Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 338 Li Wei 2

Chapter 338 Li Wei 2
Until now, they are still stuck in the fragile image of Guo Mu and cannot turn around.

Only because the contrast between the two sides is too obvious, Sikong Zhen obviously fits the demeanor of a master in everyone's mind, and his prestige also has a lot of prestige in Shuyangzong.

But... But now, it's surprising that he was slapped to the ground by a young man who looked thin and vulnerable!
Moreover, due to penance, Guo Mu's appearance is really too shabby now.

With ragged clothes, a thin figure, and thin cheeks, it's no wonder that everyone has doubts about Guo Mu's strength when they see Guo Mu's current appearance.

In addition, because the strength of a monk is not as clear as that of a martial artist, and his martial arts level is still in the late stage of a martial artist, but his body has become stronger.

Even so, Guo Mu's strength honed through hard training is still not something that Sikong Zhen can challenge.

As early as when the opponent gathered his inner energy and was about to launch a sneak attack, he sensitively sensed the opponent's movements. At the same time, because of the opponent's pride and complacency, he didn't take Guo Mu seriously at all, and directly exposed his empty door to Guo Mu. In front of the curtain, facing the opportunity delivered to his door, how could he let it go!

After a few crisp sounds, Sikong Zhen twisted his neck, made a crisp clicking sound, and slowly raised his body from the ground.

Due to the restrictions of the sect, Guo Mu did not deal ruthlessly, so Sikong Zhen did not receive any harm, he just looked a little embarrassed, but in Sikong Zhen's heart, Sikong Zhen felt worse than killing him. uncomfortable.

"You...seek...death!" Sikong Zhen slowly raised his face, a scarlet palm print was clearly imprinted on his handsome face, which looked extraordinarily funny.

However, none of the disciples present at this time dared to laugh.

Guo Mu's eyes turned cold, and the murderous intent revealed in the opponent's eyes was so obvious. He had never had the bad habit of being soft-hearted to anyone who tried to threaten his own life.

Facing the lure of murderous intent, Guo Mu also had an evil fire in his heart. He didn't want to make more troubles, but troubles always seemed to refuse to let him go, which made him a little bit annoyed.Not taking the initiative to cause trouble does not mean that he will swallow his anger.

"How dare you hurt me!" Sikong Zhen gritted his teeth and glared at him. His vicious eyes wanted to tear Guo Mu to pieces: "Just because you are such a good-for-nothing, you dare to attack me."

His anger had already overwhelmed his rationality, and he didn't understand why he just hit him to the ground with a palm if his strength was not as good as his!
Before he finished speaking, Sikong Zhen's right palm was like a white jade, with the aura of a tiger coming out of the cage, he slammed fiercely at Guo Mu's chest, the strong wind whipped up the dust on the ground, causing a howl.The angry Sikong Zhen made a move with his family's ultimate martial arts move. Judging by the power of his attack, it is not a problem to break stones and crack gold.

If this is confirmed, ordinary sky warriors may vomit blood, not to mention the level of martial arts.

Guo Mu's pupils shrank suddenly, and his gaze was as cold as a knife. The incomparably proficient killing technique honed in Duanyu broke out in an instant, his movements were extremely fast, and an afterimage flickered. The whole person froze as if someone had cast a hold on him.

Sikong Zhen's whole body was like a plaster statue, his dilated pupils turned white for a while, and he lost consciousness immediately. Under the unbelievable gazes of everyone, he fell straight to the ground with a bang.


In an instant, everyone present gasped in unison, swallowed their saliva neatly, and then took a step back, trying to stay away from Guo Mu.

Ren Rong looked at Sikong Zhen who was lying on the ground, covering her lips with jade hands, she almost screamed just now, the other disciples might not have seen it, but she could see it very clearly.

Just now, Guo Mu attacked decisively, bypassing Sikong Zhen's attacking right palm, and instantly appeared on the right side of Sikong Zhen's body. touched Sikong Zhen's abdomen.

And this three-strike combo is not ordinary. It was learned by Guo Mu from the last time he fought against the mysterious woman in the corridor. He named it "Three Folding Waves", which can superimpose the power into three bursts, bursting out layer by layer. , if it penetrates into the enemy's body, it can disrupt the opponent's internal breath at once.

At the same time, Guo Mu didn't forget to inject several strands of energy into the opponent's acupoints at once. If Sikong Zhen came to provoke again, Guo Mu would definitely nip the enemy in the bud just like the Shaowu Conference.

"Can I sign up now?" Guo Mu came to Ren Rong again and asked calmly, not paying attention to the surprised eyes of others at this time.

"Ah!" Ren Rong responded in astonishment.

Guo Mu frowned slightly, feeling a little displeased, but continued, "Please register for me."

"Okay, okay, this... junior brother? Your name?"

