Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 275 Goodbye Mysterious Woman

Chapter 275 Goodbye Mysterious Woman

Suddenly at this time, a faint energy appeared from nowhere, and went straight to the lake formed by the accumulation of oil yuan spiritual power, bypassing the vortex formed by the spiritual power in an extremely subtle way in the middle. The moment he touched the Yuan Lingli, it suddenly dissipated, like a fog that filled the middle of the lake and the Lingli.

This strange scene immediately attracted Guo Mu's attention, only to see that the faint mist did not cause the imbalance of the three parties, on the contrary, it played a buffering role just right.

"This is... Yuanli!" Guo Mu murmured softly.

Guo Mu frowned slightly, and subconsciously judged what the scattered mist was.This is the most obvious elemental force he has observed so far.

Yuan force is the power of the soul, invisible and qualityless, ethereal and unobservable. In the past days, Guo Mu has always been able to feel the existence of Yuan force, and at the same time he can command and use Yuan force like his fingers. The amount of power is too small, and in the big world, it is impossible to get sufficient supplies, so it is almost in a state of idleness.

Even every time he needs to fuse Yuan Lingli, mobilizing Yuanli from the sea of ​​consciousness is also a kind of 'feeling', this is the first time it is so intuitive.

At this time, the dantian seems to be divided into three levels, with clear distinctions.

The upper layer is a vortex of spiritual power condensed from the most amount of spiritual power at this time. In the center of the vortex, there is a group of spiritual power condensed by high-purity spiritual energy. Although it has not been fully absorbed by Guo Mu, it is obviously a matter of time. This is different from the external alchemy of the Myriad Footed Beast, which can be deprived artificially.

In the middle is the mist area filled with Yuanli. Yuanli is the earliest power that Guo Mu has come into contact with and has the longest power, but it is the power that he is least able to explore clearly. Up to now, the number of times he has used Yuanli is less than that of Yuanlingli. How many!
The lowest level is the lake of Yuanlingli. This is the most commonly used by Guo Mu at present, and it is also his strongest support. Without Yuanlingli, it can be said that he has been beaten back to his original shape.It can be said that it is the essence of spiritual power that can be achieved, and the essence of spiritual power that can be defeated, this has always been a point that Guo Mu is quite scrupulous about.

Because anything can happen in this world, if at any time, he suddenly loses his spiritual power, then he will be crippled. This worrying result has always been a sharp sword hanging over his head.

Suddenly, when he was thinking about his life, a slight ripple quietly appeared on the originally calm Yuanlingli Lake. At first, Guo Mu thought it was an illusion!But soon, he realized something was wrong.

I saw that soon the ripples spread like a chain reaction, and together with the upper elemental force layer, the spiritual force layer fluctuated, layer by layer surging like waves.

Seeing such drastic changes in the body, the originally calm mind could not help but start to shake a bit,
Just when Guo Mu was terrified, a black shadow loomed from under the surface of Yuanlingli Lake. Under Guo Mu's gaze, the black shadow finally revealed its real body, which was the Heaven and Earth Jue in his body.

Guo Mu couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and became puzzled. In his previous experience, this world has never made such a big move!Not even small gestures.

Could it be that this book wants Yuan Lingli?No, at this time it is convenient for Guo Mu to accumulate Yuan Lingli with great difficulty. If Tiandijue really needs it, can't he just absorb it!Would it still politely ask me, the owner, before taking it?

Guo Mu couldn't help thinking to himself that he was thinking too much.

Just as he was extremely puzzled, the scene changed at this time. The lightest elemental force among the three was first affected, and under the action of an inexplicable traction, the misty elemental force was first drawn to the It is a decision of heaven and earth.

Guo Mu tried to influence the movement of Yuanli, but found helplessly that Yuanli, who was very obedient in the past, moved towards Tiandijue like a wild horse that had run loose.

"Damn it, what's going on?" Guo Mu cursed in a low voice, watching helplessly as Yuan Li was swallowed up by the Heaven and Earth Jue bit by bit, but he was powerless and could only stand there.

Suddenly, I saw that the rotation speed of the spiritual power vortex on the upper layer suddenly increased, and at an angle visible to the naked eye, it sank from the center of the vortex, forming a funnel shape. In the ever-widening pupils of the curtain, the spiritual power that was originally full is also decaying at a visible speed.

"Damn! This is too cheating! What's going on?"

Guo Mu suddenly cried out, he was going crazy.

What's the matter with this!It was not easy to rely on chance to have the current net worth, and now, he is not hot yet!In the blink of an eye, more than half of the effort was drawn by this Heaven and Earth Jue, and it is still going on.

