Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 47 Death and Crisis 1

Chapter 47 Death and Crisis 1
After the insider's patient explanation, the vagabond singer finally figured out some basic information about the faction of Tiger Hall.

"Everyone knows that there are three major families in Nanyang City, the Guo family, the Zhou family, and the Song family. It is also known that the power of these three major families spreads over more than ten surrounding towns and thousands of people. And among these three major families, the Guo family Its strength and background are the deepest, and it is well-deserved as the head of the three major families!"

"However, these three major families only represent the power on the bright side of Nanyang City! The world is divided into day and night, and the three major families represent the 'day' of Nanyang City, so the Tiger Hall represents the night of Nanyang City!"

"Looking back, the Tiger Hall's development time is only seven or eight years, far less than one-tenth of the Guo family's. But why do I say that the Tiger Hall can be compared with the Guo family's behemoth?"

"It's all because of the war two years ago!"

"It was a windy and dark night. At that time, I was still doing what we loved to do with my wife at home, but suddenly I heard the overwhelming sound of explosions. I was so scared that I vented on the spot... Cough, don't say it I said it myself, and I said Tiger Hall." The insider knew that he had slipped his words, so he hid his face to hide his embarrassment: "Afterwards, the next day, I heard my brother talk about the scene that night, and it was so hot!"

"It turns out that that night, the explosion was caused by the masters of Tiger Hall fighting with mysterious forces from outside. The strength of that mysterious force is very strong, and it is said that it came from a distant world. That night, this mysterious force had more than ten soul generals. The strong man and two strong men of the first rank of Yuanshenjun came and fought a battle with Tiger Hall. What do you think the result will be?"

"The people sent by that mysterious force were wiped out!"

"Although the Violent Tiger Hall was seriously injured, since then, no one dared to underestimate the Tiger Hall. Even if it is as strong as the Guo family, it is still kind to the Tiger Hall... However, today this kid does not know which one of the Guo family is worthless. People who teach it, even the people in the Tiger Hall will be offended!"

"It is estimated that there will be a good show in the future!"


At this time, the big man and the dog legs were still fighting happily, Guo Jing watched coldly from the side, and kept looking for an opportunity to plot against the big man.In his opinion, assassination is not a shameful trick, as long as it can win, it doesn't matter what method is used.

He activated the energy in his body, turned it into a long and slender line, passed through the floor, and wanted to attack the big man's soles.However, the big man is not a fuel-efficient lamp.Guo Jing's Yuanli line was noticed before he was within half a meter of him. He only heard a cold snort, and punched a dog who was about to sneak up on him to the ground. Then there was a silver-white elemental force attached to the surface of his body.

Guo Jing's Yuanli attacked the silver-white Yuanli cover, but it didn't work at all!
Guo Jing's face changed, and he was even more shocked. You know, even Guo Tianyang couldn't ignore his attack as nothing!This seemingly reckless man turned out to be so powerful!
From then on, Guo Jing finally regarded the big man as his opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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