Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 374 Cave

Chapter 374 Cave
With the sensitive sense of Yuanli, he could sense Qingxin's position, even the rough outline of her body, but he couldn't clearly know where the injury was, so he could only ask Qingxin to point it out.


With Qingxin's soft voice, the treatment continued without visual interference, and the movement was obviously much faster, although compared to usual, it was almost like a snail.

Guo Mu was blindfolded, and deftly lifted the jacket with his fingertips, revealing a large area of ​​smooth, white and tender skin. Although there was a small pocket to cover up the plump area, it was even more seductive.

Qingxin raised her eyes to look at Guo Mu. Although she saw that his eyes were covered with cloth, it felt as if he was being watched, and she couldn't help but want to raise her hand to cover it.At this moment, she felt her face was burning like fire.

"Sister, I'm about to start."

After saying a word, Guo Mu picked up the liquid medicine in his hand and poured out some in the palm of his hand.The medicinal liquid exudes a light fragrance, mixed with a faint herbal smell, presenting a green color, like a sprout.

Under Qingxin's guidance, Guo Mu dipped his fingertips in the liquid medicine and slowly moved towards the injured shoulder.

Watching Guo Mu's fingertips keep approaching, Qingxin's whole body tensed up, her shoulders trembled uncontrollably, whether it was because of the cold or nervousness.

When his fingertips touched Qingxin's skin, Guo Mu also thumped in his heart. It felt like touching soft cold jade, and he couldn't help thinking about how it would feel if he could get rid of the cold air.Immediately, he tried his best to control it, restrained his mind, did not show any fluctuations, and began to apply the medicine carefully.

Looking at Guo Mu's attentive and careful care, Qingxin couldn't help but feel more tenderness in her eyes.

As the wound was wiped, the position soon came to the most sensitive place. Through the touch of his fingertips, Guo Mu could already feel the plump and soft skin. He didn't need to guess more to know where it was.

"Hiss!" Guo Mu subconsciously took a deep breath, and his mouth and nose were filled with the fragrance of beauty.

I saw that the last position of the wound was on the side of the plumpness, along the edge a perfect white arc could be seen, the distance from the wound was no more than one knuckle.

Guo Mu dipped the last liquid medicine in his palm, his fingertips trembled slightly, and moved towards the last wound. At this moment, the breathing of the two of them became obviously heavy. There seemed to be only a slight difference between the fingertips and the edges. temperature.

Finally, when she pressed down with her fingertips, Qingxin let out a low moan.

Almost at the same time, Guo Mu also let out a heavy breath, feeling the bumpy touch from his fingertips, he knew that he had found the right place at the end, although there was still a trace of pity in his heart.

With the previous 'exploration', the next treatment was much smoother. After the wound was treated, Guo Mu finally heaved a sigh of relief. This time applying the medicine was no less than a major test of his mind, and it felt better than fighting. Still nervous.

"The wound has been healed, don't worry, this spiritual liquid has a very good repairing effect, after the wound is healed, there will be no scars." Guo Mu took off the cloth and said with a smile.

Qingxin, who had already put on her middle coat, still couldn't hide her shyness after the first appearance of spring. It could be seen through the neckline that even the skin on her chest was already pink.

"Thank you!" Qingxin said with a smile to Guo Mu, that brilliance suddenly shone into his heart.

At this time, because Qingxin regained a bit of sanity, she has a certain control over the spiritual power and internal energy in her body, and the coldness in her body has also weakened a little. Although it is still cold, it is obviously within a controllable range.

Guo Mu took out the cloak from the ring and covered her body. At the same time, he came to her back and carefully straightened her body.Just when Qingxin was curious, she only felt a stream of pure spiritual power coming from the palm against the back of her heart.

"Senior brother..."

"Don't talk, adjust your breathing well, your body is still very weak."

Qing Xin wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Guo Mu.Listening to Guo Mu's somewhat authoritarian instructions, Qing Xin couldn't help feeling warm in her heart.Once upon a time, she was treated like this. She has always been in a strong state in front of others, and never showed weakness. It is because of her identity and strength, but more because of her inner strength.

However, it feels good.

With such a mood, Qingxin entered meditation, and with the assistance of Guo Mu, she calmed down the violent spiritual power and internal energy in her body.

In the gradual brilliance of the night pearl, there was nothing to say all night.


Lightly swipe the sword finger, the flashing sword element is sharp and solid, Guo Mu stepped forward to check, and saw that there was no sword mark at all, he couldn't help but secretly startled.

