Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 372 Spiritual Violence

Chapter 372 Spiritual Violence
Swish!With a sharp and sharp sword, Guo Mu swung his sword to kill a strange beast-shaped Yin Sha, while Qing Xin who followed behind used the pinch method to absorb it with a small bell. The practical magic weapon surprised Guo Mu once again.

When did magic weapons become so popular and can be seen everywhere?
When they came to the entrance of the tenth floor of the tower, there were already traces of battle all over the back, and the entire tower was very vast. After walking for so long, Guo Mu didn't see anyone except Qingxin.

As early as last time, he knew that each floor of the Chuan Gong Pagoda had more than one entrance.

"Are you ready?"

The night is hazy, a layer of faint clouds is like a veil of smoke, gently covering the sky, and a crescent moon hangs high in the sky, as beautiful as a hooked jade.

Under the moonlit sky, in the Guomu courtyard, which is now attracting much attention, several black shadows were shuttling back and forth in it. The fast-moving figures and their silent movements all showed the impressive strength of each man in black.

However, this situation is more revealing of its ulterior secrets.

The operation ended quickly, and several men in black quickly gathered outside the courtyard. After looking at each other, they suddenly disappeared in the periphery of the courtyard, and no one noticed the whole process, or no one wanted to go there. Notice.

After a while, Aning, who had been pretending to be asleep in the courtyard, opened his eyes suddenly.She walked quickly to the outside of the courtyard, checked carefully, and saw that no one in black turned back, and then returned to Guo Mu's main house.

Although he knew that a group of men in black had rummaged here just now, but when he stepped into the main house, not only did he not see the messy scene, but even some places were corrected.

In the middle of the night, breaking into other people's houses to help the master with housework?

This absurd idea flashed through Aning's mind, and she checked it very carefully immediately.But after a round of inspections, she didn't find anything missing, and for a while, a bad premonition came to her mind.

One of the mountains with beautiful environment in Shuyangzong, an attic garden is located on the peak surrounded by mountains.

A stone table, a jug of fine wine, and an old man.

The old man sat quietly at the table, the wine in the cup reflected the crescent moon, the mountain wind roared, blowing across the forest tops all over the mountains, waves surging like layers, from far to near, layer upon layer.

Looking up at the starry sky, the moonlight covered the sky like a silver veil, and the scattered starlight illuminated the face of the old man. It was the elder who made things difficult for Guo Mu in the main hall.

At this time, he has faded away, like an ordinary old man, and the loneliness of entering old age lingers on him, which cannot be dissipated for a long time.His old eyes were full of inexplicable melancholy.

After a long time, a sigh came out, as if there was endless sorrow.

Tian Zhifeng took a deep breath slowly, and suddenly asked in a blank space, "Did you find it?"

The mountain wind continued to howl, blowing up the fallen leaves on the ground, sweeping and flying to the top of the trees, but when they reached a tree, the wind suddenly fell into a sluggish state, while the leaves that passed by continued to flutter freely.

"Report to the Great Elder, I can't find it!" A hoarse, dry voice came from nothing like a ghost.

Tian Zhifeng's expression was natural, without any change, as if the other party's answer had been within his expectation, and he tapped the table with his fingertips in a gentle rhythm, as if he was caught in some thinking.

"Back off!" Tian Zhifeng waved his hand suddenly and said.

"Yes." After a reply, the surroundings fell into silence again, and the windless zone that had been stagnant had also recovered.

That's right, those men in black followed Tian Zhifeng's order to investigate Guo Mu's residence when he entered the Chuangong Pagoda. The purpose was nothing more than to find Guo Mu and the mysterious expert they guessed. However, as he expected, Guo Mu did not leave any relevant information in his residence.

Tian Zhifeng got up slowly, and walked back to his attic. The wine glass on the table, which was originally full of fine wine, evaporated without knowing when, leaving only the empty wine glass standing still on the stone table.

While someone here was stealing Guo Mu's family property, he was facing a fierce battle in the Chuan Gong Pagoda over there.

On the No.11th floor of the Chuangong Pagoda, the passage here has undergone obvious changes at this time, the surroundings have become empty and bright, the surrounding stone walls appear as hard as iron, and the forks of the passage have also been reduced, and the direction of each passage is clear. all facing the same direction.


There was a tearing sound like silk, and then a powerful monster Yin Sha with a great aura was completely torn apart by the blazing sword light. Almost at the same time, a right arm shining with golden light suddenly came from Jumping out of the void, he quickly inserted into the Yin Sha that was about to condense his body again.

I saw the golden right hand pinch the method, and suddenly there was a huge suction force, and in the blink of an eye, the powerful Yin Sha was instantly condensed into a soul crystal the size of a knuckle.