"Damn it, stop it..."

Guo Mu couldn't stay still anymore, he rushed towards the sky angrily, but before he could get close, a cold light suddenly appeared, hit Guo Mu instantly, and his eyes went black.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw a white mist in front of him, and he couldn't see clearly. After thinking about it carefully, it was the mist from the lake.

"Hiss!" Suddenly, Guo Mu felt a throbbing in his heart without warning.

Guo Mu frowned, observing the surrounding environment intently.

At this time, there was a dense mist all around him, and he couldn't see his fingers. The originally sparsely visible scenery was completely covered by this thick layer of white mist.

The throbbing that had suddenly appeared just now disappeared without a trace.

"What happened?" Guo Mu asked suspiciously.

This is the first time he lives in this small courtyard, and he doesn't know if this is a normal natural phenomenon. Now his only idea is to enter meditation again and prevent Tian Di Jue from absorbing his power. However, after several attempts, he failed in the end. , as if someone had set up a door to keep him, the master, out of the house.

This made Guo Mu couldn't help the blue veins twitching violently. Having a blue ghost is enough to cheat his father, but now even the mysterious visitor Tiandijue is like this, which makes Guo Mu hate it.

Who is the master!

At this time, in the depths of the white mist, a black shadow flashed past, but Guo Mu, who was in the mist, did not notice it at all.

"Forget it, let's go back to the house first!"

Seeing that the dense fog was about to get out of hand, Guo Mu decided to go back to the house first. Just as he was about to walk in the direction of the house in his memory, he suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing towards him.

Before he could react, a strong force came, and he staggered immediately. Fortunately, he adjusted his balance in time, so he didn't fall into a dog eating shit.

But even so, that force still slapped the unsuspecting Guo Mu into a grin, and he only felt a swollen pain from his right shoulder blade.

"Uh!" Guo Mu snorted, then straightened up, focused on guarding against the thick fog, looked around, and began to observe carefully, but unfortunately, his naked eyes couldn't see anything more than three meters away.

While he was on guard, a gust of strong wind suddenly struck from the left side again. This time Guo Mu was on guard, but he only had time to raise his left arm to block.

In a state of panic, there was only a muffled sound of "bang", followed by Guo Mu's entire body being slammed out. After taking a few big steps back, his center of gravity became unstable, and he fell to the ground with his big buttocks.But before he could readjust his posture, another gust of wind roared in, and he suddenly felt numb from his side, and his whole body was beaten and rolled several times on the ground before he stopped.

"Damn..." Guo Mu roared loudly, got up hastily, and assumed an attacking posture to meet the enemy.

He was dazzled by a series of attacks, and he endured them completely nonsensically, not even knowing what the other party was.

"Who is it? Who is sneak attacking from behind, whoever has the guts to stand up..." Guo Mu shouted nervously.

At this time, his body was like a taut bowstring, ready to go off when touched, and his muscles were like compressed springs. As soon as the opponent appeared, he immediately used the golden gloves to give the opponent a surprise attack.

But his wishful thinking failed, and he saw that the entire foggy area suddenly fell into a tranquility, as if everything that happened before was nothingness, if it wasn't for Guo Mu's continuous bursts of pain from his body He really thought so.


He took a few deep breaths in a row, trying to adjust his breath.Don’t panic at this time. When encountering danger, the more calm you are, the more panic will only bring about the opposite effect. The result of panic is undoubtedly to create better opportunities for the other party to make a move, and at the same time waste one’s chance. .

The other party showed no intention of showing up at all, and the thick fog fell into silence without a single sound. It seemed that the only sound left in the whole space was Guo Mu's own breathing and the sound of a strong beating heart.

"Damn it, Yuan Lingli can't be mobilized."

Guo Mu tried to mobilize the Yuan Lingli in his body. At this time, he found that not only could he not enter the inner world, but also the Yuan Lingli in his dantian seemed to be imprisoned, and he couldn't mobilize it himself. Power, unexpectedly received traction at the same time, and the right to control was hijacked by the Heaven and Earth Jue.

He said inwardly that he was terrible, and he would come to whatever he was really afraid of.

Just as his heart was tightening, he saw a faint black shadow quietly appearing in the thick fog, which happened to be in the dead corner behind Guo Mu, but Guo Mu, who had lost his Yuan Lingli, didn't notice it.

Hei Ying slowly raised his arm, obviously preparing to make a serious move. At this moment, the Yuan Force in his body moved, and Guo Mu finally regained the right to use Yuan Power.

(End of this chapter)

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