Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 312 Alchemy 1

Chapter 312 Alchemy 1
You must know that no disciple has risen at such a rapid rate in less than a year after joining the Shuyang Sect. The disciples who usually join are all outside the seminary for the first year to undergo ideological reform. Epee is no exception.

This turmoil spread to the entire Shuyang Sect almost instantly. Now if you say that you don’t know who Guo Mu is in the entire Shuyang Sect, you will probably be despised by countless people around you in the next second.

Apparently, Guo Mu has become a new generation of myth in the Shuyang sect, another new miraculous figure after Bai Qiufeng.

What Guo Mu did this time was really sensational. It can be said that it directly broke the internal balance that Shuyang Zong had always maintained. The disciples of the academy became more and more arrogant and domineering, but this time Guo Mu's slap in the face not only severely woke up the disciples of the Disciplinary Academy, but also woke up other disciples.

The members of the Disciplinary Academy are the disciples of Shuyangzong, and others are also the disciples of the Disciplinary Academy. There is no difference in essence, they are just wearing a gorgeous coat.

The turmoil this time will definitely bring a new situation among the young disciples of the Shuyang Sect.

As the protagonist of this legendary story, Guo Mu, at this time, was alone on the 'Cliff of Discipline', quietly thinking about things.

As the name suggests, 'Discipline Cliff' is a place where disciples who violate the sect's rules are specially punished. This place is located in one of the many isolated peaks of the Shuyang Sect, but there is no beautiful scenery, no singing of insects and birds, only precipitous hills everywhere. Strange stones, and the howling wind.

The disciples who were punished to the 'Cliff of Discipline' must stay in the hole on the cliff, enduring the severe cold in the sky and the constant blowing wind.At the same time, he has to face the smooth stone wall full of sect rules every day, and hand in the copied rules at a fixed time.

The severe cold is not terrible. He has already learned many countermeasures under the persecution of the mysterious woman, and Gang Feng also doesn't care. For Guo Mu today, these are not problems. The only problem is to copy the door rules.

Due to what happened in his childhood, Guo Mu didn't have many opportunities to read and write, let alone pick up a pen and write.Now that he is suddenly required to copy out the densely packed rules of the house every day and hand them in on time, how embarrassing is this for Guo Mu!

Fortunately, he has a good maid, Aning. I have to say that Aning is so talented that he can work with his left and right hands at the same time, copying the door rules separately, and the handwriting of each article is extremely clear and beautiful. I was dumbfounded, he couldn't write well with a single pen!
Of course, anyone who is not blind can see this obvious flaw, but the celebrity effect is different. Even though they know that these door rules were not copied by Guo Mu, the disciples who are in charge of inspection every day still pass by with one eye closed. , such a good opportunity to send favors, only a fool would let it go.

"What's wrong with her? Is she angry with me?" Guo Mu frowned, thinking hard, as if he had something on his mind, depressed.

It wasn't anyone else that he was depressed, it was precisely because of his beautiful woman Qingxin who was worried.After finishing the matter that day, Qing Xin didn't stay in the slightest, even ignoring Guo Mu's call, she turned and left directly. I don't seem to be in a good mood.

After thinking about it for a few days, he finally felt that the other party should be angry that he went to the Disciplinary Academy to make trouble, but he beat the disciple of the Disciplinary Academy, why was she angry?This is what Guo Mu is struggling to understand.

"Master, I've copied it!"

At this time, Aning's voice came from the cliff cave.

For convenience, Guo Mu directly brought Aning to the cliff cave, set up a shield, and let Aning safely copy the door rules inside. Regarding this, he still did it quite cryptically. Not very good.

And for the martial arts selection contest one and a half months later, he also began to think carefully about Aning's martial arts.

All laws remain the same, and at a certain level, it is no longer a matter of perspective, but a matter of level. Now Guo Mu's Yuanli and Lingli have made breakthroughs, coupled with a large amount of accumulated experience in actual combat , whether it is his cognitive level or strength, it is enough to be a warrior's mentor.

It’s just that he has to think of a method that can’t be counterproductive. He can’t just improve his strength for a while, which will cause Aning’s future improvement space to be imprisoned. If she can't go further in the future, then she will also be eliminated. What's more, he has not forgotten the secret hidden deep in Aning's heart.

