Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 303 Feng Zhang Road Turn 1

Chapter 303 Turn 1
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After a series of crisp fried beans sounded, Guo Mu looked indifferently at all the Flying Demon Dogs around him, and suddenly showed a sneer, and then a cold light flashed across his eyes, and his expression turned cold all of a sudden.

He kicked his heels on the ground, and with a muffled bang, he rushed into the group of flying magic dogs like a sharp arrow, and then one after another screamed and black shadows began to emerge from the group of flying magic dogs. fly out.At this time, Guo Mu was simply majestic, with powerful force between his punches and legs, and he knocked a black flying magic dog into the air in one fell swoop.

However, as the Flying Demon Dogs known for their ferocity, they rushed towards Guo Mu in the herd without fear of death. Times too!

After a while, Guo Mu's body was covered with scars. The scratches and the wounds bitten by sharp teeth all explained the tragic situation of the battle at this time. The number of Flying Demon Dogs that can stand and continue to attack Guo Mu is also greatly reduced, but there are still many more than Guo Mu.


At this time, a roar suddenly sounded, and the white cub walked out of the herd very gracefully. At this time, it gave a strange look at the blue ghost who had been watching the show. It really couldn't figure out why the blue thing didn't Help your companions?
But this is not what it can understand. Its purpose at this time is to destroy this guy with golden gloves.

"Come on! Beast!" Guo Mu smiled contemptuously.

As if enraged by Guo Mu's contemptuous attitude, the white cub narrowed its pupils, and a white shadow flickered instantly. Almost at the same time, it appeared in front of Guo Mu's chest. Before he had time to defend himself, he felt his chest tight one heavy.In an instant, the whole body was ejected high.

Before he landed, the white cub caught up to Guo Mu again. With an attack, Guo Mu let out a scream, and was instantly smashed to the ground again in a V shape.

"Gululu!" The white cub appeared on Guo Mu's chest, and stepped on it with one claw. Suddenly, Guo Mu felt as if his chest was being pressed down by a huge stone.

"Uh! Blue ghost, your sister's..." Guo Mu was so beaten up that he couldn't defend himself. He glanced at the blue ghost who hadn't even planned to help, and cursed in his heart.

At this time, Guo Mu suddenly felt a golden light in front of him. He turned his head and saw the white cub raised its right paw high. The golden eyes of the beast stared coldly at Guo Mu. Mu Mu's head swung down abruptly in his widened pupils.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang from Guo Mu's forehead!
For a moment, the whole world seemed to be slowed down countless times. Guo Mu watched the sharp claw grabbing down fiercely. He seemed to be able to see that sharp claw tearing the coat of the air, carrying a burst of air pressure to oppress it. Come, at this time he already smelled the rotten breath of death.

"Puff... puff..."

A series of rapid heartbeats sounded, and Guo Mu felt that his heart was galloping like ten thousand horses. At the same time, under the pressure of life and death, the cyclone in his dantian began to accelerate crazily and uncontrollably. .

"Ah..." Guo Mu roared, his entire face flushed red. If the blue ghost entered his body to check at this time, he would find that the originally distinct Yuanli and Lingli were driven by the high-speed rotation of the cyclone. Suddenly, like a tornado, waves of spiritual energy were continuously drawn from Guo Mu's limbs and body.

However, under the action of the high-speed cyclone, the clusters of spiritual energy that were originally formed were like pearls put into a grinder, and were gradually reduced to powder, until there was not even a single bit left.

At this time, in the outside world, Guo Mu's catastrophe is coming, all the flying demon dogs are holding their breath, they are waiting to see this strange creature under the claws of the white cub, its head is patted into a small flat .

But an accident happened. Seeing that the paw of the white cub was about to be slapped, a right hand with a golden glove intercepted it. At the critical moment, Guo Mu caught the fatal blow of the white cub.

At this time, Guo Mu's eyes flashed brightly, and suddenly a strong suction force came from the arm that was holding the white cub tightly, and the originally bright golden light on the cub's body suddenly flowed like flowing water. The water flowed towards Guo Mu's body, and for the first time a frightened expression appeared on the white cub's face.

It wanted to struggle away, but how could Guo Mu, who finally caught the cub, let it go willingly!At this time, Guo Mu was like brown sugar, tightly entangled the cub, and sucked a lot of its power into the body.

