Chapter 365
"Hehe, Junior Brother Guo Mu, of course I can remember your name, this is just a joke, it's harmless, it's harmless!"

Seeing the wind, Ji Feng turned the rudder, and the speed of changing his face was amazing. Seeing that the person who came was Guo Mu, who he had just identified as a troublesome person, he immediately turned a corner, and secretly mocked Guo Mu for making a big deal out of a molehill.

Guo Mu had seen people like Ji Feng before. In terms of strength, those people might not even be qualified to carry his shoes, but in terms of thick skin and intrigue, there are people like this in every clan.

Guo Mu ignored him, walked straight past him, and walked in the direction of the epee.

When they passed by Ji Feng, outsiders seemed to see the blazing sparks colliding between the two, and Ji Feng's eyes, facing away from everyone, shone with a penetrating chill.

"Senior Brother Epee." Guo Mu cupped his hands and said respectfully. This was not a sign of weakness, but a kind of respect for opponents of the same level.

"Junior Brother Guo, drink!"

Seeing Guo Mu approaching, the epee directly filled the porcelain bowl he was drinking with with spirits, raised his glass and handed it to Guo Mu.

Looking at the porcelain bowl that seemed to be still stained with the other party's saliva, Guo Mu suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, and without the slightest hesitation, he reached out to take the wine bowl in the heavy sword's hand, and drank it dry in one gulp.Seeing his heroic demeanor, Epée immediately gave a loud shout of hello, and then took a sip himself.

The two are heroes and cherish heroes, and the strong value the strong. For a moment, the heroism of the rough ore was wantonly flaunted. The other disciples on the scene peeped at each other, and some even felt a little regretful about their previous actions.

Epee and Guo Mu, the two heavyweights of the Shuyang sect, as long as they are not blind, they can see that Ji Feng is being squeezed hard.

"Oh! Has the banquet started so soon?" Suddenly a figure in a white robe appeared at the banquet, "Since drinking, how can I miss out! What do you think! Brother Guo."

"Hmph! The surname is Bai, my wine is not enough for three people."

Seeing the visitor, the epee became angry instead of happy, and even took his own wine jar away, Guo Mu couldn't laugh or cry when he saw his true temperament.

It was none other than Bai Qiufeng, who was always dressed in white, and he didn't mind the epee's crowding out, but said very generously: "It's okay, I have my own thin wine, although it's not a good wine, but it's fine Fair enough."

As soon as Bai Qiufeng opened the wine seal, a strange fragrance wafted over the entire banquet, and immediately attracted everyone's attention, and the wine lover even swallowed his saliva fiercely.And the epee stared at it even more greedily.

"Brother Bai, you're being polite." Guo Mu smiled helplessly and shook his head, then bowed respectfully to Bai Qiufeng.

At this time, many other disciples also greeted Bai Qiufeng one after another. Among the younger generation of disciples, no matter where Bai Qiufeng went, he was always the focus of people's attention.

After saying hello one by one, he seemed to have discovered Qingxin at the side.He came to Qingxin and asked, "Junior Sister Qing, are you all right?"

Qing Xin looked up at him, nodded and said, "No serious problem, thank you Senior Brother Bai for your concern."

"That's good. In fact, there's no need to take it so seriously." Bai Qiufeng's implication was very obvious. He was clearly accusing Qing Xin of just being a martial artist, and she actually used a forbidden move. It was too much.

Qingxin didn't respond, but just continued to sit indifferently, as if she lost interest in talking all of a sudden, she just left Bai Qiufeng aside.

Seeing the two most eye-catching people present fell into a dull mood, the atmosphere on the scene seemed very stiff for a while, which made the other disciples look at each other, a little at a loss.

Just when the atmosphere was at a stalemate, three people walked in from the door. Guo Mu couldn't help but twitched his brows when he saw it. He saw that Ye Yu was in the lead, and it was none other than Chuanjing Pavilion who was defeated by Guo Mu. Two disciples, Leng Li and Ling Chengsi.

As soon as the three of them arrived, the atmosphere became much more harmonious. With this buffer, the crowd was not so stalemate, and Linghui also sat on the side of the epee under Guo Mu's greeting, which made him sigh. He was the one who yelled the loudest when he went to the Disciplinary Academy with a large number of people.

"Hehe! Is everyone here? It seems that I am old and my legs and feet are slow."

At this time, there was a burst of hearty laughter from the back of the hall, and then Qing Zhutian's figure came out, seeing all the disciples of the suzerain standing up respectfully, Chao Qingzhutian respectfully said: "Meet the suzerain."

"Well, excuse me, elder Xu of the sect please."

As soon as the words were finished, an old man in gray robe continued to walk out from behind. As soon as the old man appeared, Bai Qiufeng, Epee, Ye Yu, and Qing Xin stood up immediately, with very respectful expressions. It made people guess about the identity of the old man.What kind of character can make them lose their composure?