It is not impossible to be quick but not to hurt the root, but also to be strong enough. He has specifically asked the blue ghost, and there are indeed, and there are many talks about it in the blue ghost's "Tibetan Scripture Pavilion".

But those exercises are all extremely demanding on the human body, and generally those with such effects belong to the evil school. He was worried that before Aning could defeat his opponent on the stage, he would be defeated by all the masters present. Uncle and uncle were killed.

After much deliberation, Guo Mu still failed to find a set of exercises suitable for Aning's current situation. He couldn't get started in martial arts, so Guo Mu tried to cut into Taoism, but the result was as bad as ever. Ning's qualifications for cultivating the Tao also did not meet the requirements.

At this time, he finally understood why the suzerain refused to take in Aning. Obviously, the suzerain directly saw through Aning's potential at the beginning, so he was so decisive.

"Master!" Ah Ning carefully supported the stone wall of the cliff cave, not letting himself be blown away by the strong wind.

"Hmm! It's nothing, I'm just thinking about something!" Guo Mu said calmly to Aning.

Seeing Guo Mu's pensive expression, and the fact that he has been checking his body these past few days, Aning, who has a delicate mind, can't understand that he is worrying about his own affairs. Thinking of this, he can't help feeling warm, like a The scorching sun was illuminating the dark side of her heart.

"Master, I haven't seen Baimao these days, where did he go to play?" Not wanting to make Guo Mu worry about himself, Aning found a suitable topic to attract Guo Mu's attention.

"White hair? This guy doesn't know where he went. He must have been abducted by that little girl Qingxuan to do something bad! Don't worry about it, it's fine." Guo Mu shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently.

Anyone in the entire Shuyang sect could have an accident, but Baimao is the least of his worries. You must know that it is a monster. , even today's Guo Mu has to weigh his ability to deal with it.

Thinking of Baimao, he couldn't help but think of the white cub in the 'Broken Domain'. He hasn't entered in the past few days. I don't know what happened to 'Ermao'?I don't know if he summons Er Mao, who will be more powerful than Bai Mao?
Although Baimao's current strength is not bad, but after all, he has not yet reached the realm of alchemy. If Ermao transforms into a "super Ermao", then there will be some fights. It is estimated that the final result may be a loss for both sides. This time, if Ermao hadn't been attacked by Guo Mu and absorbed a lot of golden energy, Guo Mu would have lost in all likelihood.

"Wait! Golden energy?"

Suddenly Guo Mu's heart skipped a beat, and then he remembered that in the Broken Domain, the poor Ermao, who was originally useless and weak, had absorbed the golden energy to become strong to the Danhua level.

A gleam of light flashed across Guo Mu's eyes, flickering like a streamer in the night.

rustle!The wind swept the surrounding treetops, rubbing against each other and making a rustling sound.

In the middle of the night, the majestic and majestic towering buildings perched on top of many peaks. The entire Shuyang Sect is like a beast in the dark. Under the cold moonlight, these weather-beaten buildings seem to express another story. Kind of powerful.

It is quiet now, only the disciples who patrol the corridors from time to time are still doing their duties, everything seems very comfortable, but at this time in the heavily guarded alchemy room of the Shuyang Sect, it is in full swing.

"Drink!" From the alchemy room that was constantly emitting red light, shouts came out one after another in a low voice, and at the same time, a raging intense heat wave gushed out.

Taking a closer look, the overall structure of the alchemy room is actually made of stone, and even the important parts, such as pillars, doors and windows, are all made of metal. Obviously, these measures are just in case, to prevent accidents. What havoc, destroyed these buildings.

But at this moment, a wave of fire seeping black smoke spewed out, followed by a muffled explosion, as if it was covered by a thick quilt and exploded, bringing When the strong wind was about to sweep out the door, a light curtain with red color suddenly lit up, covering all the exits, and then shrank back at an extremely fast speed, directly covering the people who were about to cause harm. The explosive air wave was strangled in the cradle.

"Bang!" A smashing sound suddenly came from the alchemy room, apparently smashing something.

"Damn, why why? I obviously refined it strictly according to that prescription, how could it fail! What is the problem? It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense at all. I saw her refining it like this, How could it fail!"

Ji Feng propped his hands on the table, and on the table was a piece of parchment, on which a series of medicinal materials and notes were listed, and at the same time, the refining steps were carefully written with a fine brush. A very detailed recipe.

(End of this chapter)

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