Guo Mu escaped from the void like a ghost. At this time, his body was obviously covered with colors. The clothes that were originally neat and clean had now become hollow clothes, and there were many torn gaps where blood stains could be seen inside.

After beheading Yin Sha, Guo Mu didn't have time to rest, and immediately ran to the other side of the passage. Before he ran over, a beautiful figure came out holding the stone wall, it was Qing Xin.

Seeing that Qingxin was safe and sound, Guo Mu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Qingxin's figure suddenly staggered and fell directly towards the ground.

"Qingxin..." Guo Mu yelled, and hurriedly shot at her.

Seeing that Qingxin's body was about to make zero-distance contact with the ground, Guo Mu, who had arrived in time, stretched out his hand and accurately supported her slender waist.

"Qingxin! Qingxin!" Guo Mu called nervously a few times, only to see Qingxin's face was pale at this time, her breath was weak, and when she glanced out of the corner of her eyes, blood stains were strikingly eye-catching in front of her.

He hurriedly probed, and as soon as Yuan Li entered her body, he felt that the situation in Qingxin's body was very bad at this time, the spiritual power was disordered, the internal energy was rampant, and the situation was very bad.Originally, he was injured in the duel with Bai Qiufeng before, and he went to practice in the Gong Chuan Pagoda without recuperation, and now the two superimposed and exploded, which led to this situation.

"No, just find a safe place first." Guo Mu looked around and checked the surrounding environment.

Since entering the tenth floor, the number of Yin Sha has increased sharply, and their strength is much more fierce than the Yin Sha on the ninth floor. They fought for a long time on the tenth floor before finally entering the No.11 floor, but they did not wait for them to prepare. It was easy to meet the enemy, but immediately suffered a wave of attacks and killings.

After careful inspection, Guo Mu finally found a cave-like grotto, which became their temporary refuge.

Several sword lights flashed, and Guo Mu directly cut a huge rock on the stone wall, and blocked it at the door after entering the cave. In this way, they were temporarily isolated from the outside world.

Guo Mu flipped his palms over, and took out two night pearls that he had exploited in Youran Valley from the ring, flicked them lightly, and smashed them into the top of the grotto, and suddenly the light poured down, and Guo Mu could clearly see the inside of the grotto. Case.

When he saw the things in the grotto, he couldn't help but his pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw a huge corpse lying quietly in the grotto, under the brilliance of the night pearl, reflecting the crystal clear jade luster.

Along the way, many of the situations where they encountered Yin Sha were because the skeleton of the body was nearby. If we speculated according to this logic, then the Yin Sha formed by this huge corpse should also be in the grotto.

"Gulu!" Guo Mu swallowed sharply, regretting his recklessness.

After careful comparison, Guo Mu found to his horror that the Yin Sha he encountered along the way, except for the Yin Sha that was about to form a soul body on the ninth floor, compared with the current corpse, the other Yin Sha had no similarities. Not at the same level at all.

Thinking of this, Guo Mu couldn't help retreating a little bit, and planned to withdraw from the grotto with Qing Xin in his arms.


Suddenly a terrifying beast roared in Guo Mu's mind, and he was so frightened that he tensed up like a bowstring. In an instant, he threw Qingxin behind his back, and the golden glove on his right arm had been summoned, and he was staring at the grotto. corpses inside.

"Hahaha...hahaha...I laughed to death, it's so fucking funny."

At this moment, a burst of wanton laughter came from Guo Mu's body, and at this moment, Guo Mu discovered that there was no other existence in the entire grotto except for the two of them.


Guo Mu clenched his fists tightly, muscles all over his body tensed, veins bulged, his whole expression of gnashing his teeth was distorted, and the words in his mouth almost came out word by word: "You... this... bastard Egg."

"I'm going to kill you."

The raging anger rushed directly from Guo Mu's dantian to the top of his skull at the speed of flying into the sky.

The blue ghost scratched his ear hole, and said rascally: "Really! Don't forget that we are in the same trench now, and we are comrades-in-arms after all! If you say that, my lord will be very sad."

"Ah..." Guo Mu went crazy.

"Okay, I'm telling you to relax, too tight will only be counterproductive."

In the past few days, Guo Mu's battles in Chuangong Pagoda have been extremely frequent, comparable to his fights in the 'Breakdown', and he also needs to take care of Qingxin's condition from time to time, and his spirit has indeed reached an extremely nervous level. degree.

Guo Mu glared at him angrily, then found a place to put Qingxin down.After being frightened by the blue ghost, Guo Mu calmed down instead.

(End of this chapter)

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