Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 42 Tiger Hall 2

Chapter 42 Tiger Hall 2
But now, Guo Tianyang needs someone to stand up and solve his problems. This is also the most important duty of the mole youth as a dog leg.

Guo Tianyang knew what the young man with the mole was thinking, and he also knew that the youth with the mole would be able to guess what he meant, so he said vaguely: "Some people, even if they become mortal waste, can't be sympathized with at all." Heart, it's still so annoying."

"In this world, the fewer people like this, the better."

The young man with a black mole had a serious look on his face, but he didn't know how to answer the question.

From now on, Guo Tianyang has murderous intentions towards Guo Mu.Maybe he won't do anything to Guo Mu now, but in the future, if there is a chance, Guo Tianyang will never show mercy.

Guo Tianyang is such a person, no matter how gentle and elegant he usually pretends to be, deep down in his heart, there is still such a heart that is more vicious than a poisonous snake, even when facing his half-brother.

This is also a very common phenomenon of shallow family affection among aristocratic families.

After Guo Tianyang and his party walked away, the door of the grocery store on the street opened with a creak.Immediately, Guo Chong, wearing a bamboo hat, came out from the inside, and the other half of his face covered by the iron mask gradually showed a creepy and strange smile.

He failed to snatch the sword, unwilling to expose himself and chose to retreat calmly, thinking that the unexpected changes in this plan would affect his next plan.For this reason, even if he is meticulous in conspiracy and tricks, he can't help but feel a little headache.

However, just now he accidentally discovered the conflict between the young master of the Guo family and Guo Mu, and a wonderful plan suddenly appeared in his mind.

He said silently in his heart: "Guo Li, Guo Li, the sky will kill you, this is your fate!"

He lowered the brim of his bamboo hat, just covering his eyes, before he lowered his head and turned to close the door.

Walking into the sun, he is like a statue of an evil god bathed in holiness.

All stories will start from his hands, like endless black rivers, devouring the clarity of the sky like ice, and polluting the silent deep blue of the ocean.

The evil began to spread at this moment, and then it was boundless, drowning everything.


Guo Jing, the direct descendant of the third elder of the Guo family, is second only to Guo Tianyang in talent in Yuanxiu.Like Guo Tianyang, he has been greatly favored since he was a child, but compared with Guo Tianyang's low-key and calm, Guo Jing is more like a playboy who is too proud.He is keen on cockfighting and betting on dice, and often hangs around in brothels and restaurants, but his parents dote on him too much. He seems to think that otherwise, he is not a genius of a big family.

Guo Jing's behavior and style represent the general style of the contemporary young talents of the Guo family. It is no wonder that the Guo family has always been so powerful and rich. How can the young people of the Guo family know how to restrain themselves.

Of course, Guo Tianyang and Guo Mu are special cases.Guo Tianyang has been trained as the head of the family since he was a child. The elders of the Guo family are naturally unwilling to see a future head of the family who only knows how to play, so Guo Tianyang has been instilled with various ideas since he was a child, and he also understands how to become the successor in the eyes of the elders. people.Although he is still unavoidably proud, he still looks much more mature than his peers.And Guo Mu has been bullied since he was a child, and he lives in dire straits every day. If he doesn't keep a low profile and bear it, he will only get more scolding and blows.After more than ten years of life, Guo Mu understands one truth better than any young people in the Guo family, that is: do more things, talk less, don't compete with others, only compete with yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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