At this time, he was in the grotto, carefully observing the skeleton inside, sharp minions, tall body, powerful momentum, and the whole body shone with crystal jade luster. Even though there are only a pile of bones left now, its deterrent extent still remains.

The sharpness of the sword essence is the sharpest sword energy he has ever seen, but it still can't hurt it at all, which shows the high degree of hardness.

"Blue ghost, have you ever seen such a monster?"

Guo Mu keenly sensed that there was still a tyrannical force in the skeleton, which protected the skeleton from the erosion of time.

"I have no impression. There are only a bunch of bones left. How can I identify it? At most, I can speculate on the attributes or what kind of monster it is."

The blue ghost inside shrugged his shoulders, and immediately said: "It's a pity that I can't come out, otherwise the yin energy here is so full that I can enjoy it."

Guo Mu directly ignored this sentence. They had been hiding in the grotto for the past two days to heal their wounds, but the restless blue ghost kept encouraging Guo Mu to take risks and exercise their strength in a pretense of name.Guo Mu has long been familiar with his crooked thoughts, isn't it just to hunt and kill Yin Sha, so that he can have a good time.

"Women are really troublesome. Don't you plan to take her with you all the time? You must know that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Don't forget that you still have to mend the remnant soul! Now this opportunity is just the right time for you to mend. There will be no riots."

Guo Mu raised his eyebrows slightly, he was obviously moved, but when he saw Qing Xin who was adjusting his breath, his thoughts were suppressed again.

The blue ghost shook his head helplessly, and called out: Beauty is a disaster!

Suddenly his eyeballs rolled, and he said with a smirk: "How about, Xiao Mumu, take advantage of this god-given opportunity, there are only you and her on the scene, and she is injured again, and I can see that she treats you very well." If you like it, why don't you just do good things here, and then you will be your own family, so you don't have to worry about her telling the truth!"

The corners of Guo Mu's eyes twitched suddenly, what kind of thought was in this lecher's head.He directly ignored the silly suggestions of the blue ghost.

After inspecting the huge skeleton again, Guo Mu walked back to the couch.

"Well! Do you see anything?"

As soon as Guo Mu approached, Qingxin woke up from the state of trance, and asked Guo Mu with a smile.Since the last incident, her smiles towards Guo Mu have obviously increased a lot, and they are all from the heart.
He lightly shook his head: "This skeleton is huge, and its texture is extremely hard. There must be a super powerful monster in front of it, but how can such a powerful monster appear here, do you know?"

Qingxin also shook her head, frowned slightly, and replied: "The Chuangong Pagoda has been built for too long, it seems to have existed from the beginning, but I never knew where the powerful Yin Sha and monsters here came from. "

"Is it not mentioned in the Zongmen's annals?"

As soon as Guo Mu asked this question, he scolded himself secretly. When they set out to enter the Chuan Gong Pagoda, they were all warned not to disclose it.
Sure enough, Qingxin affirmed his idea, but this made Guo Mu even more curious about this place. With such a huge underground building, how could there be no records at all!

At the same time, he discovered that the various mysteries hidden here have completely exceeded the current strength of the Shuyang Sect. Could it be that the strength of the strong who established the Sect before was against the sky, or this place...was not built by the Shuyang Sect at all.

This guess is very possible, but those things are not as attractive to Guo Mu as the huge monster skeleton in front of him.

"If I take this skeleton away, it should be fine! Sister." Guo Mu had a whim and wanted to take this skeleton away. He could feel that this monster skeleton should be a treasure.

Qingxin was surprised when she heard the words, she stood up and came to Guo Mu, and asked, "Do you want to take this monster skeleton away?"

In a trance, Guo Mu seemed to smell the You Ran body fragrance from that time again, and pinched himself lightly. Guo Mu hurriedly nodded and said, "Yes, the sect probably won't ban it!"

"Of course not. After entering the Gong Chuan Gong Pagoda, all the experiences gained belong to the disciples themselves. This is why we have to work hard to enter the next level, because the further down, it means more opportunities and treasures. Qing Xin hesitated for a moment and asked, "But this skeleton is so huge, how did you take it away?"

Qingxin knew that Guo Mu had a ring, but the size of the ring was limited. Ordinary rings were usually no more than ten cubic meters, and high-end ones were no more than fifty. This monster skeleton was at least a hundred meters long. It is said that this is the Chuangong Pagoda, even if it is an ordinary grotto, it is still a problem to take it away.

"Blue Ghost..."

"I know, I know, you want me to take it in, don't you! Let me talk about my advantages first." The blue ghost picked up his nails, with a relaxed expression, obviously determined to pay attention to exploiting it.

(End of this chapter)

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