Guo Mu turned his face slightly, glanced at Sikong Zhen who was lying on the ground, and a slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Guo Mu."

Ren Rong stared blankly at Guo Mu who turned around and left directly. She couldn't react to what happened just now. Before that, she had heard of Guo Mu's name, but she didn't care. There was never a shortage of outstanding people around her. Outstanding young talent.For example Sikong Zhen.

But at this time, she looked at Sikong Zhen who was lying on the ground again, and she couldn't help but feel curious about Guo Mu.

The onlookers still had expressions of disbelief, and their awe of Guo Mu was spontaneously felt.Sikong Zhen's reputation ranks among the top among young disciples, and his strength is not bad, but in Guo Mu's hands, he can't survive a single round.

At this time, for the first time in the hearts of the disciples, they had an intuitive understanding of the rumored Guo Mu. They always thought that he was only dueling with the epee, so it was deliberately exaggerated.

But after today, no one doubts Guo Mu's prestige.

Leaving Shuanglin Pavilion, Guo Mu couldn't help frowning. He felt very uncomfortable with the violence in his body. After he came out of the broken domain, any little provocation could arouse his body's bloodthirsty desire.

Once upon a time, Guo Mu was quite proud of his calmness and self-control, but now...

This may be related to the rapid increase in strength during this period of time, resulting in unstable mood.Guo Mu thought to himself.

After running the Yuanli once, Guo Mu's originally fluctuating mood suddenly regained peace. Possessing such an incomparably superior power as the power of the soul is Guo Mu's greatest magic weapon for victory. Crazy in the broken domain of fighting.

However, the realm of Yuanli can't keep up with the overall range, which is always the short board of his strength, restricting the improvement of his strength.

Back to the courtyard, it has not been tidied up for a while, and the courtyard is covered with dust. At this time, Aning is standing at the gate of the courtyard, looking a little embarrassed.

In three days, the martial arts competition will officially start. For Aning, it will be a battle that will completely determine his fate.

After this period of special training, Aning's strength has indeed increased rapidly. From the early stage of the warrior, Guo Mu forcibly improved it to the late stage of the warrior, and the improvement has no side effects. Such a large increase has been somewhat beyond Guo Mu's expectations. In addition, this was only successful with the help of Youxu Youran's "Red Jelly Spiritual Liquid".

But among the Shuyang sect, which is full of martial masters, such strength is really not worth mentioning, which makes the result confusing.

"Master, you're back." Seeing Guo Mu's return, Ah Ning hurried forward.

"Yeah!" Guo Mu responded indifferently, and looked at her questioningly: "What's the matter? What happened?"

I saw Aning turned his head to look at the room, as if hesitating how to speak.Guo Mu, who sensed that something was wrong, was about to cast his gaze into the house, and his heart skipped a beat, and his body couldn't help but slow down.

"Bai Qiufeng." Guo Mu murmured to himself.

Bai Qiufeng, still dressed in white, just sat quietly on the chair like that, but his heroic spirit did not diminish at all, and on the contrary, he made people admire him.

As if sensing Guo Mu's gaze, the corners of Bai Qiufeng's slender mouth curled up slightly, revealing a hint of a smile, and then he said calmly, "Junior Brother Guo, since we've all come to the door, why don't you come in?"

Hearing the sound that sounded in his ears, Guo Mu choked slightly, feeling as if he had been turned against an army, and this was his courtyard, but why does it look like Bai Qiufeng is the owner of this courtyard?
Guo Mu was a little annoyed that he was three points weaker before contact.

"Brother Bai, why are you here?" Guo Mu pretended to be surprised, and came in front of Bai Qiufeng.

Bai Qiufeng didn't care either, he stood up, looked at Guo Mu, nodded slowly, and said, "Okay, senior brother really didn't misunderstand the person, Junior brother Guo is indeed a genius in cultivating Taoism, and your strength has grown in such a short period of time. It has been strengthened, it seems that Junior Brother Guo is about to condense the inner alchemy, very good."

Guo Mu showed a shy smile, as if he was a little embarrassed to be praised, but in fact he was surprised in his heart: "His strength has become stronger again. I didn't expect to see my strength level at a glance."

After returning to the sect, he also learned that the vision that day was caused by Bai Qiufeng, which aggravated Guo Mu's inner helplessness. Although his strength was advancing by leaps and bounds, Bai Qiufeng lifted the restraint and regained his freedom. , the strength is also growing rapidly, which indirectly leads to the fact that the gap between the two seems to have remained unchanged.

"I don't know...what's the reason for Senior Brother Bai's sudden visit?" Guo Mu asked.

Bai Qiufeng nodded slightly, and suddenly turned his eyes to Aning who was next to him. The thoughtful Aning immediately understood what it meant, then bowed respectfully, and walked out gracefully.

(End of this chapter)

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