Elder Xu inspected for a week, then slowly nodded towards Qing Zhutian and said: "Zhutian, there are so many talented disciples in the sect, you deserve a lot of credit!"

Qing Zhutian didn't even have the slightest dislike for the other party to call him by his first name. Instead, he nodded and smiled quite naturally: "Master uncle praised you, come, Xin'er, come and meet your grandpa Xu."

"Grandpa Xu!" Qingxin came to Elder Xu obediently, with a slightly excited expression on her face.

"Haha! Zhutian, your baby girl is getting more and more juicy, and she is growing so fast." Elder Xu laughed heartily.

As soon as the word master came out, the minds of the rest of the disciples, including Guo Mu, were suddenly confused. The master's master, isn't that the Supreme Elder of the sect?This is a legendary character!For a moment, the whole scene became restless, but in comparison, Guo Mu's whole nerves were tense.

There are many secrets in his body, among which the existence of the blue ghost and Yuan Lingli is the most secretive. Although other people cannot detect it, there is no guarantee that the Supreme Elder will not be able to detect it either. At this level, he is definitely a powerful person who turns his hands into clouds and turns his hands into rain.

Suddenly at this moment, Elder Xu asked strangely: "By the way, where is that Guo Mu you are full of praise for! Let me take a look."

As soon as these words came out, the whole scene froze immediately. Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to Guo Mu who had been standing quietly in the corner. Many people showed envy and jealousy in their eyes.

boom!But at this time, Guo Mu's mind seemed to be thundered, and his body went numb in an instant.

"It's over!"

The scene was silent, and everyone's eyes were on Guo Mu. There were envy, jealousy and hatred in these eyes, but none of them could compare to Elder Xu, who was sizing him up at this moment, and made him worry.


When Elder Xu saw Guo Mu for the first time, his eyes lit up slightly, and after looking him up and down carefully, he finally nodded slowly and said, "I do have some qualifications, but..."

Guo Mu, who had been slightly relaxed, suddenly tensed up all his muscles.

"However, this sect is based on Wu Lizong. It's not enough to only practice Taoism. It will inevitably end up being talked about by others. Zhutian, you must cultivate it well." Elder Xu nodded towards Qingzhutian and said slowly.

"Yes, I will." Qing Zhutian nodded in response without any pretensions of a suzerain, obviously in his heart, the weight of this Elder Xu is extremely important.

For a moment, Guo Mu felt the eyes of other disciples looking at him more intensely, which made Guo Mu groan inwardly.

This is definitely a conspiracy, it must have been done on purpose.

Guo Mu immediately guessed in his heart that in terms of strength, Bai Qiufeng's strength is definitely higher than his own. Even if he has made some achievements in cultivating the Tao, he definitely doesn't need to bother the elder Taishang.

Suddenly, Guo Mu's mind flashed, and a conjecture flashed out of his mind.

Could it be that Qing Zhutian deliberately invited the Supreme Elder to stop him in advance in order to force out the mysterious expert I was talking about, or did he want to have a "same level" dialogue?
As soon as this idea appeared, it occupied Guo Mu's entire mind.

At this moment, Guo Mu's heart was up and down, and he kept turning his mind rapidly.

In the following time, Guo Mu lived in a daze and was a little out of shape, especially when Elder Xu's eyes swept over his direction, he couldn't help feeling nervous.

It may have only been a while, or it may have been a long time, Guo Mu only knew that his back had already soaked his underwear.

"Brother Guo, are you feeling well?"

At this time, Linghui, who was always excited beside her, came over and asked in a low voice.He knew that his face must be ugly at this moment.

"It's okay, I just don't like this kind of atmosphere." Guo Mu casually found an excuse to prevaricate.

"Hehe, brother Guo is really insightful. I also don't like this kind of banquet. If it wasn't for that incident, I wouldn't come to any shit banquet."

The heavy sword on the side agreed deeply, and raised his head and took a big gulp of the strong wine.

After a short toast just now, taking advantage of the drunkenness, Epée became very familiar with Guo Mu. He had a good impression of Guo Mu in the first place.

"That matter?" Guo Mu caught this very sensitively.

The epee wiped the corner of his mouth, and asked doubtfully, "You don't know why you came here?"

Guo Mu shook his head, and Ling Hui who was at the same side also shook his head hastily.

"Hehe, that's right, the two of you have only been in this sect for a short time, so it's normal if you don't know."

Guo Mu frowned slightly: "Brother Epee, please give me some pointers."

"It's nothing, I'll talk about it later anyway, I'll just tell you in advance!" Epee raised his head to look at Elder Xu, and then his eyes narrowed, without a trace of drunkenness. "I don't know if you have heard the name of 'Chuan Gong Pagoda'!"

(End of this chapter)

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