Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 432 Jingyang Sword

Chapter 432 Jingyang Sword

clap clap clap...

The shattered fragments splashed everywhere, and the body of the puppet guard was blown into pieces, and he couldn't die any more.

"What a cunning boy." Yan Qian casually fanned the fragments that were shot at him, and looked at Guo Mu who was attacking one of the twelve platforms on the scene at this time.

At this time, in the protective cover in front of Guo Mu, there is a blue spirit sword hanging in the air. Although it is in the protective cover at this time, its sharpness is fully revealed, and it is obvious at a glance that it is not ordinary. ah!

Guo Mu had been paying attention for a long time, but before he could make a move, he killed Yan Qian, the gatekeeper, and was attacked by four puppet guards inseparably.

So when he saw that puppet guard actually got there first, Guo Mu was furious and cursed himself for not taking action sooner.

Following the final blow, the protective cover made a soft 'pop' sound, only to see that the protective cover burst into pieces after bursting out with the last ray of light.

And the spirit sword placed on the platform jumped out of the platform at the first time, but fortunately Guo Mu reacted in time, and he rushed to grab it firmly in his hand.

Even so, the spirit sword caught by Guo Mu at this time was not tame to Guo Mu, and was still shaking violently, trying to break free from Guo Mu's palm.

"Damn it! This spirit sword is so tenacious."

Guo Mu repeatedly wanted to infuse his own spiritual power into the sword body, but was repelled by it. There was even sword energy that seemed to want to invade his body. If it wasn't for Guo Mu's protection, he might have been attacked by him .

"Toast, don't eat fine wine, hum!" Guo Mu snorted coldly, and suddenly, a gust of sword energy shot out from his body, directly hitting the spirit sword in his hand.The moment of contact, suddenly the sword energy of the spirit sword melted away like snow in spring, and Guo Mu's sword essence entered the body of the spirit sword without hindrance.

"Jingyang Sword!" Almost at the same time, the name of the spirit sword in his hand appeared in Guo Mu's mind, and when he checked it, his mouth immediately grinned.

The fourth-grade spirit sword, good guy, is two grades higher than Qingxin's spirit sword, no wonder the spirit is so strong.

Guo Mu was overjoyed, and at this time the other two puppet guards also came back, and the puppet guard with the knife flew straight into the air, and from top to bottom, he directly hit Huashan with a powerful move.Immediately, a gigantic saber glow of more than ten feet long flashed out, and the saber in his hand was also a spiritual weapon, so it was even more powerful.

"Good job!" Guo Mu said loudly, and then he waved his sword to meet him.

After drinking loudly, an astonishingly bright sword energy burst out of the air, directly facing the stunning sword light attacked by the puppet guard.

Two blazing attacks collided together, and a powerful air wave erupted immediately, and the turbulent air wave instantly spread to Yan Qian's side, without seeing how he moved, suddenly the air wave broke a hole, directly from the Both sides of him flitted past.

After a tough move, Guo Mu fell back to the ground, slashed his hand and sent out a sword light, shooting directly at another puppet guard who was about to attack him, and immediately blasted him back.

If it had been before, Guo Mu would have avoided that sword light immediately, but now that he had just obtained a sharp weapon, he just wanted to test the power of the spirit sword in his hand. After this duel, his heart was even more joyful.

This Jingyang sword is indeed extraordinary. Even if Guo Mu uses ordinary spiritual power to move it, the sword energy that he swung out is still very powerful. This makes Guo Mu think to himself, if it is moved with sword essence, It is estimated that the power must be stronger.


At this time, two huge boulders smashed towards Guo Mu with a strong wind, and behind them was the puppet guard with a knife, while the other puppet guard rushed straight at him. Twelve platforms left.

"I'm going, have these puppet guards become smart?" Guo Mu scolded in his heart, and then hurriedly swung his sword to smash the oncoming boulder into pieces.

Immediately, Guo Mu seemed to have transformed into a huge sword spinning center, and sword qi shot out quickly, as if costing nothing.Not only did it cover the attacking puppet guard, it also stopped the puppet that was about to go to the twelve platforms.

"If you want to use these weapons against me, you have to pass my level first."

Guo Mu gave a loud shout, and immediately raised the Jingyang sword in his hand, and raised it high, a powerful momentum was suddenly pulled out on the ground, just like the sword gesture of the heavy sword.

Sensing such a menacing sword force, Yan Qian couldn't help opening his pupils wide, and his eyes couldn't help revealing the light of joy at seeing things. After this fight, Guo Mu brought him many surprises.

