Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 294 Martial Arts Selection Competition

Chapter 294 Martial Arts Selection Competition

After sniffing twice to confirm that the smell under the paws was not annoying, Baimao obediently stayed on Aning's shoulder, looking like a cute pet.

On the other hand, Aning's tense back was soaked. She could feel the paws of the little beast on her shoulders clasping her body tightly, and she could feel a little bit of cold through her clothes. , this seemingly cute little beast can tear her open.

"Gulu!" Aning swallowed silently.

At this time, after a short period of commotion, all the disciples present became quiet, and all eyes turned to Ah Ning beside Guo Mu. To be precise, it should be the white hair on her shoulders.

I saw Baimao raised his head extremely proudly, his dark eyes rolled around, and then he lowered his head to straighten his soft, silky white fur.


Suddenly at this moment, a series of hisses sounded, and then the disciples suddenly lowered their heads, some covering their buttocks, some covering their chests, and some directly squatting down.

Almost all of them have one characteristic, that is, the original intact and neat exercise clothes have turned into striped clothes, especially that Qingshan, whose lower body has directly turned into a ribbon skirt, two snow-white slender, strong and strong The thighs are directly exposed to the air.

All of a sudden, even Koshihikari next to him widened his eyes. This kind of "beautiful scenery" is not often seen. At the same time, the other female disciples present also screamed in unison, followed by a burst of confusion. With the speed of sprinting, he sprang out of the martial arts hall, needless to say, of course to change clothes.

The corners of Guo Mu's mouth and eyes twitched violently. He was absolutely sure that Baimao must be a male, and it was a male monster with special hobbies, too?Damn wretched.

"Hehe!" Seeing that Qingshan, who was flaunting her power before, was so embarrassed, Ah Ning couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Guo Mu, you did it on purpose, you instructed the door guard beast to do this."

Suddenly Yueguang shouted loudly, pointing the finger of blame for everything that happened to Guo Mu, obviously he was planning to make Guo Mu become the focus of everyone.

After being told by Yue Guang, everyone immediately glared at Guo Mu.

How could a little beast do such a thing!Still taking such 'care' of the female disciples, all of this must be the fault of Guo Mu, who secretly instigated the gatekeeper beast to do such indecent and despicable things.

For a while, thoughts like this filled the minds of all the disciples, especially those male disciples whose favorite female disciples were present, and they were even more furious, as if their private belongings were suddenly exposed, and it was in In public.

Seeing the hostile eyes of everyone, Guo Mu's face darkened. He didn't expect Baimao's action to trigger such a fierce reaction, but for Yue Guang's indiscriminate indiscrimination, he shifted the responsibility to himself. Guo Mu couldn't help but a cloud of anger was building up in his heart.

"It seems that Koshihikari hates you very much! You... stole his woman?" The blue ghost hit Guo Mu contentedly, as if he thought he wasn't enough trouble.

Guo Mu rolled his eyes at him, and said with contempt: "Shut up, how long will the synchronicity last?"

He is not in the mood to argue with the blue ghost right now. He checked the aura on Aning's body and found that it was slowly dissipating. It is estimated that the synaptic technique will lose its effect if it takes a while longer.

This synchronicity technique has a time limit, it is not a once-and-for-all kind. Every time you inject your own life breath into the human body and maintain it for a short period of time, it will start to scatter, and because it is the first time to use it, the dissipation this time Time is even shorter.

"There's still a while, hurry up!" Blue Ghost flashed into his body after speaking.

"Hey! Are you leaving like this?" Guo Mu hurriedly yelled, but the blue ghost ignored it and returned to a state of silence again.

"Damn guy! He is simply an unscrupulous merchant who doesn't even provide follow-up services."

Guo Mu complained about the blue ghost while looking at the angry people present.He didn't try to argue with everyone, but kept looking at these faces calmly and indifferently.Under his gaze, the voice gradually became quieter, and people's emotions stabilized. Although there was still anger in their eyes, it was within a controllable range.

"This kid really has something to offer!" The bald instructor touched his bald head.

"Do you know! Whose shadow do I see in him?" The Qingzhuang teacher frowned slightly, and said in a puzzled tone: "I don't know if it's my illusion, I think he has the same characteristics as Elder Xiangu."

"Oh! You think so highly of him?"

Just when the two wanted to continue their conversation, a group of people walked in from the entrance of the martial arts hall.

When the two of them saw it, their faces immediately turned serious, and they hurriedly jumped down from the second floor to meet them.I saw them coming to the door, bowing respectfully and saying: "Sect Master!"

