Chapter 336

There was a sound of spraying, and in the steaming lake, a figure suddenly appeared from under the surface of the water, and a spray of water exploded directly on the surface of the water, and then rose into the air, drawing an arc in mid-air The line fell beside Baimao.

Baimao glanced at the figure angrily, then helplessly shook the hair on his body, shaking off the water droplets splashed on his body.It's not the first time, it's boring.

Guo Mu moved his body for a while, then turned his hand and put the Yushui Orb in the palm of his hand into the storage ring. The body that was revealed was not even a trace of water on the whole body, and it was very dry.

All this is due to a magic weapon of water attribute in Xu Youran's treasure, which is a panacea of ​​an anaconda monster. The hood has a good defense ability and water-proof function, and it is a very practical magic weapon.

After the last conversation, Guo Mu learned that the monster ape was not kept in captivity by Xu Youran, and immediately felt that things seemed to be getting more complicated, but he did not act rashly, but first connected Aning into the leisurely valley. , and the stone house happened to be the place where the two lived.

At the same time, under the exploitation of the blue ghost, Xu Youran not only obediently donated all the treasures, but also worked part-time as a free coolie to refine elixir and potions for Guo Mu. , it is the spiritual liquid that nourishes the body and increases the strength of the physical body.

And the fundamental material of this spiritual liquid is the red berry plant that Guo Mu got from the four disciples who had died at this time. This kind of plant is called 'red berry', and it grows specially in places with geothermal heat. The Youran Valley here happens to have a rock crevice leading to the geothermal heat flow, so it can become a place for cultivating red berries.

Although this spiritual liquid is hot and irritating to the human body, as long as it can be used properly, it is definitely a good thing for tempering the body.We must know that ascetics are more focused on the perception of Dharma Jue, and the training of the physical body is not the first priority. Therefore, this kind of "red pulp psychic liquid" is extremely sought-after even in the world of asceticism.

At this time, Guo Mu waved his hand, and a broken stone tablet appeared in front of him. This stone tablet was excavated from the bottom of the lake by him. After asking Xu Youran, this stone tablet was not erected by him. This just confirmed the suspicion in his heart.

That monster ape was definitely not an ordinary monster, it was either domesticated or got some kind of great fortune, and this was what Guo Mu was curious about.

When he dived with the help of the magic weapon, he was surprised to find that there was more than one underground river at the bottom of the lake. When he dived to a distance of about 80 meters underwater, he found the first channel, but this channel has already been buried. It was sealed by stones, and after diving another 20 meters, I was surprised to find that there was an obvious fault in the water temperature here.

At an obvious boundary, Guo Mu felt that the water temperature suddenly dropped sharply, even below zero, and this was confirmed when he continued to dive for a distance of about ten meters.

He actually found ice cubes at the bottom of the water, which he couldn't imagine, and ice cubes appeared under a hot spring, which no one could believe.

And just when he was about to return, he was surprised to find this broken stone tablet. The text on it was well preserved, but it couldn't be considered, but this didn't hinder its full value.

Guo Mu keenly felt that there should be some special meaning contained in this stele, but when he searched at the bottom of the lake, he didn't find any base for the stele.The other half of the stele was not found, which again gave him a puzzle, where did the stele come from?

Even though he was using his spiritual energy, he still couldn't find any traces in the deep water of hundreds of meters. At the same time, he also unexpectedly found no trace of the monster ape. This made him more vigilant. In order to avoid accidents, Guo When Mu Mu returned to the surface of the water, he set up several early warning measures underwater. Once any foreign object broke through, even if he was deep in the secret room, he would still be able to feel it.

Just when he was about to study the stele carefully, suddenly an inexplicable aura rose up, Guo Mu subconsciously looked in the direction of Shuyangzong, and this aura officially came from that direction.

If it weren't for Guo Mu's strength becoming stronger and his sensitivity to the aura in the world becoming more sensitive, he really wouldn't be able to sense the changes that took place in Shuyangzong at this time.

He tapped his toes and jumped up to the highest point in the valley. In his induction, there was a huge amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy gathering in the direction of Shuyangzong, and it was constantly collapsing, as if compressed by some huge force. As far as Guo Mu knew, this phenomenon was an obvious sign of alchemy in Taoism.

However, who is attacking Danhua, and who is able to cause such a huge vision.

At this time in Shuyang Sect, almost all the disciples walked out of the room, looked up at the sky, and saw a large piece of dazzling rainbow clouds in the sky, all the clouds were gathering in one direction, as if they were attracted by the eye of the storm .

