Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 324 Spirit Stone

Chapter 324 Spirit Stone
Moreover, some disciples revealed that many disciples of the Outer Seminary were his supporters. For a while, Guo Mu's limelight was unmatched in the entire Shuyang Sect!It's just that Ji Feng has recently been able to practice the panacea, which has attracted everyone's attention.

"Then... what do we do now?"

How to do?Let it be cold!The tall disciple said helplessly.

At this time, Guo Mu finally raised his eyes. He glanced at the four of them indifferently, then threw back the other party's medicine bag, leaving only the herb with red berries behind.

"I want this herb, and I will return the rest to you."

As soon as the words fell, he recognized two Qingxin Bailu Pills as compensation for the other party. At the same time, he warned: "I don't want things here to get out, any news, understand?"

The tall disciple hurriedly caught the pill, and couldn't help saying in surprise: "Sure, sure, we promise it won't leak, Senior Brother Guo."

Guo Mu was not surprised that the other party knew his identity. After all, in the Shuyang Sect, his features were too easy to identify.An elf-loving maid, and a 'pet' who has always been elusive, these two have now become his signature features.

After getting Guo Mu's permission to leave, the four of them ran towards the Zongmen non-stop.

Guo Mu watched the figures of the four disappear into the jungle. He was not worried whether the other party would backtrack, because he was confident that the other party would not dare to risk offending him by spreading the news.


Bai Mao sniffed the herb in Guo Mu's hand twice, and seemed very interested. Seeing this greedy look, Guo Mu laughed twice, but he didn't dare to give Bai Mao something to eat casually. But it is very precious, there is only one family of Shuyangzong's gatekeeper beasts.Although Ermao can barely count, but the current level is not stable enough.

"Master, are you just letting them leave like this?" Aning approached and asked.

What happened in the secular world made Aning almost skeptical of everyone. Now in the whole world, if there is anyone she can trust, she will definitely choose Guo Mu.

"Heh!" Guo Mu chuckled lightly, and said calmly, "Of course, why not?"

"But if they spread the word, wouldn't it be..."

At this time, Guo Mu suddenly raised his right hand to signal Ah Ning to be quiet, and then he listened carefully, and saw a meaningful smile raised from the corner of his mouth. In the forest, a burst of birds startled.

Looking at the flying birds flying overhead, Guo Mu smiled and said, "I don't mind, but that doesn't mean something doesn't mind either."

Aning was stunned for a moment, and suddenly her eyes lit up, and she also smiled, obviously she understood what Guo Mu meant.

That's right, as Guo Mu said, although the black panther was retreated by the white gun, it was still lurking in the jungle of the mountain forest and did not go far away.Regarding the black panther that half-stepped into the monster beast, Guo Mu was clearly prepared, but he did not tell the four disciples to be careful, and the flock of birds that had just been alarmed just verified his conjecture. .

At this moment, a scream came from not far away. From the distance of the sound, it was estimated that it was not very far from Guo Mu's place, but Guo Mu and Aning didn't go over to check curiously. They both knew that the sound The scream must be one of the four disciples who left before, probably because they saw that there was no hope of escape, and wanted to come back and seek Guo Mu's protection again, but unfortunately, they succeeded the first time, but the Black Panther didn't give them a chance. A second chance at success.

"Let's go! It seems that some interesting things should have happened in Shuyang Sect recently."

"Are we going back now? Master!"

Guo Mu glanced at the plant in his hand, slowly shook his head and said, "No, we'll go to the Grand Canyon before we go back."

The elixir shop of the Shuyang Sect was being rushed over by people in an endless stream at this time, and they were all carrying packages, and from their cautious expressions, it seemed that they contained some valuables.

It's just that some of the disciples who entered the elixir room came out with a smile on their faces, while others looked depressed. Obviously, not every disciple who entered the elixir room got what they wanted.

"Senior brother, what's the matter with you?"

A disciple who was rushing to the pharmacy stopped a gray-clothed disciple who had just come out with a dejected expression on his face.Looking at his still swollen package, it is obvious that the medicinal materials inside him have not been successfully exchanged with the pill pharmacy, so he is so depressed.

"Oh! What else can I do!" The gray-clothed disciple sighed, and then he was about to walk away.

"Senior brother, we are also from the same sect, tell me what's going on inside!"

"The exchange quota for spirit pills has been raised. The supply exceeds demand. Too many people want to exchange for spirit pills, so Brother Ji Feng announced that only spirit medicines above the third rank will be exchanged, and those below the third rank will not be exchanged unless they are special types." The gray-clothed disciple bowed his head and left after saying that.

