Chapter 297
What the hell is this place?
An ominous premonition suddenly rose in Guo Mu's heart!

Everything here is interpreting a kind of weird atmosphere, dense and gloomy forest, and the sky that emits light yellow light without light source.

I saw him being on guard carefully, looking around the surrounding environment, but all he could see were dense bushes, and he didn't find anything unusual except quietness.

"Strange, where does this smell come from?" He wondered in his heart.

Guo Mu's face was serious. He believed that the blue ghost brought him here must have some special purpose, but what purpose?It was necessary to bring him into such a strange environment.But the only thing he can be sure of is that his life is not in danger, because of the special connection between the two, something happened to Guo Mu, and Lan Gui himself has no good results.

"Whoosh!" Suddenly at this moment, a gust of wind blew up from behind Guo Mu, and with a whoosh, he was so frightened that his whole body tensed up, and he turned around quickly.

But strangely, when he turned around, the noise disappeared again.Guo Mu didn't know if he had misunderstood the news, maybe it was because he was too nervous.Guo Mu comforted himself.

In the pale yellow light, the uniform trees here looked so strange, Guo Mu could barely see the scenery ten meters away, and then his sight was covered by the intricate trees.

"Damn blue ghost, where is this place? Why did you bring me here?" Guo Mu frowned, he really couldn't understand the blue ghost's intention.

But he still vaguely guessed a little clue, that is, it is probably related to the sympathetic technique he has learned recently, but he really can't figure it out, it seems that sympathy technique has nothing to do with trees!
"Sniff..." At this time, Guo Mu seemed to smell something, it was the original sweet smell, but now it was stronger.

Guo Mu, who originally thought it was just a momentary illusion, couldn't help paying attention. From all directions, it looks almost the same here. The only thing that has changed is the smell. Could this be the key to getting out of the woods.

Do as soon as you think of it, anyway, Guo Mu has no other better way.

After he followed this smell for a while, he found that his decision was really right, because he had found a slightly sparse path, although it was not obvious, but he was looking for such a path in the woods. For a long time, this was the first time I saw a man-made trace.

This is undoubtedly good news, at least he confirmed here that he is not alone.

But soon, he found out that he was wrong, and it was very wrong.

"I rely on!"

Guo Mu squatted on the path, looking at the clear animal paw prints on the ground, he couldn't help but cursed inwardly, this is humane!It's animal way at all.This is a road opened up by wild beasts, not by humans.

In this way, it means that Guo Mu is in a dangerous situation, and the front may be a way to escape, or a way to go to the beast's lair.

"do you want to go?"

After hesitating for a moment, Guo Mu set off again, heading towards the place guided by the smell.

Soon he came to a very empty place, where there was a huge stone sculpture. There was nothing else but the stone sculpture. Although the stone sculpture was covered with ivy and moss, Guo Mu could still vaguely recognize the stone sculpture. The stone carving is not a portrait, but a ferocious beast.

At the same time, he also saw some traces of worship in front of the stone sculpture. Obviously, this stone sculpture was worshiped and respected in the past.

But where would a ferocious beast be carved as an object of worship?
Just as Guo Mu was thinking in his heart, a black shadow suddenly flashed in the corner of his eyes, and then he felt a stench rushing towards his face. In a hurry, he leaned back, and the black shadow almost brushed against the tip of his nose. He broke out in a cold sweat immediately.

"What!" Guo Mu hurriedly got up and looked at the shadow on guard.

When he saw the black shadow clearly, he couldn't help but his pupils shrank suddenly, just because the black shadow he saw was so familiar, before Guo Mu could figure out what was going on, the black shadow rushed over again This time, Guo Mu was well prepared. He turned sideways and let the black shadow pounce. His right palms joined together to form a knife. A long trail was drawn on the ground covered with fallen leaves.

There are three curved horns on the top of the head, two wings on the back, and a dog-shaped body. That's right, this is the Flying Demon Dog that Guo Mu was abused and abused when he first saw the blue ghost.

But how did the flying magic dog appear here?
"Your movements are really slow! I waited here until you were sleepy before coming."

Just when Guo Mu was wondering, the blue ghost's voice came from above his head.


