Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 280 Killing 2

Chapter 280 Killing 2
Whoosh!Hong Jin slapped the folding fan in his hand, and tightened it very coolly. His face showed a slightly impatient look, obviously he had waited too long.

"Let someone go up and have a look, why is it so long?" Hong Jin narrowed his eyes coldly, and said indifferently: "If you refuse to leave, just leave it behind."

That subordinate obviously understood what his master meant, and saw a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and respectfully replied: "Yes!"

The other minions all had an indifferent expression. They were already used to this kind of thing. Sometimes it was someone else, sometimes it was themselves, and someone would always take action.But instead of feeling inappropriate because of this, they feel that this kind of life is what they want.

But compared to the people below, the minion who went up to the second floor to investigate was not so lucky.

Just as his front foot disappeared at the corner of the stairs, Hong Jin and the others suddenly heard a scream, and then saw a figure kicked out of the second floor, drawing an elegant arc in midair , with a loud bang, it slammed into the tofu stalls on the street. For a while, the white tofu flew into the air like snowflakes, and some of them flew directly towards Hong Jin in the tavern.

Hong Jin opened the folding fan in his hand in time, and with a pop, the fan sank, and a big, sticky, soft tofu flower stuck to his spring-beauty-painted On the folding fan, it was piled up exactly where the pretty face was.

For a moment, all the people present couldn't help but hold their mouths, and almost burst out laughing.There is so much love in this picture!
"Damn it!" Hong Jin gritted his teeth and said angrily.

Of course he knew what everyone was laughing at. Didn't he slap himself in front of everyone?Thinking that the second son of the patriarch of the Hong family had encountered such a great humiliation on his territory today, he almost threw the table over immediately.

Suddenly at this moment, only a muffled sound was heard, followed by a series of pounding sounds from the corridor, and then a figure was rolled into a round shape and rolled down the corridor.

When the figure stopped and took a look, it was the subordinate who had just gone up, but at this time the other party was already unconscious.

"Give it to me, life or death." Hong Jin shouted and gave the order directly.

"Yes!" The guards of the Hong family shouted in unison, and then rushed up to the second floor, and then the whole tavern heard the sound of violent fighting from the second floor, just when people thought the battle was about to end, suddenly they saw Black shadows appeared one by one on the ground mountain, and then there were several consecutive smashing sounds.

Immediately, the streets were full of smashed stalls, as well as the Hong family thugs rolling and moaning in pain.

Everyone was stunned and dumbfounded.

When did the Hong family's nursing home become so vulnerable?
It took only a few minutes to go up, but he was thrown down, still in such a humiliating way.

Everyone can't help stretching their necks, like a duck holding its neck, poking its head to see who is the person on the second floor?
Hong Jin's face became gloomy, and he didn't act rashly this time, because he knew that he should have kicked the iron plate this time, and the strength of the opponent was beyond his expectation.

Although he is confident that he has the ability to beat all his subordinates to the ground, it will definitely not be so easy, at least it will take some effort.

"Hiss! If you dare to ask which senior is upstairs, please go downstairs and tell me, how about it!" Hong Jin shouted loudly towards the second floor.

But the ones on the second floor didn't respond at all. They were still quiet. Everyone fell silent for a while, and they didn't know what to do?
"Boss, who is the person above?" Hong Jin looked at the owner of the tavern.

Seen by Hong Jin, the owner of the tavern trembled, hurriedly pushed the waiter beside him out, and said in horror: "He...he knows."

The waiter directly lay down at Hong Jin's feet, trembling hands and feet, and said, "Yes, there are two young people, one is this tall and the other is this tall."

Hong Jin looked at the waiter who was gesticulating carelessly, and couldn't help being upset for a while, and kicked him away.

At this moment, his heart was tightened, two young people, young people have such skills?

"Could it be the disciples of the three major sects!" Hong Jin thought to himself, thinking to himself.

"Thump, thump, thump!" At this moment, the sound of someone coming down the stairs finally came from the corridor.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the corridor, wanting to see the figure of the mysterious master for the first time. Finally, under the gaze of everyone, the figure of Guo Mu first appeared in people's sight.

At this time, Guo Mu's face was flat, without any obvious emotional ups and downs, but in the eyes of others, it became an inscrutable outward expression. As everyone knew, this was just the way he usually didn't like to talk.

And the Bai Qiufeng behind him immediately made people's eyes shine, this is the real master!

That chic demeanor, that snow-white long gown, that elegant posture.

