Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 291 The Power of One Fist

Chapter 291 The Power of One Punch

It turned out that long ago, after the riots were caused, the person who first recognized Aning was the soul who took her to see Guo Mu, but in the Shuyang sect with distinct levels, generally the guards at the gate of the mountain are the lowest level, and they have seniority. The most superficial disciples, and disciples at this level have nothing to say.

When Lingxin plucked up the courage to speak out, she couldn't help but not alleviate the conflict, but intensified it.

Why does Qingshan make things difficult for Ah Ning?There is a reason that no one knows, and that is because of a person, who is this person?It was none other than Koshihikari who was in the Taoism Special Team with Guo Mu.

Among the younger generation of the Shuyang Sect, there are several relatively outstanding young talents, and the number one is undoubtedly Bai Qiufeng, who is handsome and strong, and deserves to be the number one among young disciples; the second, of course, is The goddess in the minds of all the male disciples belonging to the Shuyang Sect——Qing Xinle, as the daughter of the suzerain, coupled with her outstanding abilities, all the disciples in this position are also convinced;
The third one!This has always been a controversial position, no matter who sits on it, it will be questioned by everyone.

And in the list of candidates for this position, Koshihikari has always been at the top, and with the improvement of his strength, it seems that the third position has gradually stabilized under his name.


But all this, since Guo Mu joined the Shuyang Sect, there have been new changes. Originally, Koshihikari did not take Guo Mu seriously, but because of the previous incident, he still had some good feelings for Guo Mu.But as time went by, he discovered that the existence of Guo Mu had already had a considerable influence on him among the young disciples of the Shuyang Sect.

Especially after Guo Mu's outstanding performance in the Shaowu Conference won fame for the Shuyang Sect, Guo Mu's reputation among the young disciples of the Shuyang Sect continued to rise!It directly threatened Koshihikari's position, causing him to have a strong sense of crisis.

Originally, all of this had nothing to do with Qingshan's half-money, but the most dramatic thing was that she admired Koshihikari and was a die-hard supporter of Koshihikari.

Therefore, she naturally hated the maid of her idol's opponent.

"Senior Sister Qingshan, I don't mean to offend you, I just hope that when Senior Brother Guo comes, I can clarify the matter so that there will be no misunderstanding."

This Linghui didn't care about the other party just because he was a member of the Disciplinary Academy. On the contrary, it was not the first time that he and the members of the Disciplinary Academy had friction.

The members of the Disciplinary Academy have always regarded themselves as the superiors in charge of discipline, and have been strictly restraining the new disciples who joined the Shuyang Sect. If they are slightly unsatisfactory, they will be punished. To be whipped.

It's not that no one has responded to this phenomenon, but this is the Shuyangzong's long-standing rules, and the purpose is to wear down the arrogance of those who joined the Shuyangzong.You must know that everyone who can be absorbed by the Shuyang Sect as a disciple is definitely at the level of the favorite of the heavens outside. A genius like this has always been favored by various sects and factions, and even has a higher reputation than officials in the local area. Also loud.

So such a rule has been preserved, and it has indeed played a big role, but it is occasionally used by disciples of certain forces as a small means of revenge, but it does not hurt the overall situation.

And this Linghui is indeed very talented, he joined the Shuyang Sect with the strength of a celestial warrior, this is not much even in the Shuyang Sect, so naturally, his heart is also arrogant, he is not so strong, but It was a great displeasure for the Disciplinary Academy, which had been pressing on its own head to do its best.

But he is not stupid, because he has already set his sights on a camp, and that is - Guo Mu.

In the Shuyang Sect, Bai Qiufeng didn't care about things and only cared about his own cultivation, while Qingxin was about to marry into Muyou Valley. At that time, who would be the new leader of the younger generation of the Shuyang Sect?
This question is not only a question among disciples, but also a question from the upper echelon of Shuyang Sect. They all hope that Shuyang Sect will become stronger and stronger, so they let the disciples compete with each other. Only with competition can progress be made. Among all the candidates , Koshihikari's popularity in the Disciplinary Academy is very high, and this is also one of his biggest support camps.

There are still many camps competing with each other, and Guo Mu is among them, but Guo Mu probably doesn't even know about it!
Now that he has chosen to support Guo Mu, Linghui will naturally not let go of such a good opportunity, and he doesn't need to do anything, just delay for a while, and when Guo Mu arrives, he will naturally be able to retire , and let this girl who may become the "popular person" next to Guo Mu confess his feelings.

Killing two birds with one stone, what a strategy, this opportunity doesn't come often.

"Hmph! Misunderstanding! What is a misunderstanding? You can't help but talk about it, get out of the way!" Qingshan said domineeringly.

