Chapter 58
The man responded and handed over a piece of paper: "Patriarch, this is the list of suspicious people I found. These people are all above Yuanhun generals, and their accents are very special. They seem to come from far away places. I guess , they come from one place, or one faction. But they entered the city in batches, which is very suspicious!"

Guo Li's eyes lit up, he glanced at the paper, and ordered without hesitation: "Guo Guo, quickly bring the family's law enforcement team to arrest these people, rather than kill them by mistake, don't let them go!"

The leadership style of the big family is fully revealed at this moment, it is better to kill by mistake than let it go!What an overbearing and decisive order.But this is the Guo family, which has the confidence to say that they will directly kill a group of Yuanxiu who are in the realm of Yuanhun.You must know that no matter where the strong soul generals are placed, they are figures that can be reused by various forces!

After Guo Li gave the order, he didn't worry too much, because he knew the strength of the Guo family's law enforcement team, and they were all high-ranking Guo family members of Yuanhun General.This is the backbone of the Guo family. He has rich experience in actual combat and has practiced formations. Even against the strong of Shangyuanhunjun, he has the strength to fight.

Guo Li was not worried at all about whether the law enforcement team could successfully capture those suspicious characters. What he was worried about was the person hiding behind these soul generals.

Who on earth is going to be the enemy of the Guo family.

Tigers on the bright side are not scary, what is scary are those wolves that hide in the dark when you are sleeping.

Starting from Guo Li's order, the original three-legged and peaceful situation in Nanyang City will soon undergo earth-shaking changes.


"Yinger, why do I feel that the atmosphere in the city is not right?"

Guo Mu finally controlled Yuanli, although he was not very skilled, but it also made him very happy.After exchanging some methods and techniques of controlling Yuanli with Guo Yinger, they prepared to return to the city.But after entering the city gate, Guo Mu keenly noticed something strange: the number of guards in Nanyang City had increased, including even the elders of Guo's family.

"I don't know..." Guo Yinger realized that something was wrong.

The two were walking when someone spotted them and came towards them.Guo Mu turned his head and saw that it was his half-brother, Guo Tianyang.

When Guo Mu looked at him, Guo Tianyang gave the latter a hard look. The jealousy in his eyes made the temperature around Guo Mu's body a bit colder.But when Guo Yinger also cast her gaze over, Guo Tianyang smiled instantly on his frosty face.

"Hey, sister Ying'er, where have you been, you just came back now." Guo Tianyang asked with a smile.

"Cousin, why are you still outside so late?" Guo Yinger smiled copiously.

"No, something happened recently, and my father ordered Nanyang City to be sealed off... Sister Yinger, you are proud and expensive, so stay at home if you have nothing to do, and don't come out to wander around anymore." Guo Tianyang said, taking a look. Guo Mu said again: "As the future successor of the family, my cousin, I will naturally follow the elders to learn from the experience. By the way, my father also entrusted me with some important tasks. There is no way. .”

(End of this chapter)

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