Seeing the power of his body continue to flow away, the white cub became anxious, and suddenly burst out a burst of powerful energy, rushing towards Guo Mu, and Guo Mu, who had been on guard for a long time, also hurriedly mobilized the power from his body to rush over.

The two powerful forces joined together, and a strong wind suddenly blew up on the spot, and the surrounding grass was tightly pressed against the ground.


Guo Mu yelled violently, grabbed the white cub's paw and swung it vigorously, throwing it far away.

It seems to be affected by the impact of energy. At this time, he feels the power of his body flowing fast, as if it is about to break through the meridians and explode. He desperately needs a channel to vent, and the white cub is just such an excellent Vent object.

"Roar!" The white cub roared angrily, and adjusted its posture in mid-air, and then there was a scene that made Guo Mu extremely dignified.I saw the white cub kicking its limbs in the void, and four small smoke rings appeared. It moved freely in midair as if walking on flat ground.

Being able to soar freely in the void is a symbol of the level of Danhua, which means that this white cub actually possesses the power of Danhua, which is a lie!

Guo Mu didn't even have time to think about it. At this moment, he just wanted to vent the soaring power in his body as soon as possible, otherwise he suspected that his body would explode like a bomb with a bang.

For the first time, he possessed sufficient and sufficient power for Guo Mu to squander, and he was no longer so tight, and directly used the several major skills he possessed.

He waved his hand in shock, and several consecutive solid spiritual shields suddenly appeared, blocking the direction of the white cub's advance, but they did not hinder it in the slightest, and it was easily smashed by its sharp claws.

Guo Mu didn't expect the spiritual shield to stop the Danhua-level powerhouse. His purpose was to slightly hinder the enemy's pace, so as to create a chance for himself to attack.

A blazing flame appeared, and between Guo Mu's hands, there appeared the spell possessed by the fourth page of Heaven and Earth Jue. This spell was originally only available to masters of Danhua level, but at this time Guo Mu It was accidentally used.

Is it...

is it possible?Is it possible that Guo Mu really broke through to the realm of alchemy at this time?

The white cub didn't expect that the prey in front of it, which had been being beaten, would fight back, and it felt a threat from the fiery fireball in the opponent's hand at this time.

threaten?When the white cub woke up to his inner thoughts, it felt that this was a great insult.

"Roar!" roared angrily. At this time, the white cub actually had the demeanor of a king. It straightened up and glared at Guo Mu. A golden light flashed out of its mouth. A ball of golden yellow light bursting out.

It can be imagined from the energy fluctuations contained in it, the power of this light group must not be underestimated.Originally, the beam of light from last time was going to kill Guo Mu, but the blue ghost accidentally stepped in and absorbed all his attacks.

Guo Mu's entire face was swollen, and his veins were bulging. Seeing that the fireball between his palms not only did not increase, but instead condensed in the opposite direction.

"Ugh! I'm going to finish you off with this trick of mine." Guo Mu cursed loudly, then quickly pushed with both hands, and the fiery fireball rushed towards the white cub like an erupting volcano.

"Roar!" The white cub didn't show any weakness, opened its mouth and sprayed out the light ball in its mouth, and slammed into Guo Mu's fireball.

A loud bang!
The entire stone statue square shook for a while, and then a large mushroom-shaped smoke rose in the center, followed by a frenzied strong wind in a circular shape, which spread suddenly, and would stay in the stone statue all at once. The flying magic dogs in the square were swept away, and even the surrounding trees were uprooted and blown to pieces.

After a while, the dust raised all over the sky finally slowly landed, and as the dust landed, the scene that appeared was even more tragic.

I saw a round pit of about ten meters in the originally flat square, and a large area of ​​surrounding trees was blown down.

At this time, the two protagonists of this violent riot collapsed on both sides of the round pit, unable to move.


Guo Mu was still able to pant, his violent breathing was as heavy as a bellows, his body was covered with scars, and he was in a particularly embarrassing situation, but at this moment his body was extremely free, and the power of the riot finally returned to calm.

At this time, he heard a series of slight footsteps, he was completely unable to move, his whole body seemed to be falling apart, and he wanted to turn his head, but he had no strength at all.

Forget it, it's all over, just die!Guo Mu thought to himself.

"Are you going to lie there forever?"

No matter when the blue ghost's voice appears, it can always stimulate Guo Mu and inspire his strong willpower.

(End of this chapter)

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