Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 378 Staff Arrive

Chapter 378 Staff Arrive
Epee and Linghui looked at the two people whose atmosphere had become extremely strange with a little surprise, and shrugged their shoulders.

Qing Xin took a deep breath, looked at the two heavy swords who were also curious, and finally gritted her teeth, as if she had made some important decision.

"Actually, the trip to the Chuangong Pagoda this time is still the same as the previous experience in the pagoda, but in essence it is already different."

Hearing this, epee and Linghui couldn't help pricking up their ears and listening intently.

"You may not know it, but the epee is clear. Every time you enter the Chuan Gong Pagoda, you will have an inheritance soul crystal."

"Inherit the soul crystal?" Guo Mu and Ling Hui repeated in unison.

"Hiss! Each inheritance soul crystal is a priceless treasure. It is the soul body condensed by the elders of Shuyang Sect. The essence of the elder's life is condensed on the inherited soul crystal, which is not only a treasure to increase the skill, but the most important thing is the elder's comprehension of the martial arts skills he has learned in his life."

The epee was introduced slowly, but from his clenched hands, nasal cavity and heaving chest, it was enough to see his desire for the inherited soul crystal.The other people also heard the same blood spurting and excited.

"That's right, the last two times I opened the Gong Chuan Pagoda, one was obtained by Bai Qiufeng, and the other was obtained by Ye Yu. The strength of the two of them is obvious to all. If it wasn't for a fortuitous encounter, even a genius would not be able to catch up with them. "

Guo Mu glanced at the epee with a gloomy face at this moment. He knew that the epee had had adventures before, and his body was highly cultivated, but even so, it was a pity that the two inherited soul crystals slipped away from his palm.

"Every time the Chuangong tower is opened, it means that an inheritance soul crystal is produced. Once the disciples who enter the Chuangong tower pass the checkpoint and enter the secret place, they will have the opportunity to get the inheritance soul crystal. At that time, not only can the strength Great increase, and you can also get an additional great achievement method, which is equivalent to saving decades of struggle."

Linghui speculated as if dreaming, and his words were confirmed by the heavy sword's nod, and almost everyone present at the same time took a deep breath.

What a powerful temptation!

You must know that every warrior who can become an elder of the Shuyang Sect is a generation of high strength, and the souls of these warriors have been soaked in the Chuangong Pagoda for a long time before they can realize what they have learned in their lives and the essence of life. Condensed into an inheritance soul crystal.

And as long as the person who gets the inheritance refines this soul crystal, he will be able to obtain powerful and advanced martial arts. Such treasures are simply more precious than any skills.

At this time, Guo Mu deeply understood why he had to give the password to quit.Everyone is innocent and guilty, such a secret place against the heavens, not to mention the other two sects that have been in constant dispute with the Shuyang Sect, even the legendary monks will be deeply attracted by it.

If this news spreads, Shuyang Zong may not be far away from the day when the Zong will be exterminated.

"However, the Supreme Elder who is in charge of supervising this time revealed that there is more than one inheritance soul crystal condensed, which means that the disciples have more chances to meet each other." Qingxin once again threw out a shocking news.

Guo Mu hesitated for a moment and asked, "Is this related to what we encountered?"

"It may be caused by some changes in the Chuangong Pagoda. According to the secret record, such a thing has never happened in the Chuangong Pagoda, including many inheritance soul crystals."

Qing Xin said, her eyes flickered, she didn't dare to look at Guo Mu, just because she said before that there was no record about Chuan Gong Pagoda, but now there is a secret record, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

"Oh! Not only that, but this trip to the Chuan Gong Pagoda is also the venue for the martial arts competition. I'm right!" The epee put down the huge iron sword in his hand with a bang.

The follow-up match of the Martial Arts Competition!As soon as these words came out, Guo Mu immediately understood many things.

"I'm not very clear about this, but my inference is the same as what you think." Qing Xin said with a nod, and then said calmly to Guo Mu: "The final destination is the checkpoint of the secret place. Compete for the entry quota, and the final winner may obtain the inheritance soul crystal."

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in Guo Mu's mind.

"Wood, we must get this inheritance soul crystal."

The quiet environment was too quiet, a faint glow illuminated the entire passage, and the breeze that blew from time to time took away the temperature, leaving only a piece of shade.