At this time, in the elixir room, there were more people, like this disciple, who came out with packages that were still full. The sudden increase in exchange requirements was blocked from the door.

Seeing many disciples leave with regretful expressions, the disciples in the elixir room are extremely excited. These days, they have straightened their backs, gained confidence, talked loudly, and even took two extra bites of food , and the reason for all of this is that their status in the Shuyang Sect has improved again.

Ever since Ji Feng announced that he had refined the elixir, there has been a storm of changing medicines in the entire Shuyang Sect in an instant. Those disciples who have been hiding precious medicinal materials have crowded into the pharmacy, wanting to exchange for the elixir refined by Ji Feng. , and all this has led to the fact that now as long as you are a disciple of the pharmacy, even a disciple who does odd jobs, you will receive courtesy wherever you go.

At the same time, it also pushed Ji Feng to an unprecedented height, not only the reputation in the elixir shop, but even the entire Shuyang Sect. Already at the same level as Bai Qiufeng.

"Junior Nephew Ji Feng, I heard that you are vigorously searching for spiritual medicinal materials. I specially asked the secular family to prepare it here. Take a look, it is feasible!"

At this moment, in the inner hall of the elixir shop, an old man in his mid-age years wearing a precious blue silk shirt was sitting on the side seat, and the person sitting in the main seat was none other than Ji Feng.

I saw that both of them had gentle smiles on their faces, especially the old man in green shirt named Nephew Ji Feng, who even had a little flattering smile on his face.This person, Xu Wenxing, is an instructor in the Shuyang Sect. He and Ji Feng's master are brothers, and they don't have much contact with Ji Feng's master, but now he is visiting, and he can think of anything with his toes.

Ji Feng smiled and nodded, and glanced at the medicinal materials placed on the table beside him, he saw that each medicinal material was loaded in a white marble box, obviously the medicinal materials inside were quite valuable.

"Hehe! The medicinal materials sent by Uncle Xu must be the best choice, so there is no problem." Ji Feng flattered him falsely, but in fact he didn't even check the medicinal materials.

Seeing Ji Feng's attitude, Xu Wenxing knew that the other party agreed, and the smile on his face became brighter.

"Then I would like to thank Nephew Ji Feng. In order not to make Nephew too tired, this is a small gift from my uncle. I hope you don't dislike it."

Under his signal, the disciple at the side hastily took out a box carved from precious rosewood, a small box with exquisite patterns carved on it, exuding a quiet sandalwood fragrance, which made Ji Feng feel refreshed. clear.

"This is?" Ji Feng couldn't help asking in doubt.Judging by the condition of this box, the treasure inside is estimated to be quite heavy!

Xu Wenxing smiled and said nothing, just let him open it and have a look.Seeing what Xu Wenxing said, Ji Feng couldn't help being aroused curiosity, what needs to be so mysterious?

When he opened it, he couldn't help but frowned slightly, not because the gift was too expensive, on the contrary, the gift in the rosewood treasure box was quite ordinary, and the ordinary made him feel a little fooled.I saw that in the treasure box, a piece of unpretentious milky white jade was placed inside, without the slightest brilliance, it was not even comparable to the best jade in the world!

Ji Feng raised his head and glanced at Xu Wenxing, but what he saw was the other party's still calm expression. Seeing Xu Wenxing's still calm expression, Ji Feng couldn't help being very interested in this gift.

He reached out and took out the jade from the treasure box. As soon as he got it, Ji Feng's face suddenly became brighter. He was startled for a moment, and then he was pleasantly surprised. At this time, Xu Wenxing who was beside him grinned.

Ji Feng hastily restrained his mind, concentrated his energy and sank into the fist-sized milky white jade in his hand, only felt his palm tremble slightly, and he quickly suppressed it.

"Uncle Xu, this..."

Xu Wenxing narrowed his eyes with a smile, leaned over to Ji Feng, and whispered, "It's a coincidence!"

Ji Feng immediately made a look of enlightenment, and hurriedly nodded in response: "Yes, yes, it's a coincidence." Then he hurriedly got up, and whispered to his fellow disciples who were waiting on the side: "Go and fetch all the elixir from the pharmacy now. "

"Ah? Take them all, do you want them all?" The disciple's eyes widened and he was stunned.

"Yes, let's go!"

Seeing Ji Feng's determined appearance, the disciple could only nod helplessly in agreement, and quickly turned around and walked towards the alchemy room of the elixir pharmacy, where the sixty elixirs refined by Ji Feng are stored.

(End of this chapter)

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