And people with some abilities could clearly feel that the direction pointed by the gathered spiritual energy of heaven and earth was exactly the No. 1 courtyard of the young disciple in their minds.

At this moment, suddenly a blazing beam of light rose, fiercely piercing through the cloud of colorful clouds that filled the sky above the courtyard.

With a buzzing sound, it vibrated like a huge muffled drum, and the colorful clouds were like ripples, forming circular air circles in the colorful clouds all over the sky, and then the entire beam of light suddenly retracted, becoming more solid When it rises, it is as real as it is.

In the back mountain, on the Discipline Cliff, the mysterious girl Yi Mengzheng had a look of astonishment on her face. She was very surprised when she saw the light piercing the sky from Shuyangzong. This huge aura brought her a strong sense of oppression. It's not that she hasn't seen other people's Danhua, but it's the first time for her to make such a big noise, even when it was the number one genius Danhua in Yujian Villa, it was not so strong.

She couldn't help comparing the strengths of the two sides secretly, and couldn't help but be secretly shocked. The energy of the other party was several levels higher than her own. More than a chip higher.

If she hadn't seen the vision of heaven and earth that had advanced to the realm of 'Infant Transformation', she would have doubted whether she had made a mistake in her judgment.

But it's unbelievable that such a heaven-defying character should appear in a sect that is a 'half-way monk'.Yi Meng thought to herself.

But what is more important to her at this moment is how she can get her storage ring back from Bai Qiufeng's hand. In the ring, she can give up any treasures, but she is in a position to use that scroll of swordsmanship. It must be won, that is the most important step in her revenge plan, without the sword art, then everything she has done will be in vain.

Thinking that her plan of risking her life might fall short, Yi Meng couldn't help but wanted to rush over now, but the remaining sliver of reason stopped her.

"No matter what, I must get back the sword formula." Yi Meng gritted her teeth and frowned.

It was not only the mysterious woman who was also shocked, but also several other genius disciples who had been trying to catch up with Bai Qiufeng.

Ye Yu looked at the beam of light that was constantly solidifying over Bai Qiufeng's courtyard, his deep eyes seemed to become cloudy all of a sudden, his habitually indifferent eyes burned with a frenzy at this moment, but it was quickly buried by the silence.

A real master is not afraid of powerful opponents and goals, because those are obstacles that must be overcome. Only in this way can we constantly surpass ourselves and reach higher and stronger.

Taking another cold look at the soaring beam of light, Ye Yu then turned to look to the left, only to see a man standing there, which was the epee of the Disciplinary Academy.If the heavy sword at this time is not the huge iron sword behind him at this time, probably no one will regard it as a master.

Since the last duel with Guo Mu, the strength of the epee seems to have improved further, and he has restrained his aura well.

And this put a certain amount of pressure on Ye Yu, especially after he heard that Ji Feng had actually refined a panacea, which aggravated his sense of crisis. This meant that except for him, everyone else's strength was increasing. At the same time, he also knew that the one named Guo Mu was also in the process of cultivation.

"I will definitely become the strongest person, as long as I..."

Ye Yu stared at the beam of light that was gradually shrinking, and a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes. In the bottom of his heart, on the balance of an important decision, the last feather finally weighed down.

In the Shuyang Sect, among the towering buildings, the Shuangqi Pavilion, which is located on the four main traffic arteries, is the most frequented place for all the disciples of the Shuyang Sect besides the martial arts hall.

As the announcement office of the entire Shuyang Sect, the Shuangqi Pavilion has an irreplaceable important position, so those who can hold important positions here are naturally good jobs with the most lucrative resources.But if you want to get a position here, without a good background, you need a strong friendship. If you don't even have a friendship, then unless you have enough interests, you can manage the top and bottom.

And Ren Rong is the first type. She has an uncle who is an elder, and she deserves all kinds of preferential treatment in the Shuyang Sect.The advantage of nepotism is unavoidable even for a sect like Shuyangzong.

With this kind of background coupled with a fresh and refined appearance, she has become the number one beauty recognized by Shuangqi Pavilion, and even in other courtyards, there is no shortage of admirers.Although she hasn't reached the level of Qingxin, the goddess of the Shuyang Sect, she is, so to speak, a great beauty in the Shuyang Sect.

And today, it happened to be her turn to be responsible for the registration of Shuangqi Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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