It really surprised him to be able to display such an astonishing sword power now.After all, in the fields he is familiar with, disciples who have practiced martial arts seldom achieve any achievements in Taoism, and those who are successful in Taoism lack energy in martial arts. Therefore, among so many disciples, only Then a few are a little hot.

Now, with the appearance of Guo Mu, Yan Qian couldn't help but be a little happy, and he was delighted that the disciples of the Shuyang Sect had extraordinary aptitude.

"The momentum of the heavy sword!"

Guo Mu yelled loudly, and suddenly a powerful sword that lifted the sky carried an incomparably heavy pressure and blasted at the puppet guard holding the knife.I saw the puppet guard holding a big knife in both hands, unable to escape under the lock of the sword, and could only be forced to resist with the knife.

This epee sword move, which was learned secretly, carried great power, and the puppet guard who was directly bombarded knelt down on the ground, and even on its body, cracks appeared on its bronze-colored body as hard as a tortoise shell.

Just when Guo Mu was about to increase his strength, a bright sword glow suddenly shot out, broke through Guo Mu's sword power in the blink of an eye, and directly bombarded the puppet guard.

There was only a sound of "bang!", and then the body of the puppet guard was thrown into the air. However, Guo Mu's epee sword lost its attack target and slammed into the ground, directly knocking the ground out. There were pits and cracks that were more than ten feet long.

Immediately the whole ground shook, and stone powder was sprinkled on the main hall, but just like that, it seemed that there was a force protecting the main hall.Guo Mu's attack only blasted some traces of the place where the attack landed, but the rest did not cause any damage.

Immediately, Guo Mu hurriedly returned his sword to defend, and looked at Yan Qian who had been watching him fighting the puppet guards.

He sensed the sword just now very clearly, it was sent by the opponent.

He couldn't help but wonder if he could have avoided the attack just now if it was a surprise attack.

In the end, a little cold sweat oozes from the corner of his forehead. If he was the one who was attacked just now, he must be the one who fell on the ground at this time.Guo Mu couldn't help moving his eyes slightly, looking at the puppet guard who was knocked flying to the ground.

"Papa... Papa..." Yan Qian clapped his hands with a smile and applauded: "Very good! Your strength is beyond my expectation, especially you are a disciple of Taoism and Wu Shuangxiu, who can reach your level Yes, but it’s not easy, and I’ve achieved something in both areas.”

Yan Qian didn't hesitate to praise Guo Mu loudly, and his eyes revealed a look of cherishing talents.

Guo Mu, who got goosebumps from the other party's gaze, couldn't help but took two steps back, Jian Feng pointed at another puppet guard who was not injured.

"Wait!" Just as Guo Mu was about to continue attacking, Yan Qian stopped him.

Frowning slightly, Guo Mu couldn't help hesitating for a moment, wondering if he should listen to the other party.

"You have already passed the second level, so you don't need to fight anymore." Yan Qian smiled lightly.He obviously saw through what Guo Mu was thinking.

As soon as the words fell, the remaining two puppet guards also walked aside and waited quietly.

Taking a deep breath, Guo Mu slowly withdrew the spirit sword in his hand.But his eyes were still locked on Yan Qian, and at the same time, his mind also included the two puppet guards who still had attack power.

Yan Qian smiled lightly and said, "Young friend Guo Mu, I don't know who is the master who is teaching you now!"

Guo Mu was stunned for a moment, his teacher?So far, after he joined the Shuyang Sect, it can be said that he has been cultivating all the time. In terms of Taoism, the Shuyang Sect does not have any senior experts. If there must be one, it is a fairy girl who has met once.

But Xiangu didn't seem to be his master, at most she just gave him a favor.

After hesitating for a while, Guo Mu still replied: "I don't have a master, I practiced and learned by myself, but I have a relationship with Xiangu once."

"Hiss... Xiangu!" Yan Qian couldn't help taking a breath when he heard this, and then said in relief: "I didn't expect it to be related to Xiangu, which makes sense!"

Hearing this, Guo Mu knew that the other party must have misunderstood something, but he didn't want to explain, so he just let the other party take it for granted.

"Senior, since the boy has passed the test, is it..." Guo Mu asked cautiously.

Yan Qian was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Little friend Guo Mu, you have only passed the second level, and you haven't passed the third level yet!"

"There's a third level?" Guo Mu couldn't help being speechless, this level is really unusually many!

Taking a deep breath, Guo Mu swished, raised his sword, and said coldly, "Then please give me your advice, senior."

Yan Qian chuckled, then he took a step slowly, and Guo Mu took a step back nervously, but nothing happened, Guo Mu couldn't help scolding himself for being too nervous.

As early as when Guo Mu was fighting against the puppet guards, he had itchy hands. He had been a guarding spirit for many years, and he had never had a chance to make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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