Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 255: An Incident at the Tianhe Gate 1

Chapter 255: An Incident at the Tianhe Gate 1
"Go to hell, kid!" Fang Zhu smiled coldly.

But in the next second, he suddenly felt a pain in a certain part of his body. It was a real kind of pain, as if his heart was being torn apart.What's going on, why is this happening, Fang Zhu doesn't understand, but when he finally understands, he feels that the world is spinning and the world is dark...

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Fang Zhu, the leader of the Three Sabers, passed out inexplicably.

But no one could see that under Fang Zhu's clothes, where the acupoints were touched by Guo Mu, there were red spots on the skin, but they disappeared in an instant.

"Brother Fang, what's wrong with you..."

"Senior Brother Fang, stand up..."

"People looking at the sword gate, what have you done!"

Some people from Tianhemen yelled there and pulled Fang Zhu down, only to find that Fang Zhu's pulse was still there, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.There was a faint smile on the corner of Guo Mu's mouth, he was attacking the important acupuncture points of Fang Zhu's body, if the soul of these places were damaged, then this person would be crippled.This is what Guo Mu learned from the secret books of the Shuyang sect. Only by identifying the acupuncture points can he kill people more effectively and quickly.

Even if Fang Zhu didn't die, unless he met someone who could use Yuan Lingli, or had other methods to restore his soul, he might never be able to hold a knife again.

It wasn't until this moment that Guo Mu really felt the strength of Du Yuanli.

From the moment Fang Zhu fell down, the audience was silent. No one thought that the leader of the three swords would be defeated so easily.And his opponent is just a little-known little guy.Small people are like ants. How could an ant kill a cat? This must be an illusion, it must be.

However, when everyone rubbed their eyes and woke up, they realized that this was not an illusion, but a real event.

Fang Zhu was really beaten unconscious by an unknown guy.

It's simple, it's easy, it's bizarrely knocked out.

Yue Hua narrowed his eyes, not to mention other people couldn't see how Guo Mu won, even he couldn't see it.What he saw was that Guo Mu simply tapped Fang Zhu's acupuncture points a few times, but this just showed that Guo Mu was not a simple person.

"This, this, this..." Guo Huayu whispered, while looking at his master Bingtian with his eyes, from Bingtian's eyes, all he could see was the same fear as his.

Guo Mucai went to Shuyangzong for half a year, and he became so powerful!

You know, even Bingtian doesn't have much confidence in defeating Sandao.

Today, the three swords have already been shot twice. Lian Xing fought with his love rival Yue Tiantian, and Yue Tiantian snatched the big sword carelessly. Although the ending is victory, in fact, it is embarrassing and thrown to grandma's house.Fang Zhu did not commit Lian Xing's mistake of underestimating the enemy, but he did not expect that his opponent's body could not be touched at all.

Because once touched, the Yuanli under Guo Mu's control would take the opportunity to get into Fang Zhu's body and destroy his soul.

If Fang Zhu had expected it a long time ago, he would definitely win the distance, even if he held a broken knife to kill him.

You must not try your hand with Guo Mu.


After successfully "scrapping" Fang Zhu, Guo Mu felt a little dizzy, but fortunately, the feeling was not too strong, and it lasted for a few seconds before it passed.At this time, Guo Mu saw a person walking slowly in front of his eyes. This person was also one of the three swordsmen, and it was said that he had the highest combat power.

He is Yue Hua.

While Guo Mu looked at Yue Hua, Yue Hua also stared at him coldly.

"You are very strong." Yue Hua said slowly.

Guo Mu had an impression of this person, he had met Yue Hua before, and he didn't have a good impression of this person.Because that day, this person indiscriminately protected that annoying young lady.It's just that Guo Mu didn't expect that one day, he would face this person.

Fate is really unpredictable.

The people who met once, or met occasionally, or knew each other well, when one day came, they became two people who were hostile to each other in the arena.

"Thank you." Like Yue Hua, Guo Mu didn't like dialogue.

However, Yue Hua was much more cold-blooded and shameless than Guo Mu had imagined. He just forced a weird smile on Guo Mu, and the next second, the big knife in his hand had already slashed to the top of Guo Mu's head.quick!very fast!And very shameless!
Sandao never cares about being shameless or not, so they can win again and again.

Today is an exception, two strikes have failed, but the third strike is an absolute cold-blooded killer.He can draw his sword immediately when he disagrees with a word, and no one can guess his behavior. It is precisely because of this that many people have died under his knife. facial expression, or with a smile.

Just like it is now.