Being blocked many times, this made Qingshan, the captain of the Disciplinary Academy, very unhappy. She couldn't help frowning, angrily reprimanded, and then directly attacked Linghui.

She doesn't want to continue to entangle with Linghui anymore, that spirit heart has been gone for a while, and if it goes on, Guo Mu should arrive by then, and it will be a bit difficult for her, after all, she is now in the Shuyang Sect. Guo Mu's identity is not just as simple as a member of the Taoism Special Team, but also a breeder of the door guard beast!
Qingshan's strength is not weak, with one palm strike, a strong wind suddenly blows in the martial arts hall, sweeping towards Linghui.

"Huh!" Linghui snorted coldly, without backing down, flicked his sleeves, and it immediately bulged up, like an inflated air bag. This is not the martial arts of the Shuyang Sect, but his own family martial arts .

There was only a muffled sound of 'bang', and then a circle of strong wind suddenly spread from the place where the two faced each other. For a while, there was a strong wind in the martial arts hall, but the disciples who were affected did not panic at all. Everyone was eager to try, but they all gave up a spacious space for the two of them very tacitly.

In the martial arts hall, contract fights, betting fights, and duels are all common, and everyone is no stranger to it.

"Will something happen if this goes on?" the Qingzhuang instructor who had been staying on the second floor of the martial arts hall asked doubtfully.

"Don't worry! This kind of fighting situation is still within the controllable range. When the time comes, you and I will stop one each, and it will be settled." The other bald instructor said with an unusual ease, as if it was not two heavens who were competing in the martial arts hall at this time. Warrior, but two weak warriors.

While they were talking, the two shadows quickly shifted back and forth, and finally only a male voice was heard, and then both of them backed away.

At this time, the situation of both parties is not the same, but Linghui is relatively disadvantaged, after all, the other party belongs to the Disciplinary Institute, and injuring the person of the Disciplinary Institute means that in the days of Shuyangzong, the other party may be targeted everywhere in the future, but Qingshan has no worries in this regard.

"Damn it, this Linghui doesn't seem to have much strength, but I didn't expect her skill to be so good." Qingshan muttered inwardly.

She touched her slightly tingling palm. In the previous confrontation, she thought that relying on her strength as a sky warrior should not be a problem against this new disciple who had just entered the sect. In a round of competition, it was only slightly inferior.

"This kid named Linghui is not bad. For a while, Qingshan has joined the Shuyang Sect for several years. Under our teaching, his strength has made a qualitative leap, but he can fight like no other. He is indeed a good seed. "The mentor Qingzhuang nodded in praise.

"A good seedling is indeed a good seedling, but he is still not Qingshan's opponent. Qingshan has not yet shown her true strength. If it is cultivated by our Shuyang Sect to this level, there will not be so many people sharpened Head, I want to squeeze in Shuyangzong." The bald tutor said calmly with a proud expression on his face.

The mentor in Qingzhuang smiled and didn't answer.

Indeed, Qingshan didn't show her real strength at all in this competition. It wasn't that she cared about her fellowship, but that she also felt that the opponent was hiding strength. Although she was fully sure that she could win, she was injured because inevitable.

Linghui, who suffered a bit of a dark loss, did not fight back immediately, but took a step back, bowed and said respectfully: "Senior sister Qingshan is good at kung fu, junior brother is not an opponent, why don't we stop and wait for senior brother Guo to arrive!"

Qingshan's face immediately turned serious. This Linghui really didn't call her name for nothing. She has a certain amount of advance and retreat. When facing the Disciplinary Academy, she was neither humble nor overbearing, and she did not hesitate to fight with the members of the Disciplinary Academy. Every step, he occupied a word of reason.

Qingshan slumped secretly, like when she was about to punch with all her strength, she thought she had hit the target, the strength seemed to be absorbed by the soft cotton, there was no point of focus, as if she had eaten a Dead flies are generally uncomfortable.

"Are you letting go?"

Qingshan no longer has the patience to spend more time with Linghui. She clasped her palms together, and an air blade exuding a faint blue light extended from her palm, and condensed directly in the air, forming an air knife .

"Turning Qi into shape, the second level of performance of a sky warrior, this woman wants to play for real." Linghui's face changed slightly, and she said badly in her heart.

In the level of Tianwu Zhe, there are several levels. Among them, mastering the release of qi is the symbolic feature of Tianwu Zhe. Similarly, each level has an obvious characteristic.

The second layer of gas is formed, simply condensing the gas together to form a variety of shapes similar to weapons, but weapons at this level are not strict. In addition to being convenient, flexible, and handy, they are not as good as real swords and sticks. Actually!

(End of this chapter)

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