Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 305 My People

Chapter 305 My People

It's just that a maidservant of a core disciple of the Shuyang Sect didn't stay by Guo Mu's side to serve her, but what was she doing in the mountains behind?

At this time, I saw a long bamboo cage on her back, a bit similar to the kind of bamboo basket for picking herbs that ordinary country doctors often carry on their bodies, and just like this, Ah Ning's What was carried on the back was the bamboo basket carried by the disciple in charge of collecting herbs in the Shuyang Sect, and it was already filled with more than half of the herbs.


Suddenly Aning let out a scream, and saw a colorful big spider in front of her, which was as big as a grown man's palm, flashing from her face quickly, fortunately, Aning's kung fu foundation Another point, hurriedly waved the medicine shovel in his hand to dig the herbs, and knocked the spider away.


Aning, who solved the threat, had just had time to catch his breath, when suddenly there was a shout from the side: "What are you doing, you haven't seized the time to gather medicine, it's so late now, don't act fast, slow down Yes, you are not allowed to go back until you complete the task.”

Aning glared at her suddenly, and saw a man dressed as a disciple of the Shuyang Sect on a large rock tens of meters away from her, condescendingly contemptuously contemptuous of her. Standing was another white-faced disciple with a bamboo basket on his back, but his clothes were neat and clean without any mud stains, unlike the next generation, Ah Ning, whose clothes were scratched and his face and arms were full of stains.

Ah Ning gritted her teeth and clenched the medicine shovel in her hand, wishing to throw it over now, but she held back, she didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble to Guo Mu because of her recklessness.

Taking a deep breath, she continued to turn around and go back to stepping on the path full of mud, looking for medicinal herbs among the bushes earnestly.

"Senior brother, this is not right! This task of gathering herbs was originally ours, and now you have left the work to her. If the master finds out..." the white-faced disciple said hesitantly.

"Hey! You don't understand. Didn't you hear that this woman offended Senior Sister Qingshan of the Discipline Academy? So you don't have to worry at all. Even if the master finds out, we will just go to the Disciplinary Academy to receive the punishment. When the time comes Naturally, someone will excuse us, and they won't be punished, so don't worry."

Speaking of this, the disciple rolled his eyes, grabbed the other person's shoulders, and said in a low voice: "And I have received news that the Disciplinary Court was extremely dissatisfied with Guo Mu's behavior last time, so there is a Disciplinary Court in private." My disciple said that if anyone could drive this Aning down the mountain two months ago, he would be able to get five Qingxin Bailu Pills, such a good opportunity, you idiot, don’t grasp it yet.”

"Hiss!" The white-faced disciple suddenly took a deep breath.

Qingxin Bailu Pill is a high-level elixir bestowed by Shuyangzong. One elixir can be worth two months of hard training by a heavenly warrior, so only high-level disciples can enjoy this elixir. Ordinary disciples can only enjoy it. Not to mention the lowest-level herb-picking disciples like them.

The white-faced disciple couldn't help but his heart moved. At this moment, he looked at Ah Ning's diligent figure bending over in the bushes again, and the meaning in his eyes could not help but change.

At this time, Guo Mu had just recovered from the state of meditation.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the dusty desktop. He knew it was because it hadn't been cleaned in the past ten days.

The ratio of time in Broken Domain is one to ten. After one day outside, ten days have passed inside. During this ten days, because he didn't want people to disturb Guo Mu's practice, the blue ghost directly gave the whole room to him. It was closed, in the name of retreat, but in fact Guo Mu was thrown into it to practice.

After carefully feeling the full energy in his body, Guo Mu finally got his wish and smiled, then his body shook, and he made a series of fried bean sounds.

"Uh!" Guo Mu got up and let out a moan that was extremely comfortable, which made people unable to help thinking about it.

"Huh? Where's Aning?"

Guo Mu frowned slightly. According to his induction, there was no trace of Aning in the entire small courtyard. He couldn't help but wonder how she was a sensitive person in Shuyangzong now, how could she run around.

Now the range that his Yuanli can sense has been greatly increased, and I don't know if it is because of the influence of Yuanlingli, but he feels that his Yuanli seems to be more powerful than other people in his impression.

Of course, this is just Guo Mu's own guess, he doesn't know how the other people are doing.

With doubts in his heart, Guo Mu opened the door and walked out. Once again seeing the green mountains, green waters, white clouds and birds, Guo Mu suddenly felt very relieved.He was almost driven mad by the unchanging scenery in the Broken Domain, the lifeless forest, and the ever-threatening crisis. That was simply a kind of torture, an inhuman torture.

