Chapter 6
Guo Tianyang couldn't manipulate Yuanli so finely, but Guo Yinger did it, and it was so brilliant!
"Guo Yinger, pass!"

Elder Fu's slightly excited voice interrupted the people who were dazed in reverie. Guo Yinger smiled lightly and saluted to the elders' seat. Under her control, the beautiful phoenix flew back into the tank and turned into blue. of psychic fluid.

Just like giving medicine to Guo Tianyang before, Elder Fu also threw a white jade bottle and flew towards Guo Yinger under the wrap of spiritual energy.Guo Yinger took it lightly and thanked her quickly.

"Miss Ying'er is extremely talented. If the great elder knows about it, she will be very pleased..." Elder Fu said with emotion. The other elders on the left and right were silent when they heard the words. When the elder called out a big elder in a low voice, a pair of heroic eyebrows were also slightly raised.

Guo Yinger stepped off the stage, and naturally felt the fiery emotions rushing towards her face. She frowned and glanced at the faces of the young men who were about to shine, but she didn't dare to stay longer. Guo Yinger left the test site as if fleeing.

Seeing this, Guo Tianyang's heart moved, and he also followed. Naturally, Guo Cai'er had been paying attention to the actions of her sweetheart, and hurriedly pushed the others away, and chased after her.Few people were particularly concerned about the sudden departure of the three of them. They just sighed for a while after Guo Yinger's stunning performance, and then turned their attention to the next person who appeared on the stage.

"Sister Yinger..."

Guo Tianyang saw Qianying walking faster and faster in front of him, so he hurriedly called out. As expected, Guo Yinger stopped and stared at him with a pair of big eyes that he didn't know why.

Guo Tianyang laughed dryly, and said, "Sister Ying'er, I really didn't expect you to be able to use the power of Lingyuan so proficiently..."

"My cousin won the prize." Guo Yinger's voice was flat, without surprise or joy, as if she didn't take this young man in front of her, who was enough to fascinate the younger generation of Guo family beauties, into her heart.

In fact, she did not take Guo Tianyang seriously. Although in the soul world, families often choose to solve marriage problems within the family in order to protect themselves and continue the purity of the blood. possible.If Guo Tianyang is interested in her, even if he pursues her, he won't attract other people's attention, but it is a matter of course.However, although Guo Yinger doesn't hate Guo Tianyang, she doesn't want to have too much communication with this person in front of her, because she only has that boy whose smile is as warm as sunshine in her heart.

"Anything else?"

Guo Yinger's slightly impatient voice woke up Guo Tianyang, who was obsessively staring at the former's charming face, and said casually: "It's nothing, I just admire the strength of Yinger's younger sister. I didn't expect you to have such an excellent soul manipulation ability. This level of comprehension really makes me ashamed..."

These absent-minded remarks made Guo Yinger seem to think of something, and a blush appeared on her face, "Hehe, Yinger naturally doesn't have that kind of understanding..."

(End of this chapter)

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