Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 282 Don't Mess Around, It's My Name

Chapter 282 Don't Mess Around, It's My Name

He saw a not-so-strong figure struggling to drag himself up under the scorching sun, moving upward step by step. Along the way, he could see Guo Mu's sweat dripping down.

His muddy eye sockets couldn't help but turn red, and a tear flowed continuously in the eye socket, but he held back desperately, and didn't let the tear flow out of the eye socket.

Because he had sworn a long time ago that he would never...never cry again!


Finally, Guo Mu finally reached the last step of the Shuyang Zong Yun Ladder. When he successfully boarded the spacious square in front of Shuyang Zong, he couldn't help but sat down.

This is really physical work!Even though he has the strength and spiritual power of a martial artist, but for him whose body is still developing, dragging a boy who is about the same size as himself, to climb up to the gate of the Shuyang Sect that towers into the clouds is really tiring for him.

"Hey! Why are you here?"

Just as Guo Mu was resting for a while, the disciple who had come out to let the boy leave at the beginning appeared, and he looked at the boy lying in the trailer with surprise on his face.

Immediately, he saw Guo Mu who was resting on the side, hurriedly stepped forward to salute him, and then said eagerly: "Senior brother Guo, you can't bring him here, the suzerain didn't agree to accept him!"

In the Shuyang Sect, seniority is used to judge seniority. Guo Mu is the core disciple of the Shuyang Sect, and his seniority is higher than many disciples who joined the sect earlier, so although he is not very old, he has become the senior brother of many people.

"It's okay! Sovereign, I'll talk to you then." Guo Mu patted his knees, then showed a smirk, and said, "Junior brother, please take him to the bath room, wash him with medicinal baths, and then bring him to see me. That's it! I leave it to you."

As soon as Guo Mu finished speaking, he hurriedly used his spiritual power, leaped forward, and quickly disappeared into the building.

"No, Senior Brother...Senior Brother..."

The disciple hastily called out loudly, but Guo Mu had already disappeared without a trace, even if he heard it, he probably wouldn't turn back.

Immediately, the disciple was about to cry, but he secretly scolded himself for finding something to do when he had nothing to do!How nice it would be if he didn't come out and talk too much!It wouldn't be such a ghostly job.Immediately, he hurriedly looked around, as if looking for another ghost to take the place of the dead.

The disciples who saw him like this, how could they not know the other party's little abacus, and with a swipe, the group who were still pointing nearby and watching the excitement, immediately outpaced Guo Mu's speed, and instantly the entire square Only he and the boy on the ground were left.

"Ah!" A shrill howl suddenly echoed in the sky above the spot.

The boy seemed to be aware of what happened, and a vengeful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Let's say that after Bai Qiufeng returned to the sect, he didn't go back to his residence, but went to meet the suzerain directly first.Apparently he was going to report what happened on the way to the Sovereign.

When he came to the tree where the suzerain often stayed and saw the opponent who was playing chess with the suzerain, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, his face couldn't help hesitating, but then he returned to his usual calm and breezy appearance, slowing down his pace , came to the side of the two of them, and quietly watched the chess.

At this time, I saw a woman sitting opposite the suzerain, wearing a long snow-white dress, smooth black hair like silk, fluttering in the wind, elevating eyebrows like willow leaves, bright black and white eyes, and tender skin, White and rosy, with an exquisite and flawless face, and a graceful figure, like a fairy in the sky, it makes people feel no desire.

Bai Qiufeng knew this woman, her name was Xiangu.

During the time he lived in Shuyangzong, the number of times he saw Xiangu was very few, and he never even had the chance to get so close to her. Every time he saw her from a distance, but the next second, she disappeared .

It's too appropriate to describe her as a dragon who sees her head but doesn't see her end.

This miraculous woman had been there before Bai Qiufeng arrived at Shuyangzong, but the face of the other party was the same as the one Bai Qiufeng saw when he was the youngest, as if time had left no trace on her body at all. The only thing that has changed is that in the sound of her piano, the feeling of loneliness becomes more profound and obvious.

Bai Qiufeng has been carefully avoiding it, trying not to let himself meet Xiangu, because of his secrets, Bai Qiufeng is confident enough to be careful, but there is no guarantee that he will not be noticed.

He has sufficient confidence that the other party is also a cultivator, and the level of strength is still quite high, otherwise he would not fail to detect it.

This time, the reason why he didn't turn around and leave was because the other party had already discovered him, and secondly, it was because Bai Qiufeng was different at this time. I am more confident in my strength, and I don't worry about what the other party can detect.