Immediately afterwards, many disciples in the martial arts hall knelt down on one knee and shouted respectfully: "Meet the suzerain!"

That's right, the pedestrian who walked in from the outside at this time was the suzerain with the core disciples of the Shuyang Sect. I saw him striding into the martial arts hall majesticly and imposingly, appearing extremely mighty.

"Guo Mu, you didn't even salute the suzerain!" At this moment, Yue Guang suddenly yelled angrily.

Hearing his voice, everyone's eyes turned to the only disciple standing at this time, no, it should be a disciple and a servant.

At this time, Guo Mu did not kneel down on one knee to salute the suzerain like other people did. In his heart, he only kneeled down to heaven and earth, only to his parents, and not to other people. In this way, he is arrogant, in Guo Mu's heart, he would rather break than surrender.

"See the suzerain!" Guo Mu bowed and saluted the suzerain.

"You..." When Koshihikari wanted to scold him, the suzerain waved his hand to stop him.

The suzerain smiled indifferently, and did not impose any punishment. This special treatment made Yue Guang who was beside him feel envious and jealous for a while!

After the suzerain waved the others to get up, he came to Guo Mu and looked him up and down.At the beginning when Bai Qiufeng substituted him into the Shuyang School, he didn't pay much attention after seeing it once. Later, he noticed him again because of the white hair. Now that they meet again, he finds that Guo Mu's strength has improved rapidly, and he can't help but feel happy.

No suzerain would dislike having a few more talented masters like Guo Mu in his sect.

Aning, who was behind Guo's screen, took a few steps back nervously. She knew that this person was the suzerain of the Shuyang Sect. She was frightened before, otherwise she would have knelt down a long time ago.But when she saw that Guo Mu did not bow down to the suzerain and had not been punished, she couldn't help but wonder what kind of person Guo Mu was.

At this time, the white hair on her shoulder seemed to feel something, and looked at Aning under her claws from time to time.

Guo Mu, who noticed the abnormality, couldn't help becoming nervous. After a while, the breath in Aning's body would disappear, and Bai Mao would definitely leave Aning.I have to let the suzerain see quickly.Guo Mu thought to himself.

"I want to train her to become a breeder of Baimao, and ask the suzerain to allow her to stay."

"Oh!" The suzerain replied pretending to be suspicious.

He had already noticed Aning when he entered the martial arts hall, and at the same time, he also noticed that the white hair of the door guard beast stayed on her shoulders, which surprised him a little!
"Are you sure?" the suzerain asked lightly.


Guo Mu was about to answer, but he was interrupted by Yue Guang before he finished speaking, and he quickly stepped forward and said, "Sovereign, this Guo Mu has no rules, and he wants to bring the servants with him. This is against the rules of our Shuyang Sect. Moreover, this girl's strength has not even reached the passing standard of our Sect, and her talent is not good. If she can just find an excuse to stay, then other disciples will follow suit in the future. , Sovereign, this precedent cannot be set!"

After hearing such words, the suzerain couldn't help frowning slightly, and began to think.

Seeing that his own words turned the situation around again, Koshihikari couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

His purpose this time is to tell everyone that in Shuyangzong, apart from Bai Qiufeng and Qingxin, he deserves his name. At the same time, it is also a warning to Guo Mu, who has always been smooth sailing, so that he can recognize clearly. where you are.

It's a pity that Guo Mu just ignored him at this time.Because he has no interest in this young disciple leader at all, and what's more, he is completely ignorant of these things.

"Sovereign, I think this might be a good idea."

All of a sudden, Bai Qiufeng stood up when the light was getting darker. He had been quietly observing Guo Mu's reaction, but Guo Mu's face never showed his true thoughts.But in fact, it was because Guo Mu was proficient in the newly learned synaptic technique.

"Oh? Tell me!" The suzerain looked at his most proud disciple with great interest.

"If Junior Brother Guo can successfully make this girl a breeder, then there is a chance for her to become a beast trainer, and maybe she can help the sect tame all kinds of rare beasts in the future. This situation is not impossible. At that time, the strength of our Shuyang Sect will definitely be greatly enhanced."

Bai Qiufeng narrated it full of longing, as if he saw that in the future, all kinds of powerful strange beasts would be raised in the Shuyang Sect.

As soon as the words were finished, the suzerain's eyes lit up. Obviously, he was also attracted by the scene Bai Qiufeng described, and then he began to think again, as if thinking about the possibility of this plan.

(End of this chapter)

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