Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 317 Alchemy 6

Chapter 317 Alchemy 6
The moonlight projected obliquely from the holes dug out of the cave, as eye-catching as beams of light. The dust that penetrated the beams of light was dyed with starlight, with bright light, drifting slowly, and finally fell on the straight On the smooth black silk.

At this time, Yi Meng was fixed on the wall by the blue ghost, in the shape of a cross. Looking at her pale and bloodless pretty face, one couldn't help but think, in the previous period, she was What a torment!

"Hmm!" A slight muffled voice sounded.

After a while, Yi Meng groaned again, turned her head, and slowly opened her eyes, only to see that she looked around in a daze, her eyes expanded and contracted, and suddenly she raised her eyes. He raised his head, glanced around, and then looked at himself up and down again. After finding that there was no foreign object, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

What kind of stuff can scare a Danhua-level powerhouse into such a state?

At this time, a sound of footsteps came from the shadows that the moonlight could not reach, and then under Yi Meng's frightened eyes, the figure of the person who came finally became clear. Guo Mu came back.

Although there are all kinds of daily necessities here, Guo Mu is a quasi-alchemist, so it doesn't matter anyway, but Aning is just a low-level warrior, and the environment on the cliff of commandments is unpredictable, so for someone like Aning It is quite difficult for the weak girl.

"You...don't come here!"

Seeing that it was Guo Mu who came, Yi Meng yelled in horror, and then began to struggle hard. Unfortunately, not only her struggle was useless, because at this time her limbs were all imprisoned by the blue ghost. Locked firmly.

"Hmph..." Guo Mu couldn't help sneering twice as he looked at Yi Meng who was in a panic.

At this time, he had switched with the blue ghost, and when he knew that he had been plotted against by this mysterious woman, he couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. There must be a secret in every secret!Although Guo Mu had raised his vigilance at that time, he still failed to detect the opponent's attack.

Later, after consulting the blue ghost, he realized that it was not that he was not careful enough, but that this time the other party actually used a secretion called Long Yanxiang, which has an extremely strong psychedelic effect, and this Long Yanxiang's secrecy is very good, there is no way to prevent it if he is not aware of it in advance.Obviously the other party came prepared!
Although Blue Ghost had explained that Long Yanxiang was difficult to guard against, Guo Mu was still quite dissatisfied that he was so easily caught.

It turned out that beforehand, Yi Meng had considered Guo Mu's special physique and knew that general illusions would not work on Guo Mu at all, so she thought of another way.

This time he was really careless, and he was attacked so easily by this mysterious woman. If the blue ghost hadn't come out in time to take over his body this time, he might have been cursed by this Yi Meng!
Thinking that he was actually going to assassinate that team from Forge Sword Villa, he suddenly felt his forehead go numb, what's going on!One person is going to fight against a whole team that can participate in the Muyou Valley Conference. You must know that even a sect like the Shuyang Sect has to go through screening before sending people to participate in the conference, let alone those powerful families that are hidden from the world. It is even more hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and there are countless strong ones.

If Guo Mu really went to assassinate the opponent's team, then he would definitely die.

At the same time, he also thought of the follow-up results. If a core disciple of a powerful sect unexpectedly assassinated others for no reason, he must have been ordered by something. According to normal reasoning logic, the responsibility for this action must be attributed to the Shuyang Sect, the founder of Jianjian Villa. People would definitely think that it was Shuyangzong who wanted to attack him, so in the end, it is estimated that the two behemoths started to pinch each other, fighting to the death.

Thinking that the entire sect was in danger because of him, Guo Mu suddenly felt palpitations, and then a burst of anger couldn't help but burst out from the bottom of his heart.

"Why did you do this?" Guo Mu stared at Yi Meng indifferently, the fierceness in her eyes made her skin feel slightly chilled.

Yi Meng didn't answer, but lowered her head and tried to stimulate the spiritual power in her body, but she found helplessly that the position of her dantian was completely blocked by a force that was exactly the same as the restriction on her chest. Now she can say that It's not even as good as Aning.

She is a pure Taoist, without spiritual power, spells are no longer effective, and her physical strength is only at the level of ordinary warriors. This is the same reason as warriors whose internal energy has been abolished. Has a physique like Guo Mu and Bai Qiufeng.

"Hmph! Do you think it's enough for you to keep silent?" Guo Mu sneered, and saw that he slowly stretched out his right hand from behind, and above his right hand was floating this palm-sized, black Unsurprisingly, the big fluffy spider was being controlled by Guo Mu at this time, suspended in mid-air, and kept sliding its eight big furry claws.

