Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 400 The Beginning of Infighting

Chapter 400 The Beginning of Infighting

If Guo Mu at this time knew of Qu Dewei's crooked thoughts, he would probably tie him up directly and serve as bait for the blood corpse beast.

After a while, Guo Mu and the others came to a spacious platform, and on the outside was a cliff with a huge drop. Under the cliff, the sound of water could be faintly heard. It was not known whether it was a pool or an underground river.

Qu Dewei, who still had a deep memory of the last big crack, couldn't help swallowing, his face turned pale, while Guo Mu and Epee were extremely confused.At this time, what they saw was a cliff, there was no way in the past, but the exit!
"Don't tell me, the exit is right below!" Guo Mu came to the side of the cliff, looked at the dark bottom below, and then looked around. He couldn't think of any other way besides this.

Qu Dewei innocently shrugged his shoulders, saying that he didn't know if it was true.Seeing him being so perfunctory, the epee buzzed and said, "You didn't mean to lead us around on purpose, did you?"

Being suspected repeatedly, Qu Dewei couldn't help feeling a little angry. He directly used the tip of his sword as a pen, and quickly drew on the ground, and soon a simple and clear line drawing appeared in the sight of the two of them.

After a simple comparison, Guo Mu and Epee found that they had indeed walked along the road marked on the map, and the map showed that they were only a few steps away from the exit.Of course, the steps here refer to the ones on the map.

hiss!Ok!It seems that I will climb again, but this time I hope there will be no more horrible bugs.

Thinking of worms, Guo Mu couldn't help but glared at the epee angrily. He was so confused that he didn't know how he had offended him.

"Here is this cliff. I remember that there were dangerous words marked on the original map. Before I arrived, I didn't know the situation here, so I guessed that there should be blood demons or blood corpse beasts here. .” Qu Dewei frowned.

"Well, now it seems that it is not only the threat of alien species like blood fiend here."

Guo Mu squatted down and carefully looked at the rough map. Although it was a bit simple, he still found the place where the three of them stayed before.

Suddenly he thought of the disciple who died. Since the disciple appeared here, it meant that Ji Feng's team was also nearby, but he didn't see anyone along the way, unless they were with Guo Mu and others. The roads that people walk are not the same.

He raised his head and asked Qu Dewei, "If this is the only way to go, then where did the people in front go? They can't disappear out of thin air!"

Hearing Guo Mu's question, he and Epée immediately hesitated. At this time, Guo Mu asked: "Qu Dewei, do you remember if there is a road leading to the exit here? In which direction."

Being reminded by Guo Mu, Qu Dewei immediately slapped his forehead, and replied: "There is such a thing, but..."

"But what but... say it quickly." Epee snorted displeased.

"Ahem, although there is another road leading to the exit, it twists and turns on the map, and the road is far away and very dangerous. I didn't realize it. I thought they also chose this passage because it is closer. "

The heavy sword said in a muffled voice, "It doesn't seem so close to here now."

Qu Dewei opened his mouth slightly, showing a stunned expression.Can this be my fault!I was really wronged.Qu Dewei thought helplessly.

Guo Mu frowned, and said solemnly, "Wait, you draw another road first."

Under Guo Mu's urging, Qu Dewei drew another passage in as much detail as possible. Fortunately, his memory is extremely outstanding and he has the ability to never forget, otherwise he would really be in the huge underground labyrinth. To dizzy.

At this time, Guo Mu was looking at the map on the ground, thinking about something carefully, and suddenly said in surprise: "It's not good." Hearing this, Epee Sword and Qu Dewei were all at a loss, not understanding what happened.

Guo Mu stood up and said, "Look, there is only one other passage besides the passage we took. Since we didn't see anyone here, that means they all took another passage, but why did they take another passage?" What about the passage!"

"That traitor deliberately forced them to go on another path." Qu Dewei said in a dazed way as his mind turned quickly.

"There must be something waiting on that road." Epee paused and added casually.

Guo Mu nodded heavily: "That's right!"

"Bastard!" Epee clenched the giant sword in his hand, his face became gloomy. Although he usually doesn't care about the affairs of the sect, it doesn't mean that he will be indifferent to traitors.

"Then... what should we do then? Our current location is a long way from the distance over there. Is it too late to rush over there now?"

