Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 355 Persecution

Chapter 355 Persecution
The audience was silent, and everyone's hearts were still cut open by that sword, and they could not recover for a long time.

The Moon Spirit Sword, the sword body that was originally full of aura could not help but slump for a while, appearing very weak.

Moan!With a groan, Yingyuejian let out a sword cry unwillingly, as if he wanted to fight again, but it was still difficult to change the current situation.

"I lost, Qingxin lost."

Subconsciously, this idea appeared in the minds of all the disciples watching the battle. Just as the situation on the stage at this time showed, the strength contrast between the two sides was too obvious.

It has to be said that Bai Qiufeng's sword shocked the audience.

Amazing sword!
"Epee, can you stop it?"

Ye Yu's expression was as cold as ever, but this time it was stiff from the bottom of his heart.

The epee didn't respond, but those sharp eyes were extraordinarily restrained at this moment, and a hidden arc quickly passed through the depths of his eyes, as if he was under heavy pressure, and he couldn't get rid of the deepness.

The silence of the epee was expected by Ye Yu, and he also asked himself this question in his heart, and the answer he got made him very heavy.

"It's too strong, this sword is enough to instantly kill an opponent of Koshihikari's level."

Guo Mu's brows were deeply furrowed, and his face couldn't help but gloomy. He also compared his own strength with it in his heart, and the final answer was not optimistic.

This is the biggest bad news for him, because he is destined to have a battle with him in the future, the stronger the opponent's strength, the more dangerous his situation is.

"This move... is very strong!" Qing Zhutian said with a frown.

Looking at Bai Qiufeng standing proudly on the ring at this time, Qingzhutian couldn't help showing surprise in his eyes, and at the same time mixed with pride. He knew a long time ago that Bai Qiufeng practiced other exercises, not his own. Professor, but he never took it to heart.

Who in the entire Shuyang Sect does not have his own unique secret technique? This has long been used to him, but now, for the first time, he feels that he is so unfamiliar with this disciple who was raised and taught from a young age, so that, Now he doesn't even know what level Bai Qiufeng's true strength has reached.

"Sovereign, should we stop?" Tian Zhifeng hesitated for a moment, and finally said it.

At the beginning of the competition, he could see the difference between the strong and the weak, but he just felt that it would be good for the same sect to learn martial arts from each other and increase their battle experience.

But it's different now, the balance of strength has been completely tilted, and it's just a joke on the one hand to continue, and Qingxin is still the daughter of the master of the sect, so she still needs to worry about prestige.

At this time, Xiangu who was sitting quietly at the side looked at Bai Qiufeng carefully, and said with a smile: "No hurry!" Then she said again: "Let Qingxin hone it."

Qing Zhutian raised his eyebrows, as if he was a little surprised by Xiangu's decision, but he couldn't ask carefully, after a moment of silence, he raised his head and said calmly: "Just listen to Xiangu's opinion! If there is any difference, It won't be too late to make a move." When he said this, his words were full of confidence.

Seeing that Qingzhutian, who is his father, has said so, Tian Zhifeng will naturally not go overboard.

On the ring, Qingxin stared straight at Yingyue who was thrusting straight into the huge bluestone brick. In the eyes of outsiders, she seemed to have not recovered from the sword light just now.

"Mu, what should I do! My sister seems to be frightened." Qingxuan anxiously grabbed Guo Mu's arm.

Sensing the movement on the ring, Guo Mu glanced at her and said, "What a fuss, didn't you have confidence in your sister just now? Why, suddenly your confidence has shrunk now."

Qingxuan immediately twitched, and had to admit that she was frightened by Bai Qiufeng's trick just now.

What is she looking for?

Although Guo Mu was some distance away from Qingxin, his sensitive energy was far more sensitive than that of everyone on the scene. He could sense that Qingxin's mind had never been relaxed, and she had never withdrawn from the duel on the ring.

hiss... hiss...

Qingxin was panting slightly, the previous consumption was not too much for her, she still had the strength to fight at this time, but she had to find the opponent's weakness.

A single sword pierced through ten thousand lights!
Bai Qiufeng's sword tore apart her own attack composed of tens of thousands of densely packed sword lights. In terms of blows, no one was hit harder than her, but it also thoroughly stimulated her passion for fighting.

Bai Qiufeng frowned slightly, he could also sense Qingxin's unwillingness to give up.This made him feel a little displeased. With the previous move, he could completely defeat the other party, but he still kept his hand. The purpose was to hope that she would automatically admit defeat, so that at least he would not lose face too much, but depending on the situation now, But Qingxin still wants to fight again!
"Junior Sister Qing, with all due respect, you are not my opponent, you should admit defeat!"

