Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 333 Martial God Cave Mansion

Chapter 333 Martial God Cave Mansion
"What about this energy?" Guo Mu asked.If he doesn't want to solve this mass of energy, he will be really uncomfortable. You must know that this is no different from hiding a bomb in your body, and it may explode at any time.

"Don't worry, I've thought about it a long time ago." Lan Gui smiled slightly, but he didn't tell Guo Mu his own thoughts.

Regarding the opponent's pretending to be mysterious, Guo Mu adopted a consistent strategy of ignoring it. He knew that if the blue ghost didn't want to say anything, he would not be able to force the opponent. On the contrary, even if he didn't ask, he would tell him the matter.

"The next step is the highlight, we have to subdue the panacea in Danxiu's body."

"Well, what do we need to do, break the protective cover, will it destroy Danxiu's body?"

"Now let's exchange control of the body first."

Guo Mu shrugged his shoulders, and handed over the control of his body to the blue ghost, anyway, he also wanted to see what this so-called earth-level panacea looked like.

Opening his eyes again, he had already been replaced by the blue ghost. He came to the long-bearded old man who was still holding up the protective shield. Looking at the corpse in front of him, the blue ghost's eyes were as deep as a black pool, as if he could see through the corpse. , directly to the inner panacea.

A wave came from the golden glove, and the blue ghost slowly raised his right fist. At this time, in Guo Mu's eyes, he seemed to see a feeling of volcanic accumulation.He didn't feel any spiritual power being mobilized by the blue ghost. If it wasn't for the fluctuations from the Yuanli sensor, he would have mistakenly thought it was just a show, or Fanwu's move.

Immediately, a flash of light shot out from the blue ghost's eyes, and almost instantly, the golden right fist slammed out, a powerful energy instantly condensed, and in the blink of an eye, Guo Mu felt astonishing fluctuations.

boom!There was a muffled sound as if hitting a heavy padded jacket, and then in Guo Mu's wide-eyed eyes, a crack appeared from the position of the shield where the blue ghost stepped out of the punch.

Almost at the same time, in an instant, the entire protective cover was like glass hit by a hammer, and the whole body was covered with cracks. As the blue ghost retracted his fist, one piece, two pieces, three pieces... countless pieces...

The entire shield was like shattered glass, which suddenly turned into countless pieces and finally dissipated into the air.

And Guo Mu finally got a glimpse of the real face of the old man Danxiu. He saw his grim face, resisting Dan Lei's invasion. Even though he was dead, his majesty still remained the same as before.

If it was Guo Mu, maybe he would be more respectful, but this time it is the blue ghost.

I saw that he directly struck out with a palm, and hit the dantian of the old man's abdomen. There was no respect for the dead, Guo Mu's eyes couldn't help but twitched.

Under the urging of the blue ghost, a red light flashed from the old man's mouth, but before Guo Mu could see it clearly, the red light flashed by and fled towards the entrance on the other side. About to flash out of the door, suddenly an energy light curtain covered the entrance, making it impossible to go out.

The red light flashed hastily, and he turned around, trying to rush to a corner of the hall. Obviously he hadn't given up his plan to escape, but as a treacherous and cunning blue ghost, how could he let such a treasure escape from his eyes!
A virtual big hand suddenly appeared, holding the red flash tightly in the palm of the hand, at this time Guo Muzai finally saw the appearance of the elixir clearly.I saw a panacea about the size of a thumb, emitting a crystal red light, jumping uneasily in the big transparent hand, but was firmly imprisoned in the palm of the blue ghost, unable to escape.

"Oh! I didn't expect to hide a ray of residual consciousness on the pill. The soul of Danxiu is indeed much tougher than that of ordinary ascetics, but this is better. I can supplement the pill to make it reach Prefectural level." After taking a closer look, the blue ghost said something in surprise.


As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the red light on the elixir change, and suddenly a human face appeared out of thin air, and that appearance was indeed that of Danxiu who was struck to death by Dan Lei.

"Damn it, this old man is not dead, he's still alive." Guo Mu, who had been watching quietly, almost jumped up. He looked at the fluffy head above the pill with astonishment. will believe it.

"Don't kill me, I didn't mean anything malicious, please be merciful, fellow daoist." The old man immediately begged for mercy loudly, obviously hearing what the blue ghost said earlier.

"Huh! That sounds good!" The blue ghost sneered, and then said calmly: "You have been hiding in the elixir, and you wanted to escape with the elixir, these actions don't seem to be harmless ah!"

The old man's eyes shrank immediately, obviously it was a bit embarrassing to be directly pointed out by the blue ghost, but in order to survive, he could only continue to bite the bullet and said: "Please don't blame this, fellow Taoist. Like my current state, I have to hide it."