This sentence is also the problem that Guo Mu is worried about. He has been delayed for so long, and now he is chasing him, not to mention whether he can catch up or not.

Seeing that the situation was getting tricky, Guo Mu's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he looked at the only place where the two passages connected at this time, and that was at the end point of the passage.

At this time, on the map drawn by Qu Dewei, the final directions of the two passages both point to one source, which means that the two sides can meet there.

Guo Mu's gaze was like a torch, examining the junction on the map, if he enters at this place...

At this time, in another passageway of the Blood Cloud Grotto, I saw a group of people advancing in a particularly embarrassing manner. Among them, the group headed by Ji Feng kept slashing their sharp swords, trying to speed up their progress, but they were always caught by someone who didn't know who they were. The attack that sprang out was blocked.

And at a location less than a hundred meters away from them, Bai Qiufeng and others also suffered severe postgraduate entrance examinations and were also caught in many crises.

Damn... what the hell are these things.

The sound of cursing from time to time echoed in the passage, but before he finished cursing, he was stopped by a heavy whip.

Qing Xin yelled, and with a wave of the spirit sword in her hand, she immediately slashed at a black shadow that was about to attack from behind. The sword energy accurately hit the target, but the effect was weak.

I saw the black shadow being slashed, but then it rose up again as if nothing had happened, ready to strike in a flash.Suddenly, Bai Qiufeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light flickered across in an instant.The black shadow froze immediately, followed by a slap, and was cut off in the middle.

Looking at the body that fell on the ground at this time, Qingxin's expression changed slightly, and she saw a snake-like object with a length of seven or eight meters on the ground at this time. The roots of the tree have many round, bald, small fleshy bumps, and at the tip, there are some beard-like objects with barbs all over them.

This root-like thing was on the ground at this time, and it was not completely quiet, and it twitched from time to time, making Qing feel a chill.

Qingxin's face changed slightly, she took two steps back, and asked, "Brother Bai, what kind of monsters are these?"

At this moment, an exclamation suddenly came from the side, and everyone looked around, only to see a figure in Ji Feng's team suddenly wrapped around his waist by an identical root, before the people around him returned. Suddenly, the whole body was dragged into the air by the root.

Seeing the disciple being dragged into the air, the other disciples froze for a moment. One of the disciples who had been friends with him was about to step forward to rescue him. At this moment, a black shadow like a sharp arrow shot out from the stone wall and hit him accurately. touched the disciple's chest.

Immediately, everyone's eyes widened, and they saw that obviously solid multi-navy blue tentacles were deeply inserted into his chest, and the blood was like ink dripping into the water, staining the skirt of his body red in the blink of an eye.

Puchi!He immediately opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, with an expression of disbelief on his face, staring straight at the tentacles on his chest.But at this time, Tianwu Zhe's strong physical condition and tenacious vitality prevented him from dying immediately.

"No! Brother Hong."

I saw a disciple jumping out of Ji Feng's team and rushing towards the latter. His expression was extremely furious, and powerful fluctuations of power surged through his body, ready to save him.

Before he came near Junior Brother Hong, the tentacles that attacked the disciples shrank suddenly as if sensing danger, and quickly rushed towards the stone wall beside him. In the grotto, the tentacles disappeared while dragging the disciple's body.

"Junior Brother Hong..." Qing Xin also shouted nervously, and immediately jumped to rescue him.Suddenly, a big hand pressed down on her shoulder and pulled her back.

"No need to go, he's dead." Bai Qiufeng's indifferent voice sounded, and at the same time, there was a scream from being dragged into the grotto, and the disciple who rushed to rescue couldn't help but stop.

He didn't continue to chase, although he desperately wanted to rescue the other party, but he also knew that even if he rushed over now, it would be useless.It was already impossible to survive that kind of injury, and there were no other dangers known in the cave.

After catching the 'prey', the tentacles seemed to recede like a flag, and quickly retracted into the many potholes in the surrounding stone walls.For a while, the channel fell into silence, only the heavy breathing of the disciples remained.

Many disciples were still in the panic just now, and their eyes were full of horror.Although the disciples present are all of the strength of Tianwu practitioners, not all of them have rich combat experience. The big sect relies on excellent skills and logistics, and as long as they add good seedlings, they can always cultivate many Excellent disciple.

(End of this chapter)

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