This turned Guo Mu in front of him from an expert into a book boy. Of course, this Guo Mu didn't care. He never felt that he needed to show anything. Doing what he did was the most duty-bound thing.

"Who are you?" Hong Jin said solemnly.

"You don't need to know." At this time, Guo Mu spoke first.

Immediately, everyone's bodies froze suddenly. No need to know, these four words were like a bolt from the blue, shocking everyone instantly.This is the territory of the Hong family. Here, the Hong family is the heavenly king, Lao Tzu, the local tyrant. His words are the law, but now there are people who openly challenge the authority of the Hong family in front of the public.

"Okay! That's great. For many years, no one has ever dared to be so presumptuous on the Hong family's territory." Hong Jin said viciously.

He had originally planned that if the other party really had a lot of background, it would be fine to take a step back, but now, he had to bite the bullet, otherwise the Hong family's dominant position in the local area would have a beginning of doubt.


As soon as the words fell, he suddenly launched an attack, without any warning, and directly attacked the weak point of Guo Mu's body.

snort!Guo Mu snorted coldly, then moved his footsteps lightly, and passed the opponent's attack with a very small gap, but Hong Jin was not hesitant, and the strong howling wind swept all the way, and he punched hard with his fierce iron fist. He greeted Guo Mu, but Guo Mu always let him pass by with the smallest distance, even the hidden inner strength of the other party was the same.

But Bai Qiufeng watched with gusto. This was the first time he saw Guo Mu fighting with others. He had always been curious about Guo Mu's true strength, especially the mysterious power in his body.

At this time, Guo Mu detected that this Hong Jin also had the strength of a high-level martial artist close to that of a sky warrior, and he was also somewhat strong in the ordinary martial arts group, which happened to be his trial stone.He has always wanted to know what level his current strength has reached.

At this time, he borrowed the method of comprehending the aura of water, and used his mind to experience the lightness of the wind as much as possible. Soon he merged into this kind of comfort, and with only the strength of his body, he made the opponent invisible. Searching.

On the other hand, Bai Qiufeng's eyes were slightly introverted. With his sharp eyesight, he could tell at a glance that Guo Mu was not fighting, but simply playing cat and mouse, treating the other party as a test object.

At the same time, he also found a bright spot - nuanced.

Guo Mu used his comprehension of nature to move his strength, and unknowingly formed a state where there is no trick to win, and this is an extremely profound state in ordinary martial arts.
boom!Under Hong Jin's iron fist, tables and chairs were smashed into pieces, which made the boss feel pain in his heart.

At this time, Guo Mu's eyes turned cold, and Bai Qiufeng knew that he had had enough.

Sure enough, he stopped and faced Hong Jin who was rushing forward without dodging.In Hong Jin's eyes, this was a naked humiliation.

He roared, swung his fist as big as a casserole, and blew a gust of wind out of thin air, bombarding Guo Mu's face.Once this move hits, even the stone tablet will be smashed into several pieces, which shows that the opponent really wants Guo Mu's life.

Today's Guo Mu is no longer that Wuxia Amon, he is already considered a master with multiple powers, and even more powerless to Fan Wu.

As soon as he urged him with spiritual power, a Yuan Lingshield appeared immediately, and Hong Jin's fist was firmly held at a distance of about an arm's length from Guo Mu, unable to advance an inch, as if there was a strong wall .

"What? A cultivator!" Hong Jin's heart turned cold when he saw it.

"No, no, no, this is a misunderstanding, my lord!"

Hong Jin is worthy of being a child of the Hong family, and he knew immediately that he had caused a catastrophe. There are very few ascetics in this world, and every ascetic would be treated as a guest of honor even in front of the royal family, let alone a small city. !
Everyone was dumbfounded. They saw that Hong Jin, who was usually arrogant, was panicking like a frightened little rabbit at this moment.

"It's not a misunderstanding!" Guo Mu said coldly.

"No, you can't kill me. My younger brother is a core disciple of the Eastern Chan School. If you kill me, he won't let you go." Hong Jin shouted hoarsely.

Guo Mu couldn't help frowning slightly. He looked at Bai Qiufeng. According to what the other party said, if the other party's younger brother is really a core disciple of the Eastern Chan School, it may lead to intensified conflicts between the two sects, although the grievances are already deep.

"You decide, do it according to your heart." Bai Qiufeng smiled lightly.

Almost at the same time as the words fell, Hong Jin rushed out from the spot in an instant. He knew that if he was one step too late, he would probably die. For the first time, he felt that his death was so close.

(End of this chapter)

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