Originally, if they were fighting in the arena, the two sides might be polite, or wait and observe for a while.But Yue Hua had already observed enough in the audience, he only said "You are very strong" on the stage, and before the words settled down, he immediately made a move, as fast as lightning!

He planned to kill Guo Mu with one blow.

This is Yue Hua's unique move, the fastest of the three swords.

No one can escape, at least he hasn't encountered it yet, and there is only one end for those who cannot escape his knife.

That is death!

Guo Mu didn't want to die, so he had to dodge, but he couldn't dodge, because his speed was not as fast as Yue Hua's, or his speed was not as fast as Yue Hua's sword.Yue Hua's saber is fast and powerful, it can be deadly, even Guo Mu's.

Guo Mu couldn't escape, he could only die.

The smile on the corner of Yue Hua's mouth turned cold the moment he drew the knife. In his eyes, Guo Mu had already turned into a dead person.

No one survived his knife, he didn't hold back, it was his all-out blow.He never gets close, because he doesn't want to learn the opponent's acupuncture.Among the three swords, Fang Zhu, whose strength is similar to his, has already been taught. If he makes the same mistake again, the three swords will only become a laughing stock in others' mouths.

Although San Dao is not in harmony, it is not something that other people can make fun of at will.

There is only one way not to be made fun of, and that is to hack the guy in front of him to death, although it may offend Wangjianmen.

But...if you offend, you will be offended, so what about Wangjianmen...

When the crisis came and his life was seriously threatened, Guo Mu did something that puzzled Yue Hua: Guo Mu actually closed his eyes!When the disaster was imminent, this guy actually closed his eyes. Did he give up resisting because he knew he was going to die, or did he have other tricks?
In half a second, Yue Hua's doubts were answered.

His knife suddenly hit something and stopped.Yue Hua glanced at it, and found that his knife was half an inch above Guo Mu's head, and it stopped abruptly, as if something in the air was blocking it.Yue Hua didn't believe in evil, and pressed the knife down hard, but there was nothing in the air, but the knife couldn't press it down, as if there was an invisible hand preventing the knife from falling.

Yue Hua's eyes widened, he had never encountered such a situation.

This is... this is...

Is this an evil?

If it's not a collision with evil spirits, how can this be explained?

Who is Guo Mu? Why is there an invisible hand on top of his head? Is he a monster...

Yue Huatian was not afraid, but at this moment, he really felt an unprecedented fear in his heart.He couldn't help but not be afraid. He had only seen such a weird situation in books.

Those are all books about ghosts and strange tales!
The audience off the field also saw this scene, everyone had different expressions, some didn't see it clearly, some didn't understand it, some were blurred, some had the same mood as Yue Hua, there was only one person , although there was a little panic on the expression, but there was something deeper in the eyes.

Wuyue murmured slowly in her heart: "This is... a cultivator!"

Of course Wuyue knows what a monk is. He also talked about the Rongling Pill with Fu Qing, the head of Tianhemen. He wanted to train his three apprentices to become monks, but he didn't tell them in advance.

At this moment, Wuyue finally figured out why Fang Zhu fell down for no reason before.Wuyue felt very bad in his heart.

"not good!"

Wuyue quickly ran towards Fang Zhu, his actions attracted everyone's attention, and everyone's eyes fell on him curiously, including the two people on the stage, who also stopped confrontation and looked at him quietly.

Wuyue felt Fang Zhu's pulse, breathed a sigh of relief, and then patted Fang Zhu's face again, but Fang Zhu was still unconscious.He felt even worse, so he checked Fang Zhu's body with a special method, only to find that several acupuncture points of Fang Zhu's tendons were completely blocked...or, in other words, completely collapsed!
Immediately, Wuyue's face changed drastically.

He turned his head abruptly and stared at Guo Mu on the stage: "Boy He Fang, how dare you abolish my apprentice!"

Fang Zhu, the head of the three swords, was abolished!
Just like that was abolished?

The kid who looked at the sword gate didn't do anything, just... touched Fang Zhu a few times, and Fang Zhu became a useless person?Isn't this a joke?

If Fang Zhu was so careless, how could he become one of the three swordsmen.

As soon as Wu Yue's words came out, all the people present were boiling, and the voices suddenly became noisy.Everyone didn't believe that Fang Zhu was really abolished like this, and many people subconsciously suspected that Wuyue was lying to discredit Wangjianmen.But... these people thought about it again, why did Wuyue lie, talking like this would only tarnish Sandao's reputation, tarnish Tianhemen's reputation, what good would it do him.

(End of this chapter)

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