A tiny voice sounded in Qingxin's ear canal, and it was Bai Qiufeng who used sound transmission to send the voice to her, persuading Qingxin to give up struggling.

But she didn't know that this sentence aroused the indignation in her heart.She suddenly stretched out her hand to grab it, and immediately grabbed the Yingyue suction that was stuck on the ground.

Seeing that Qingxin ignored the persuasion and insisted on continuing to fight, if he was fighting abroad at this time, Bai Qiufeng would not be without a burst of praise, but this situation is really not what he wants to see, the more he uses, the more exposure he will have. For the current Bai Qiufeng, this is not a good thing.

"Junior Sister Qing, be careful." Bai Qiufeng said.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, suddenly, there was a whoosh!Qingxin suddenly felt a sense of crisis emerge in her heart, she saw her hastily and subconsciously dodged sideways, almost at the same time, a piece of broken cloth fluttered in mid-air, and finally fell slowly to the ground.After careful identification, this rag turned out to be from Qingxin's left sleeve.

"So fast!" Guo Mu thought to himself, and couldn't help but tighten his nerves for Qingxin.

The same thought appeared in the hearts of the disciples in the audience. It was almost impossible to detect how Bai Qiufeng made this sword.

Qingxin's breathing became a little faster, Bai Qiufeng's strength far exceeded her imagination, whether it was the previous trick or such a weird attack, she had never seen him use it before.

At this time, in the stands, the epee trio also had heavy expressions on their faces. The strength displayed by Bai Qiufeng greatly increased their sense of crisis. The three reacted differently, especially Ji Feng the most.

Ever since Bai Qiufeng handed over the 'advanced' alchemy technique to him that night, he knew that the gap between himself and Bai Qiufeng was irreparable. The shock was much stronger than he expected.

At this moment, the corners of the epee's mouth, who had been dull and silent all this time, began to rise, and immediately showed a wanton smile, his face was full of excitement, and in his eyes, the blazing flames were burning, as if a beast was roaring .

"Epee, you..." Ye Yu couldn't help but wonder.

"Great, this kind of opponent is what I am eager to meet. I want to beat him, I must beat him, he is mine."

His hoarse voice couldn't conceal his surging fighting spirit, and his rough face like a stone sculpture showed the true nature of a man. When he laughed, a strong and tyrannical aura suddenly emerged on him, and the disciple next to him couldn't help it. Take a few steps back.

Feeling the pressure of being forced to his side, Ye Yu couldn't help shrinking his pupils slightly, and then a sneer couldn't help creeping up the corner of his mouth, his eyes narrowed slightly, as sharp as seeing a prey.

The reaction of the two of them was clearly caught by Qing Zhutian in the stands, and he couldn't help but feel relieved: "The master's family is booming!" Xiangu smiled calmly at the side, nodded slightly, and agreed with Qing Zhutian's emotion.

At this time, the originally evenly matched duel in the arena turned into a one-sided situation, with Bai Qiufeng attacking and Qingxin trying to parry.

Whoosh whoosh!
Every time there was a sound of piercing through the air, Qingxin would definitely suffer an attack. She could only rely on her extraordinary agility and sensitivity to block or dodge with her sword.

So far, among the disciples watching the battle, very few people have discovered how Bai Qiufeng made a move.

"Sister..." Qingxuan's eyes were moist, with tears in her eyes, she couldn't bear to see her sister being attacked, but she couldn't go up now, and her strength wasn't good either!

"Wood, what to do!"


Guo Mu frowned, why didn't he want to go up, but now Bai Qiufeng was obviously merciful, trying to force Qingxin to admit defeat, but she stubbornly refused to speak, can anyone blame this?

At this moment, Bai Qiufeng couldn't help feeling a little impatient. If he were any other disciple, he would have chopped him off the stage without saying a word.

Since you are so ungrateful, don't blame me for being rude.

Thinking of this, Bai Qiufeng immediately increased the intensity of his attack. This time he no longer concealed his sword moves, but bent his right hand, and the five "soldier spirits" immediately condensed into a pocket-sized sword shape, floating around Bai Qiufeng's side, like Like a loyal guard, each one is as solid as solid iron, and its lethality is astonishing.

With an indifferent glance, Bai Qiufeng flicked his five fingers, and the air sword left his side immediately, and disappeared into the air in an instant. Almost at the same time, Qingxin, who was tens of meters away from him, let out a muffled groan, and the whole person strode back After a few steps, Yingyue in his hand waved like a wind.

While waving, you can hear the continuous collision sound at the same time.

For a while, Qingxin had only the strength to resist, and retreated step by step under the attack manipulated by Bai Qiufeng. Her temples were soaked in sweat, and she looked pale from the exhaustion of resisting, which made Guo Mu wish to rush forward now.

(End of this chapter)

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