Guo Mu immediately had veins twitching violently on his forehead, and his face became even more gloomy. He stood up maliciously and looked at the blue ghost on the stone carving, with an expression of 'if you don't have a suitable reason, you will die'.

"Welcome to the Broken Domain. This is the first time you have entered this space. How do you feel? Are you still used to it?"

The blue ghost directly ignored Guo Mu's gaze that could tear him apart, with a look of enjoyment on his face, feeling the breath of this space.

"Habits? What do you think, how can I get used to this kind of place, you'd better tell me what's going on, why you brought me here, and why are there creatures like flying magic dogs here? And... "

Guo Mu, who had already been suffocated with questions for a long time, immediately threw out all the confusion in his mind like a cannonball, regardless of whether the blue ghost had time to answer.

"You ask so fast, how can I answer?" Lan Gui shrugged and said lightly.

"Hiss! Phew..." Guo Mu took a deep breath, trying to calm down his emotions, and said coldly, "You just said that this is a broken domain? What do you mean by broken domain?"

"Fault domain is an area separated from the original space interface. It is a space level that is isolated from the original space but linked to each other. Only those who have the correct coordinates can enter." The blue ghost glanced at it and opened his mouth. Guo Mu smiled a little, and said lightly, "You don't have to worry, this is just a broken area on the spiritual level, and your body is still in place."

Hearing what the blue ghost said, Guo Mu immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried just now whether he had traveled to this so-called broken domain. If so, would he not be able to go back? .

"As for the reason why I brought you here! Naturally, it is to hone your skills. There will be a large number of experimental items for you to practice synchronicity. Moreover, as the only controller here at this time , I deliberately slowed down the time here by ten times, that is to say, if you practice here for one day, it is equivalent to ten days outside. How about it, let's move your heart!"

"Heh...heh..." Guo Mu's facial muscles stiffened immediately, and at this moment he felt that ominous premonition in his heart seemed to come true.

"In order to let you get into the mood quickly, I specially got out the flying magic dog you have dealt with before, hee hee, enjoy it!" Blue Ghost stood on the top of the stone carving and said with a faint smile.


"Don't thank me! Your test product is here."

As soon as the words fell, Guo Mu suddenly felt rustling sounds from the surrounding bushes, and then he heard numerous footsteps, which were flying magic dogs running in the woods. The sound, at the same time, through the gap between the trees, pairs of scarlet eyes are lighting up from the dark trees.

At this time, centered on the stone statue, the flying magic dogs surrounded Guo Mu in a circle, and all the flying magic dogs locked their eyes on Guo Mu in the middle.

"Fuck..." Guo Mu couldn't help but swear, just because the number was too large.

"Hey! Blue Ghost, how do I go back?"

Suddenly at this time Guo Mu realized that he hadn't asked how to go back to the original world, but when he looked up, he found that at some point, the blue ghost staying on the stone statue had disappeared.

"Bastard." Guo Mu gritted his teeth and cursed angrily.

"I forgot to tell you, in order to improve your strength as much as possible, I increased the real effect of this space to [-]%, which means that if you die once, you will feel [-]% of the feeling of death in the real world, so... bless you."

Guo Mu opened his mouth wide, with a look of astonishment on his face, listening to the blue ghost's voice from the void, his whole body froze.


In an instant, a terrifying roar echoed over the entire forest.

It's a pity that no matter how Guo Mu roared, the blue ghost still didn't show up again, only him and hundreds of vicious flying demon dogs were left in the whole space.

Seeing those flying magic dogs approaching step by step, the encirclement was tightened for a while, and facing so many flying magic dogs, even Guo Mu, who is now greatly improved, still feels his heartbeat speed up, his palms are sweaty, and his breathing is short of breath. Man likes the feeling of being dismembered by so many beasts.

"Gululu!" Deeply surrounded by the Flying Demon Dogs, the grunts of the Flying Demon Dogs were all around. This was a sign that they were about to launch an attack. When Guo Mu encountered it for the first time, he immediately I have seen it.

The whole field was filled with the stench of the Flying Demon Dog. At this moment, Guo Mu finally knew that this smell was not a guide at all, but a sign of the Flying Demon Dog to communicate with his clan members.It's just that Guo Mu understood it too late.

(End of this chapter)

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