"Don't blame, of course I won't blame you, how can I care about anything with a dead person?" The corners of Lan Gui's mouth slowly raised, revealing an indifferent smile.

The old man's expression became serious, and suddenly the spirit pill fluctuated violently, and the red light flickered, and he stretched his entire big hand, and then controlled the spirit pill to rush out from the palm of his hand, flashing far away in a flash.

But the old man is cunning, and the blue ghost is not stupid, even more cunning, he snorted coldly, stretched out his right hand, facing the red light of the elixir, and grasped it vigorously, the old man who was controlling the elixir immediately let out a muffled groan, For a moment, the vacant head shook a series of waves, flickering like a candle in the wind, and then the elixir stopped.

"Don't waste your efforts." The blue ghost appeared in front of the old man in the blink of an eye.

The blue ghost had long expected that this spirit body with only a trace of soul left would not be so honest, so during the conversation before, he quietly injected a note of Yuanli, which happened to be effective at this time.

At this moment, the old man seemed to know that he could not escape, so he stopped struggling and stayed in midair obediently.The atmosphere suddenly became quiet, and Guo Mu, who had witnessed everything that happened, finally breathed a sigh of relief. Having experienced the process of Dan Lei's physical training, he felt deep jealousy towards this old man who persisted in surviving under such circumstances. Zen, if such an enemy exists in the dark, it is really difficult to sleep and eat.

"Don't force me, even if I die, I will take this Vientiane Prajna Pill and destroy it together. I won't let you succeed." The old man knew that he couldn't escape, so he decided to use the elixir to blackmail Lan ghost.

"Really! Do you have that ability!"

But the blue ghost didn't feel worried at all, and said indifferently: "Now you are just a remnant soul stored in the pill, barely guiding the spiritual power of the pill, you are lucky if you are not swallowed, even if you try your best to destroy yourself Soul, I am also sure to forcibly curb it when it touches the pill."

As soon as the words fell, a powerful soul pressure directly suppressed the old man's soul, and immediately smashed his ethereal head, leaving only the elixir floating in the air.

"No, no! Don't kill me!" The old man regained his avatar.

"Oh! It's funny, why do I keep you! I am bound to get this elixir, so you should be at ease and become the last nourishment! Maybe you can also make an earth-level elixir, isn't this your last one? Last wish! I have fulfilled your wish, give me peace of mind to die!"

The blue ghost didn't have the slightest intention of being soft-hearted, and immediately gathered his big hands together, and grabbed the elixir in one fell swoop. He increased the strength of his big hands, oppressing and distorting the faint head floating above the elixir.

Seeing that the avatar was about to be broken, the other party shouted loudly: "I have... I have a secret in exchange."

Hearing the other party's words, the blue ghost couldn't help but stop his hand, but he didn't withdraw his strength, but still maintained the force of oppression. He stared at the old man and said indifferently: "Say, what's the secret? If this secret can't Guarantee your value, then you have to die."

Hearing the blue ghost's cold voice, the old man obviously hesitated, he was worried that if he confessed the secret rashly, whether the blue ghost would continue to kill.

"My lord has always kept his promise. As long as the information you tell is of sufficient value, I will not kill you." The blue ghost glanced at the old man, and the cold light in his eyes immediately frightened him into a cold sweat.

Although the blue ghost said with a serious face at this time, Guo Mu inside his body muttered with extreme contempt in his heart: "I believe it, it's strange to believe you! This guy is definitely a black-bellied originator, and he was betrayed by this bastard." I'm definitely still counting the money for him!"

This is the lesson of Guo Mu's blood and tears!

"I have a handbook on cultivation from the Alchemy Realm, which contains the notes of an alchemy master, which can train you to become a high-level alchemy cultivator. In the realm of cultivating the Dao, you need wind for wind and rain for rain." The old man said The expression of reluctance seemed to be that this letter was extremely rare.

But this so-called Dan Xiu's practice handbook did not arouse the curiosity of Lan Gui, but made him feel as if he was being fooled.

"This is the secret you said?" Lan Gui said coldly, and then the big hand that controlled it pressed down again, and several cracks appeared on the opponent's head, as if it was about to be broken again at any time.

"Do you think you can fool me with an incomplete set of cultivation handbooks? You really treat me like an ignorant bumpkin."

Just because Blue Ghost wasn't interested didn't mean Guo Mu wasn't interested. He was immediately aroused by the other party's words, but it wasn't the cultivation handbook that the other party said, but the alchemy state that the other party said.

"Blue ghost, what is the alchemy realm he mentioned?"

(End of this chapter)

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