Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 37 The Raider Part 3

Chapter 37 The Raider Part 3
With the change of Guo Mu's mood, a strangely comfortable warm current rose in his body and flowed all over his body, and he also miraculously found that his mind became clearer and his soul became thicker... Oh my God ,soul!Guo Mu closed his eyes in surprise. Two minutes later, he opened them again. He, who has always been strong, was so excited that tears welled up...

Yuanli, he actually felt the existence of Yuanli!Guo Mu really wanted to yell at God, the feeling of warmth and strength in his body was exactly the feeling of having Yuanli that Ying Er had described...

Possessing the power and having only the soul are two completely different concepts. Only when a person has the soul can he control the body and survive, but only when the power of the soul is strong to a certain extent, can this person feel the materialized power in the soul. And this power can be called "yuan force".People in the soul world, as long as their souls are complete, will naturally possess primordial power as they grow older, and then they can start to practice.As for Guo Mu, it was because he couldn't sense the existence of Yuanli that he was considered a "trash".

Guo Mu pinched his arm hard, and the severe pain hit his whole body. He really suspected that he was dreaming now. The current feeling was so wonderful to him. He was really afraid that after blinking again, this Everything will disappear, and he will be beaten back to his original form again...

"You really haven't seen the world, so I'm happy, it's still early, you will be happy in the future... that's all right, don't pinch, you exist in my body in the form of a soul body, pinch yourself The soul body, that kind of pain will be magnified dozens of times compared to the physical body... You don't have to doubt it, I let go of the suppression of your soul body, you can naturally feel the existence of Yuanli, don't make such a fuss ..."

The blue figure's tone was always invariably disdainful, but Guo Mu didn't mind. He had heard a lot of ridicule over the years, and there were others that were more vitriolic than the blue figure, and he had long since turned a deaf ear to them.It was only the voice of the figure in blue that pulled him back from the immersion of his soaring strength, and he asked hesitantly: "Is all this true?"

"It's an interesting question, but it's also very naive. Do you think it's okay for a top-notch powerhouse like me to coax a brat like you?"

Pooh!Maybe even you are a figure made up in my dreams!Guo Mu rolled his eyes frantically.

There is no way, even if he can be resurrected quickly after being killed by a monster, and there is no scar on his body, Guo Mu has a feeling that this world is not real, but he can't say where he is now, he is an undead the world?
"Okay, I'm going to retreat, you go out, there is no matter of life and death, don't disturb me!"

The blue figure lazily dropped a sentence, and then disappeared suddenly. Guo Mu, who hadn't figured out the situation, only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the whole scene began to distort, his body also began to distort, and then a dazzling light appeared. The light door suddenly sucked him in...

Guojiafang City, outside the storage room.

(End of this chapter)

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