"Ah ah ah..."

Yi Meng, who had been trying to keep calm, screamed suddenly, and Guo Mu couldn't help frowning and turning his head away. He even wondered if this was the legendary sonic attack!
"Shut up, if you ask me again, I will stuff this spider into your mouth." Guo Mu hurriedly shouted.

Almost instantly, Yi Meng's high-pitched and shrill scream was stopped immediately, and Guo Mu was finally able to let out a big breath. The opponent's scream was stronger than a lion's roar, and the high-pitched sound almost choked his eardrums Shattered.

Guo Mu shook his head twice, and then said sinisterly: "If you don't want me to throw this spider into your clothes, you'd better tell me everything."

Yi Meng's mouth was tightly shut, her eyes widened, her eyes flicked back and forth between Guo Mu's wretched smile and the struggling big spider, without making a decision for a long time.

Seeing such a fierce reaction, Guo Mu couldn't help laughing inwardly. He didn't expect that the mysterious woman who always appeared in front of him as a master would be afraid of a small spider. This really made him laugh and cry. Speechless.

This one was dug out from the other party by the blue ghost, and now Guo Mu has another trick to deal with the other party.

Whether it is bright or wretched, as long as it can have an effect, it is a good move.Now that the method of dealing with the enemy has been dug out, there is no reason not to use it!

"Imagine, this fluffy, dark thing, crawling into your neckline, crawling on your smooth and delicate skin..." Guo Mu immediately added fuel when he saw the other party's loose expression. figuratively described.


Seeing that Yi Mengmeng was about to yell loudly again, Guo Mu quickly covered the opponent's mouth firmly, but he had had enough of the attack comparable to the magic voice.

"If you call me again, I will silence your voice first, and ask after you finish climbing."

"..." Yi Meng opened her lovely and pitiful eyes wide, and nodded with tears in her eyes for cooperation.

Seeing that the other party finally compromised, Guo Mu stopped teasing the other party and casually threw the spider out of the cliff hole. Seeing that there was no deadly nemesis, Yi Meng immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't be too happy, I can go to the back mountain to catch another one at any time, and it's even bigger."

"Hiss!" Yi Meng took a deep breath immediately, her pretty face turned pale, and then she widened her almond eyes and glared at Guo Mu, "You bastard, you don't have any feelings of pity, you are not a man .”

Guo Mu directly ignored the opponent's aggressive tactics, he was not in the mood to continue to accompany the opponent in circles.

"Why did you kill the people from Zhujian Villa? Is this matter related to Yujian Villa?"

He knew that Yi Meng was a disciple of Yujian Villa before, and this time the name of the person she wanted Guo Mu to assassinate was also called Zhujian Villa. There is only one word difference between the two, and there should be no difference between the two It's just a coincidence of names.

"Hmph! I want to kill the people in Zhujian Villa because everyone in Zhujian Villa deserves to die. This matter is only my business and has nothing to do with Yujian Villa."

Yi Mengxian was very excited when he mentioned Zhujian Villa again. Her face was covered with frost, and she was very excited. However, Guo Mu was happy to see this kind of situation. reaction.

"Even if the people from Zhujian Villa deserve to die, that's none of my business. Why did you drag me into the water? You want to borrow a knife to kill people, and let Shuyangzong consume the power of Zhujian Villa."

Guo Mu stared at Yi Meng indifferently, observing his expression. In fact, in his heart, the answer was already certain, but he just wanted to confirm it.

"That's right, Jianjian Villa is a powerful semi-monastic family, just like the Shuyang Sect today, and with my own strength, I can't take revenge at all, so I must use external force to consume their strength , Originally, my plan was to let Zhujian Villa and Yujian Villa go to war, but on the way, I ran into you and that bastard Bai Qiufeng."

After talking about it, Yi Meng seemed to think of Bai Qiufeng, and her teeth itched with anger, obviously she was angry because of the failure of a single person in a plan she had planned for a long time.

Listening to Yi Meng's gritted teeth, full of hatred, Guo Mu knew without asking what kind of bitter and tear-jerking history must be hidden in it, but this has nothing to do with him, and he is not interested in listening to it, he is just curious Well, since Yi Meng wanted to take revenge on the Sword Casting Villa, how would she take revenge?

(End of this chapter)

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