Hongmeng Evil Lord

67 Departure 3

67 Departure 3
After getting the news for the first time, Guo Li snorted coldly, and his heart finally started.

He walked out of the study. Outside the study, all the elders stood respectfully, with expressions of excitement and indignation on their faces.

Guo Li waved his hand: "Proceed as planned!"

"Yes!" All the elders scattered with a bang.

At this moment, the confrontation between the Song and Guo families has officially kicked off, and a bloody storm is also blowing up in Nanyang City.

A few hours later, the two Yuan warriors officially began to fight, and after that, outside the Guo Mansion, in Nanyang City, there was a lot of shouting and shouting.

When the two families were fighting, the casual cultivators also used their speculative skills, like annoying mosquitoes, to bite the Guo family from time to time, which annoyed the Guo family.

"Kill!" The Yuan soldiers of the Song family shouted, rushing towards the Guo family's camp.

"Crush them to pieces!" It was the third elder of the Guo family who spoke. He had just tasted the pain of losing a son, and he was facing a war of extermination in a blink of an eye.This shocked him, but also made him extremely excited.Along the way, his methods of killing the enemy were very cruel, often the opponent was already dead, and he would cut his body into several pieces.As if this could vent the hatred he had accumulated for losing his son.

Shopping was everywhere on the streets, and ordinary people closed their accounts in panic, for fear of disaster.

But it is unavoidable to be affected, because there are always loose cultivators who want to fish in troubled waters. If they are not strong enough to mix with the fish of the two major families, they will mix with ordinary people.

Incidents such as robbery of wealth and sex are also emerging one after another. The Guo family has no mood to maintain order. At this time, it is ordinary people who suffer.

The Zhou family also got involved, and the Song family united with the mysterious forces hidden in Sanxiu, and it happened to be a tie with the coalition forces of the Guo and Zhou families.

But at this moment, Tiger Hall suddenly joined in.

This was what Guo Li was most worried about, but it just happened like this.

The Tiger Hall stands unequivocally on the side of the Song family, and wants to condemn the Guo family and demand that the Guo family hand over Guo Tianyang.However, both sides know that handing over is just an excuse, even if it is handed over, it is just a show of weakness in vain, and the war will continue.

The Guo family did not hand over Guo Tianyang.

But in the hearts of the younger generations of the Guo family, the impression of Guo Tianyang was suddenly bad. After all, they didn't expect so much. When they learned that everything started because of Guo Tianyang, they isolated Guo Tianyang just like they isolated Guo Mu back then.

Some people even clamored to tie up Guo Tianyang and send him out for peace.

But fortunately, there were elders who stopped the actions of these juniors.

At this time, no one cared about the trash Guo Mu who had shamed the family any more, and all the gossip and gossip were directed at Guo Tianyang.

Guo Tianyang used to be the proud son of heaven, but now he is being blamed all the time, and it is difficult to adapt to his mood for a while.

No matter what Guo Tianyang thinks, the addition of Tiger Hall can be said to double the pressure on the Guo and Zhou families.Tiger Hall's actual combat ability is stronger than that of Sanxiu and the Song family, so the Guo family had to mobilize elite forces to deal with Tiger Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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