Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 27 Conspiracy 2

Chapter 27 Conspiracy 2
"Brother Mu, what happened to him!"

When Guo Yinger exhausted her energy and ran to the place Guo Caier mentioned, she found that the door of the storage room was locked from the inside out.And outside the door of the storage room, there was a group of Guo family members, including a few members of the previous patrol team, and some other children. They all came after hearing the news, and even Guo Tianyang was among them.

The moment Guo Yinger appeared, Guo Tianyang's face became extremely ugly, especially after seeing the sad and confused color in the latter's eyes, his heart ached even more. Yinger actually moved so much for that kid Guo Mu. deep feelings!

He came here, naturally, because those patrol members were his subordinates, belonging to the direct lineage he secretly cultivated in the family, if something happened to Guo Muzhen, his subordinates would not be able to escape punishment.So he came here in person, wanting to see the development of the situation. It's best if Guo Mu is fine. If something happens, he has to find a way to exonerate his own people.

But Guo Yinger's appearance made him furious, he wished that the Supreme Elder in the storage room hadn't saved Guo Mu, hum!
"Brother Tianyang, tell me, what happened to Brother Mu?"

Guo Yinger obviously didn't notice the change in Guo Tianyang's expression. As soon as she saw the latter, she came over to ask anxiously. After the news that Mu might be dead, Guo Yinger couldn't care less about her own reserve and temper.

Guo Tianyang's heart was moved, thinking that this might be an opportunity to get close to Guo Yinger, so he put on a sad expression and sighed: "Yinger, don't be sad when you hear that, the second brother, because of the relationship with the Song family The eldest and young master had some disputes, and the eldest son of the Song family accidentally injured the head of the second brother... The second brother's brain and soul may be destroyed, and he becomes an idiot... and more likely to lose his life... ..."

Guo Tianyang spoke in misery, while paying attention to Guo Yinger's expression, and his arms were slightly ready to open to welcome Guo Yinger who was panicked because of sadness and threw himself into his embrace.Guo Tianyang was shouting in his heart, come on, sister Yinger, come on, I am your reliance, that boy Guo Mu is almost gone!

"Let me meet him!"

Guo Yinger looked pitiful with tears in her eyes. People around couldn't help shaking their heads when they saw it, and the few members of the previous patrol team felt even more guilty when they saw this.

Guo Tianyang was even angrier, snorted softly, but his tone still sounded like a spring breeze, especially for a person who was extremely sad, his attitude at the moment was like an irresistible gentle harbor, people couldn't help but believe him, put him As the final backbone.

"Ying'er, don't worry, with the Supreme Elder inside, Guo Mu will definitely recover! Going in now will only disturb the treatment of the Supreme Elder..."

Guo Tianyang said with a smile, his expression was gentle and refined, comparable to Song Yu's.Although he cursed his second brother countless times in his heart, his expression didn't show it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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