Just as Bai Qiufeng thought, Xiangu never raised her eyes to look at him, and played chess with the suzerain peacefully.

The chess strength of the two sides is equal, and the fight is indistinguishable, but in the end, the suzerain loses to Xiangu by one chess difference, whether it is intentional or not.

"Heh!" Xiangu shook her head and smiled lightly, and suddenly the whole space seemed to emit fragrance.

"Brother Qing is really good at chess, I lost!" Xiangu smiled.

The suzerain couldn't help stroking his beard, and smiled slightly awkwardly.

Those present are all discerning people, how could they not know that the situation of this game of chess is at a stalemate, both sides are masters of the layout, the chess strength is equal, if there is no accident, if it continues, the biggest possibility is a draw, but because the suzerain deliberately made a mistake He gave a son and gave the victory to Xiangu.

Obviously, Xiangu doesn't need concessions from others, nor does she accept the suzerain's favor.

"The suzerain is busy, so I won't bother you." Xiangu stood up and nodded slightly, then glanced at Bai Qiufeng, and said with a smile, "Very good!"

Bai Qiufeng's heart skipped a beat when he said these words, and his body froze slightly, but the other party didn't say anything else except these words, and just walked away slowly.

"Did she...see something? Impossible! My strength is stronger than before, and the concealment should be more perfect. It is impossible for her to notice. What is wrong? That sentence is very good , what happened again?"

Watching Xiangu's back disappear into the aisle, the suzerain sighed helplessly: "A strange woman in the world!"

But the suzerain's expression immediately became lonely. He has known each other for decades, but he has never seen Xiangu fall in love with him, or it should be said that he has been tempted by any man. see through.


Bai Qiufeng intervened appropriately. Although he can recover his strength now, he still has due respect for the suzerain who has raised him for more than 20 years.

"Where's Guo Mu?" The suzerain resumed his previous solemn demeanor.

"He's busy with something." Bai Qiufeng smiled and said lightly.

The suzerain nodded indifferently, and didn't pay much attention to it. This time, he was quite satisfied with Guo Mu, a new disciple who joined for less than a year. , the performance is also extremely eye-catching, suppressing the two sects of Tianwu Sect and Dongchan Sect, and greatly discrediting Shuyang Sect.

"The suzerain has something to report to you!" Bai Qiufeng's face became serious.

Seeing Bai Qiufeng's abnormal expression, the suzerain still had a calm expression, making it hard to see the depth.

"We saw this on our way back!"

Bai Qiufeng passed the package up with both hands, and saw the suzerain take a look, and then opened it. When he opened it and saw the blood-stained clothes, his eyes turned cold.

Calm, incomparably calm, Bai Qiufeng couldn't even feel the slightest sign of fluctuations in the suzerain's body at this time. To be able to control the majestic leader of Xiaqiu Kingdom's third sect, the quality in his heart is definitely the top leader, the level of scheming!

"When did this happen!"

"On the side of the road at noon yesterday, the last survivor also died." Bai Qiufeng pondered for a moment, then said calmly, "I finally said the word Muyougu."

"I see, you go down!" The suzerain said strangely at this time, and let Bai Qiufeng go down.

Although Bai Qiufeng couldn't understand what the suzerain was thinking, he knew that this matter must not be as simple as it appeared on the surface, so he bowed and turned to leave.

At this moment, the suzerain suddenly said: "Bai Qiufeng, what do you think of Muyougu?"

He paused for a moment, as if he was thinking about the meaning of the suzerain's words, but he still couldn't figure it out, so he could only say truthfully: "Sneaky, dark, and mysterious. To deal with him, you must wake up 120 points of energy."

After he finished speaking, he continued to wait, but at this time the suzerain seemed to be in deep thought, and did not continue to speak, while Bai Qiufeng thought for a while, and then left silently.


On the other side, when Guo Mu returned to his room, he was attacked by a white object immediately, and he was fighting with it on the floor!
That's right, this white 'beast' is exactly Baimao, but at this time Baimao seems to be a little angry at Guo Mu's casual abandonment of it.

With a whoosh, a white shadow swayed past, and then Guo Mu only felt a heavy blow to his hip, and he was immediately knocked down on the ground, followed by another white shadow, and suddenly felt that his abdomen was being pressed down by a heavy object. Dingqing saw that it was white hair.

I saw it was cocking its tail proudly, and its two front legs were stepping on his chest, as if it was declaring its overwhelming victory.

(End of this chapter)

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