However, if Guo Mu were to choose again, he would still choose to enter the Broken Domain to practice and fight.Although Guo Mu hasn't made much progress in the past ten days in terms of his physical strength alone, but after sorting out the whole thing, he is confident that it won't be a problem at all to deal with the two previous selves.

But soon Guo Mu's complexion became strange. When he walked out of the room and came to the small courtyard, he was surprised to find that everything here was similar to his own room, with fallen leaves and sundries lying around, and Ah Ning didn't help him. tidy.

His first thought was that something happened to Aning?

Judging from Aning's performance, she really wants to stay in Shuyangzong, and Guo Mu is her only backer now, so even if Guo Mu retreats, she should work hard to take care of the small courtyard. of.But the current scene gave Guo Mu an ominous premonition.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but wonder if someone secretly sent Aning down the mountain while he was in seclusion?
While he was thinking, a person appeared within his sensing range. Guo Mu used his spiritual power, turned around and escaped, and within a breath, he reappeared and came behind the other person.This is the result of Guo Mu's experience.

"What are you doing here?"

When Guo Mu appeared, he was surprised to find that the disciple was none other than the disciple who had stood up for Aning in the martial arts hall at that time.

Linghui, who was just about to put down the pole in his hand, was frightened and took a few big steps back. He was about to sit down on the ground, but Guo Mu stretched out his hand to pull him up.

"Hey!" Linghui couldn't help but widen her eyes when she saw Guo Mu's gestures with such amazing power, her face was full of surprise.

Guo Mu couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed by the burning eyes of the other party. He frowned and said calmly, "Why did you appear here?"

If he remembered correctly, this disciple should have been arranged with Lingxin to guard the mountain gate. How could he be sent here to do heavy work?
"Didn't you offend that stinky bitch from the Disciplinary Academy last time... Cough, I'm sorry, Senior Brother Guo, it's my disciple who did something wrong and was punished." Linghui cried out indignantly when she heard Guo Mu's question. , but immediately realized that it was Guo Mu who was in front of him at this moment, so he restrained himself in a hurry.

Seeing Linghui's inconsistent performance, Guo Mu felt even more uneasy.

He squinted his eyes, and a cold light flashed by, and then a wave of fluctuation enveloped Linghui.

"Tell me the truth, what happened?"

"The stinky woman in the Disciplinary Academy has a grudge against Lingxin and I for blocking her last time, so she took a chance to take revenge on us, and sent us here to do menial work, and didn't allow us to enter the martial arts training hall to practice martial arts and listen to the instructor's lectures. You can't practice your own martial arts either."

Under Guo Mu's bewilderment, Linghui took out all the dissatisfaction she had suffered with an angry expression.

"Disciplinary Academy!" Guo Mu's face became obviously gloomy.

"That's right, you don't know that ever since you slapped someone in the Disciplinary Academy hard in the martial arts hall, the disciples of the entire Disciplinary Academy now regard you as a target. The disciples became isolated and spread rumors, saying that you are a tortoise, a tortoise with a shy head, and you are very majestic in front of others, but when you encounter difficulties and strong enemies, you use retreat as an excuse and dare not come out to meet people , and even said that he didn’t know if he would go into seclusion until the end of the competition before coming out!”

After hearing Linghui's words, instead of showing excitement, Guo Mu calmed down, and his face was even more peaceful, but from the depths of his deep black pupils, a cold light was concealed.

Linghui's words were like needle pricks, which made Guo Mu very uncomfortable, but this was far from the treatment he received in the Guo family when he was a child!Therefore, Guo Mu has no emotional fluctuations at all, because he has honed his mind to be strong enough.

"Aren't you angry?" Linghui realized what he had said after he recovered, but he was even more surprised that Guo Mu, who heard others vilify him so much, was able to remain so calm. He asked himself that he couldn't do it. to such a state of mind.

Guo Mu didn't respond, but just asked, "Let me ask you, where is Aning?"

His only worry was that the Academy of Discipline would embarrass Aning, and his premonition became more and more obvious.

"A-Ning! She has been taken away by the disciples of the Disciplinary Academy for a few days." Linghui lowered her eyes a little lonely.

"Boom!" Guo Mu clenched his fists, his eyes became extremely cold in an instant.

He narrowed his eyes coldly, and said indifferently: "Do you know how to get to the Discipline Academy?"



Ah Ning panted softly, she couldn't hold it anymore, the bamboo basket on her back was pressing down on her body like a mountain, and every step she took required a lot of strength.

(End of this chapter)

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