Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 368 Trading

Chapter 368 Trading
"Weakening the sect's strength in a disguised form is no different from betraying the sect." Qing Xin suddenly said seriously, and almost at the same time, a domineering momentum suddenly rose, quite a bit majestic like the former suzerain Qing Zhutian.

Immediately, Sikong Geng's face froze slightly, and a malevolent aura rose from his body, glaring at Qingxin.Even a person like Sikong Geng couldn't help his heart skip a beat for being labeled as a traitor.

"Junior Sister Qing, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. This kind of thing is rare."

At this time, Sikong Geng obviously showed his intention to show weakness, but because of being in front of everyone, in order to maintain his majesty, he still chose to continue to resist.

"You should have thought of this situation long ago before doing things, Senior Brother Sikong." Qingxin said in an unusually tough and indifferent manner at this time.

"You..." Sikong Geng clenched his fists, and a surge of momentum also rose.

At this time, Guo Mu seemed to be on guard. If Sikong Geng dared to make a move, he would definitely fight to be punished by the sect and kill this bastard here.

Sikong Geng stared at Qingxin and Guo Mu behind him with murderous intent in his eyes. In his induction, the reaction of the two was as clear as a bonfire at night. At the same time, he also felt the threat from the direction of the heavy sword, and Although Bai Qiufeng didn't move, he absolutely believed that, if necessary, Bai Qiufeng would not miss this good opportunity.

He has no doubt that once he makes a move, he will immediately receive attacks from several parties.

"Hmph..." Sikong Geng snorted angrily, withdrew the power he had gathered, and immediately said viciously: "Guo Mu, do you only hide behind women? You bastard!"

Guo Mu looked at the other party indifferently, setting up an enemy for no reason. In his opinion, such behavior was simply extremely stupid, not to mention that such a aggressive method was too low-level.

Under the pressure of many parties, Sikong Geng could only lead two disciples from the same camp to leave the banquet with a gloomy face, and the other disciples made excuses and left the banquet, but it was Guo Mu who stayed behind. down.

"Thank you Senior Brother Bai for your generosity and help." Guo Mu bowed his hands to Bai Qiufeng and thanked him.

No matter what purpose Bai Qiufeng had, it was a fact that he helped him.

Guo Mu thanked epee and Qingxin again, and Linghui on the side also thanked epee. If the epee didn't help him block it, he might have missed this rare trip to the Gongpa Tower.

"Sikong Geng is insidious, cunning, and full of tricks. He will definitely not let it go. It will inevitably bring you some trouble in the future." Qingxin said worriedly.

Seeing that she was worried about him, Guo Mu couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, and said with a light smile, "I've expected this for a long time, I will pay attention to it."

"Be careful during this trip to the Gongpa Tower, I guess he will do something in the tower." Qing Xin looked very dignified.

"His influence in the sect cannot be underestimated. With the great elder as his backer, many disciples surround him, and even the mentor has to sell him a little bit." Bai Qiufeng sipped his wine slightly, unable to say anything. Cozy, as if to say it is an understatement.

"Hmph!" Epee snorted coldly, did not speak, just put his iron sword on the table suddenly, and the table creaked and tilted to one side.

At this time there were only five people left, and Linghui, who was the weakest, had a cold sweat on his back. He didn't know until now that he had offended such a master, but he didn't show excessive timidity in the face of the challenge.

"I think we should form a camp." Bai Qiufeng said suddenly.

coming!Guo Mu murmured inwardly, then gathered his mind and observed carefully, trying to find out Bai Qiufeng's real plan.

"Except for Junior Brother Guo and Junior Brother Linghui, we all know that there is a certain degree of danger in entering the Chuangong Pagoda for training, and this danger increases with the amount of benefits. The further you go, the greater the danger you will encounter. So we need to form a camp."

Bai Qiufeng paused, observed the expressions of several people present, and after seeing that everyone agrees with his point of view, he continued:
"Now the personnel who will enter the Chuangong Pagoda have basically been determined, and three camps have been divided among them. One is the great elder Sikong Geng and his two followers, and there are three people from the Chuanjing Pavilion Ye Yu. As for the others It is centered on the monsoon, and now we are left. It doesn’t matter who takes the lead, but we can form a community of interests that does not restrict each other’s freedom, but if there is any danger, I hope that we can help each other.”

As soon as this idea came out, the four people on the scene immediately nodded and agreed. As he said, in the face of the danger from the Chuangong Pagoda, one must also beware of people from the other three camps. If there is only one person, it is indeed difficult to get out , even a madman like epee is somewhat self-conscious.