The dark wind suddenly roared, gathering in mid-air, the strong wind constantly sucked the surrounding spiritual energy, and in the blink of an eye, a huge cyclone formed, and in the cyclone, a figure was rapidly forming Looking at its shape, if Guo Mu and Qing Xin were present at this time, they would definitely be able to recognize this figure. Isn't it the Yin Sha soul body that they met when they were on the ninth floor and were about to awaken?
At this time, he was more solid, except for his pale complexion, he was almost the same as an ordinary person. Of course he still had breathing, but it was just a form.

The awakening of the soul body will be simulated to exchange for almost the same instinct as before. This is the instinct of life and the imprint of the soul.

At this time, there was a slight frown between his brows, revealing a puzzled expression.This is the biggest difference between the soul body and the Yin Sha. The Yin Sha is just an almost instinctive survivor, retaining only the original instinct, while the soul body is an alternative life body endowed with emotions. Perhaps it should be regarded as a kind of ghost, but This is more than one level higher than that.

Scanning his eyes, he seemed to be looking for something. Although the Chuangong Pagoda had only been opened for a long time, this did not prevent the years from eroding everything here.

The ground and the walls were covered with many traces of wind erosion and cracks, but this was obviously not what he was looking for. Suddenly, his ice-like eyes flashed, and his figure instantly appeared on the hard surface. Next to the stone wall.

He stretched out his hand and carefully touched a deep sword mark. Although he had withstood the washing of the years, the sword mark was so clear and sharp. Looking at it now, he seemed to be able to vaguely see the elegance of that sword at that time.

Click!He clenched his fists, closed his eyes, and furrowed his brows deeply, as if he was trying to recall something, but the painful expression revealed that the situation was not optimistic.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and in an instant, a monstrous sword energy surged, and he swung his right hand vigorously. Suddenly, the incomparably sharp sword energy was like an arrow out of the slot, raging through the entire passage with unstoppable force. , leaving behind deep sword marks.

"Ah! Who am I!"

Angry roars and roars echoed over the passageway, far away.


On the No.12 floor of the Chuangong Pagoda, the four of Guo Mu were walking together at this time. Perhaps because of the strength of the crowd, after the four of them entered the [-]th floor, except for one or two who were unlucky and happened to bump into each other, they walked all the way down. Did not encounter any decent attack.

With the deepening of the tower floor, the space gradually shrinks as it goes down, and this also means that they will meet other disciples, which is unavoidable.

But along the way, they found that there were more traces of fighting along the way, including some familiar traces, such as one of the targets they were looking for—Monsoon.

For the epee that has been tricked, this beam is considered a big one, and epee doesn't think he is a good person, repaying hatred with virtue, in his logic, an eye for an eye with an eye for an eye is his method.

And this point has the same characteristics as Guo Mu, who is indifferent by nature but never compromises with the oppressive forces. It is also true that the two have a feeling of seeing each other rather late.

After walking for a while, their footsteps couldn't help but stop, just because there was an obviously much more tragic battlefield in front of them. The blood splattered on the ground showed how tragic the battle must have been at that time, and there were some swords in it. debris.

As a traditional sect with the concept of the sword in the human being, the few people present knew directly what it meant to destroy the sword.

Looking at the scene, the four of them couldn't help but feel a little heavy in their hearts, especially Linghui, if Guo Mu hadn't arrived, maybe he would have acted like the owner of these bloodstains!
Then they found a big rock nearby to rest and adjust, and the atmosphere was still filled with that faint haze.Even a rough man like epee chose to remain silent.

"Actually, we are quite lucky, aren't we!" Linghui felt that the atmosphere was too heavy, and said, "At least... at least we didn't encounter that attack."

The heavy sword glanced at him, and said calmly: "Based on the scene we experienced, the situation is more dangerous than it."

Linghui was dumbfounded for a moment, and didn't know what to say for a moment. According to the analysis of the situation, they were almost dead at that time.

Guo Mu shrugged his shoulders. The attacks they encountered on the upper floors should not be underestimated.Especially against the awakened soul body.

Then he used a pretense, and his consciousness sank into his dantian.

"Blue Ghost! You're finally back, that's great, how about it, what's the treasure in the cave, show me quickly." Guo Mu urged.

The blue ghost who was resting was suddenly awakened, and an arc flashed across his long and narrow eyes. Guo Mu immediately felt a chill hit him, and couldn't help but goosebumps rose from the soles of his feet to the top of his skull.

"Hehe...hehe..." Guo Mu smiled awkwardly.

The blue ghost said with contempt on his face: "Look at your small appearance, you are so poor and nervous, you are just a rare treasure! You are so worthless, thinking back to my lord..."

(End of this chapter)

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