the first time he felt cold because of someone other than San Dao.He suddenly thought, if Yue Tiantian is not a martial artist to subvert, but a real martial artist, then he will definitely lose.

It seems that although Yue Tiantian was once very decadent, it is different now.

However, warriors are warriors after all, no matter in terms of speed or strength, they are slightly inferior.

Abandoning the sword and taking the knife, whether it is a good move or a bad move, no one can tell.

Swordsmanship is what Yue Tiantian is best at, and it is the key to his victory against the enemy, but he gave up the sword and took Lian Xing's knife instead.If Lian Xing hadn't been careless at the beginning, he wouldn't have been snatched away by Yue Tiantian.

Can you win by grabbing the knife?

Obviously not, because Lian Xing is not that easy to deal with.

If he is so easy to deal with, he is not Lianxing, not one of the three swords.

So what if he missed the knife, Lian Xing easily dodged Yue Tiantian's attack, moving his feet so fast that Yue Tiantian couldn't keep up with his speed.

Lian Xing grabbed the back of the knife fiercely, and pulled it hard, Yue Tiantian was already on guard, and grabbed it very tightly, Lian Xing couldn't snatch the knife away.

But Lian Xing didn't want to grab the knife.

Yue Tiantian was pulled by Lian Xing because of his tight grip, and he flew towards Lian Xing.

Lian Xing has great strength.

Can easily tear a person away.

When this person flew in front of him, he just lifted his foot lightly, kicked this person in the stomach, and kicked this person off the ring forcefully.

To fall off the ring is to fail.

Moon Sky, defeated.

Although Yue Tiantian lost, it was due to the difference in his own strength, and although Lian Xing won, in a sense, he was defeated.

Because his knife was taken once.

Regardless of whether he was careless or because of something, his knife was taken away by Yue Tiantian, this is a fact.

unavoidable fact.

For a martial arts practitioner, weapons are their second life.Those who use swords must not lose their swords. Losing their swords is equivalent to giving away their lives and honor to others. Those who use swords must not lose their swords, because without a sword, he is likely to be defeated by an opponent he thinks is weak.

Being deprived of a weapon is more humiliating than dying in the hands of the other party.

Lian Xing is no ordinary swordsman.

He is one of the three swords.

It is the pride of Tianhe Gate.

He is the most popular winner in the Liumenhui.

Is a conceited young strong.

He is Lian Xing.

He is not Moon Sky.

So he can't learn Yue Tiantian's self-defeating and self-abandonment, so he doesn't care about anything.He has honor, pride, and face...

And when Yuetian took his knife away, his face, honor, and pride were also taken away.

Yue Tiantian abandoned the sword in his hand and exposed all his weaknesses to Lian Xing, in order to slap his former rival in love fiercely in the face.

It hurt him.

It hurts as much as when I was defeated.

The sky of the moon is like a kite with a broken string, flying down the ring, and the people below dodge one after another, for fear of being hit.A person rushed out, it was Guo Mu, Guo Mu hurried over and caught Yue Tiantian.

Yue Tiantian spat out a mouthful of blood. Obviously, Lian Xing's kick was very hard and ruthless.He didn't have ten to 20 days, I'm afraid he won't be able to recover.

However, Guo Mu saw that Yue Tiantian was smiling.

Guo Mu knew why he smiled, it was a kind of gratification that his wish was fulfilled, so Guo Mu also smiled.

It's just that on the ring, Lian Xing's face was extremely ugly.


This battle, although it felt a little funny and beyond everyone's expectations, everyone was even more excited.

Although it was not Yue Tiantian who was slapped in the face, but Lian Xing.

Still, better.

One of the three knives was slapped in the face, and the pleasure of the onlookers, how would outsiders know.

"Hmph, embarrassing." Fang Zhu snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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