"I..." At this moment, Linghui seemed a little hard to say: "I have no objection, but with my strength, I'm worried that it will hold you back."

This is true. This camp seems to be loose, but in fact every member is very strong. Even if they are alone, they still have the ability to protect themselves, but Linghui does not.

"Junior Brother Linghui, don't worry about this. Since we are in the same camp, if you are in trouble, we will help you." Qingxin said with a smile.

As the proposer, Bai Qiufeng naturally wouldn't slap his tongue, and also nodded in confirmation, not to mention the epee, he had already made a move for Linghui long ago.

In Ling Hui's heart, it was like a bright mirror. He knew that his own strength was weak, and he came from an outer seminary. The only reason why he could be accepted by these strong people was the existence of Guo Mu. They were just looking at Guo Mu's sake. Only myself is counted.

Strength, I want strength!Linghui clenched her fists tightly and looked firmly at Guo Mu, who was thin and small in front of her but had helped him more than once.

"I agree to form an alliance!" Guo Mu agreed. Although he had entered the Chuangong Tower, he was not familiar with the situation below. At this time, there were three experienced people, Qingxin, Bai Qiufeng, and Epee. Towers are obviously much safer.

Then, after a simple agreement and mutual notification of some matters that need to be paid attention to, the five of them dispersed separately.

The courtyard where Guo Mu lived was relatively remote, some distance from Xunlong Pavilion. At this time, he was walking on the forest path, the full moon above his head hung high in the sky like a silver plate, and the blazing moonlight sprinkled like a silver veil, covering the entire starry sky. Cast a faint radiance.

The breeze blows, blowing the branches of the tree tops, making a rustling sound, and from time to time there are a few calls of homing birds from the dense branches and leaves, adding a bit of vitality to this dark and silent night forest.

Another gust of wind blew up, and the dust on the ground was rolled up and fluttered in the air.

When the dust settled, it was suddenly discovered that Guo Mu's figure had disappeared in place strangely, as if the world had evaporated all of a sudden.

And the moment he disappeared, a black shadow rushed up from behind and landed on the place where Guo Mu was standing.The black shadow took a closer look, and then, like a nightingale, it dexterously flashed into the dense and dark woods next to it.

Soi Ying's skills are extremely vigorous, and he has always maintained a high-speed forward speed in the forest full of branches, but soon, he seemed to realize that something was wrong, so he hurriedly stopped and carefully identified the surroundings.

"Has it been discovered?"

Suddenly at this moment, an indifferent voice sounded from the right side of the black shadow, the voice seemed to be speaking clearly in his ear.

The black shadow froze immediately, and slowly turned his head, only to see Guo Mu leisurely leaning against a tree trunk, staring at him coldly.

"Tell me your purpose, otherwise I don't mind sending you to the interrogation hall of the Disciplinary Academy." Guo Mu stood up straight, carefully sizing up the man in black in front of him. , If you don't pay attention, you will be slipped away.

As soon as the words fell, the man in black rushed out like a panther, but before he could leave, he suddenly ejected back at a faster speed.

Around him, a series of glittering and cold sword qi locked all directions up, down, left, and right, and the man in black had nowhere to escape.

The corners of Guo Mu's mouth curled up into an arc. He possesses spiritual power and Yuan power. As early as when he came out of Xunlong Pavilion, he found that someone was following him from behind. He deliberately lured the other party here in order to The opponent was caught.

"Say... who are you?"

The night wind was bleak, blowing through the gaps in the trees, causing the treetops to sway.

At this time, in the dense forest, Guo Mu looked down at the man in black from above, and the sword lights from all directions locked him firmly. As long as the man in black resisted at all, he would not doubt those sharp sword lights. It will penetrate the opponent's body in an instant, leaving holes for ventilation.

"I'll ask again, who are you?" Guo Mu's cold eyes locked on the opponent firmly, and a sword element had already condensed into shape, ready to make up for a fatal blow at any time.

Seeing that the other party seemed to want to continue to resist, Guo Mu couldn't help showing a hint of impatience. He didn't want to spend the night here with a guy who was following him.

I saw that under Guo Mu's control, the sharp sword light began to approach the opponent, approaching a little bit, and the man in black could only be forced to shrink back, but with the narrowing of the locking range, there was no way to retreat in the end.

hiss... hoo...

The quietness of the man in black made Guo Mu feel strange. Suddenly, he only felt the vitality in his body move, and suddenly, a subtle smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Since you refuse to say it, don't blame me."

Guo Mu scolded angrily, and all of a sudden, as if receiving an order, all the sword glows suddenly emitted a blazing light, and shot at the man in black with a whoosh.

(End of this chapter)

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